Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by
Vitamin C is an important vitamin that is not created by the body, so as a person needs to get it from food sources. Being necessary for more substances than any other vitamin, Vitamin C affects virtually every physiologic process including connective tissue formation, bone growth, and neuromuscular reactions. For additional information, you can go here

Root Vegetables High In Vitamin C
It’s important to remember that there are many factors that affect the amount of vitamin C in different vegetables. For example, the growing conditions and type of soil can have a big impact on how much vitamin C is present in a vegetable. Also, certain cooking methods can affect the amount of vitamin C available after preparation.
This is why it’s always best to try and eat as many raw foods as possible if you want to get the most out of your daily intake.
The following list contains all the vegetables high in Vitamin C:
1) Bell Peppers
2) Broccoli
3) Brussels Sprouts
4) Cantaloupe Melon
5) Sweet Red Peppers (Bell Peppers)
6) Tomatoes
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for the formation of collagen, which helps maintain the integrity of blood vessels and bones. It also acts as a potent antioxidant and helps to boost immunity.
Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, so it must be consumed regularly.
The US Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference lists a wide variety of foods that are high in vitamin C. These include citrus fruits, berries, kiwis and cantaloupe melons. Here are 10 other vegetables high in vitamin C:
Vitamin C is best known to help your body form collagen, a protein that supports skin, bones, teeth and blood vessels.
There are many vegetables that contain vitamin C. The best way to get enough vitamin C is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Here are some examples:
Tomatoes: 1 cup chopped tomatoes contains 60 milligrams of vitamin C.
Citrus Fruits: 1 orange contains about 70 milligrams of vitamin C, while 1 cup grapefruit sections has about 50 milligrams of the vitamin.
Strawberries: 1 cup fresh strawberries provides about 30 milligrams of vitamin C.
Cabbage: 1 cup shredded raw cabbage provides about 25 milligrams of vitamin C.
The following is a list of the top 10 vegetables highest in vitamin C:
- Red bell peppers
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Kale
- Papaya (raw)
- Orange juice (fresh squeezed)
- Cauliflower
- Spinach (cooked)
- Strawberries (raw)
- Grapefruit (raw)
The best way to get your daily dose of vitamin C is through a healthy diet. Here are some of the best sources of vitamin C:
Carrots. Carrots are one of the most popular and recognizable sources of vitamin C. They contain more than 100 milligrams in just one serving, which is about half a cup.
Citrus Fruits. Lemons and limes are both excellent sources of vitamin C with just a quarter cup providing 60 milligrams or more. Oranges also provide a good amount with one orange containing around 50 milligrams.
Strawberries, Cherries and Grapefruit. Strawberries contain about 20 milligrams per cup, cherries about 25 milligrams per cup and grapefruit about 17 milligrams per half fruit (oranges).
most vitamin c vegetables

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans. It is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and helps protect your body from damage from free radicals. Vitamin C is a key component in the formation of collagen, which gives strength to your bones, cartilage, teeth and gums.
Which Fruit and Vegetables Have the Most Vitamin C?
Vegetables are the best source of vitamin C, but not all vegetables have equal amounts of this nutrient. The following table lists the top 10 vegetables with the highest vitamin C content per serving:
1) Kale: 1 cup cooked kale has 94 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C.
2) Brussels sprouts: 1 cup cooked Brussels sprouts has 92 mg of vitamin C.
3) Broccoli rabe: 1 cup cooked broccoli rabe has 90 mg of vitamin C.
4) Spinach: 1 cup cooked spinach has 89 mg of vitamin C.
5) Collard greens: 1 cup cooked collard greens has 83 mg of vitamin C.
6) Turnip greens: 1 cup cooked turnip greens has 81 mg of vitamin C.
7) Mustard greens: 1 cup cooked mustard greens has 80 mg of vitamin C.
8) Broccoli
Vitamin C is essential to the body because it helps the body produce collagen, an important component of skin, ligaments and blood vessels. Vitamin C also aids iron absorption and helps produce energy from food.
Vitamin C is found in a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Although most foods contain some vitamin C, some foods contain more than others. Some fruits provide more than 100 milligrams per serving, while others provide less than 10 milligrams per serving. The amount of vitamin C in vegetables varies widely depending on the type of vegetable. Green leafy vegetables tend to have more vitamin C than other types of vegetables because they are rich sources of chlorophyll, which contains vitamin C.
Some common foods rich in vitamin C include:
Water is an essential part of a healthy diet, and vegetables are one of the best sources. They’re low in calories, high in fiber and packed with vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also aids the absorption of iron and promotes bone growth.
Here are some of the most vitamin C-rich vegetables:
Oranges — 1 orange (71 grams) contains about 83 milligrams of vitamin C (138 percent DV). One cup (122 grams) of cooked broccoli has about 120 milligrams (212 percent DV), while one cup (70 grams) of cooked kale has 113 milligrams (188 percent DV).
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient found in many fruits and vegetables. It is naturally present in the human body and plays a role in collagen synthesis, immune function and iron absorption.
Vitamin C can be destroyed by heat and air exposure so it is best to consume fresh fruits and vegetables that are raw or cooked using a water-based cooking method like boiling or steaming.
Some of the best sources of vitamin C include:
1) Oranges – 1 medium orange provides you with 84 mg of vitamin C. Other citrus fruits like grapefruit and tangerines are also good sources of vitamin C along with other nutrients such as potassium, folate and vitamin A.
2) Strawberries – 1 cup (136 g) provides you with 85 mg of vitamin C along with other nutrients such as manganese, fiber, folate, copper and phosphorus.
3) Papaya – 1 large papaya provides you with 80 mg of vitamin C along with other nutrients such as manganese, fiber, folate, copper and phosphorus.
4) Brussels sprouts – 1 cup (35 g) provides you with 58 mg of vitamin C along with other nutrients such as folate, potassium
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that your body needs to function properly. It’s called a water-soluble vitamin because it dissolves in water. Because of this, you must consume vitamin C on a daily basis to avoid deficiency symptoms.
The best sources of vitamin C are fruits and vegetables. The following table lists the top 10 most vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables based on a 100 g serving size:
Fruits/Vegetables Serving Size Vitamin C (mg)
Guava 1 fruit 71.2
Kiwifruit 1 fruit 67
Mango 1 fruit 61.4
Red pepper 1 pepper 45.4
Sweet potato 1 medium 42.1
Broccoli 1 cup chopped 31.5
Orange 1 fruit 30.8
Strawberries 1 cup raw 27.2
Bell pepper (red/green) 1 pepper 23.2