Riddles About Fruits With Answer

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

There are many riddles about fruits and one is listed below, along with the answer. The fruit theme of these riddles make them great for kids and games with lots of potential answers coming from within the fruit category. So no matter what you are planning now or in the future, you might be able to use this fruit theme for your next event.

Riddles About Fruits With Answer

Riddles about fruits and vegetables

Riddles in English about fruits

Here are some riddles about fruits and vegetables, which you can share with your friends and family. These riddles are easy to solve, but they require some thinking. If you have never tried solving a riddle before, then this is a good opportunity for you to learn how to do it. You will be surprised at how much fun it is!

  1. Which fruit has a heart inside?

Answer: A watermelon

  1. What vegetable can turn into a person?

Answer: A cucumber

  1. What vegetable can fly?

Answer: A cabbage butterfly

  1. What vegetable makes the best music?

Answer: A carrot recorder (also known as the carrot flute)

Riddles are fun and interesting. They can be used to test someone’s knowledge or understanding of a certain subject. The following are some riddles about fruits and vegetables that you can use to test your friends’ knowledge.

  1. What is the only vegetable that is also a fruit?
  2. What do you call a vegetable that grows in water?
  3. What vegetable has no seeds?
  4. What kind of vegetable doesn’t have any roots?
  5. What vegetable has a leaf in its name?

Riddles About Fruits And Vegetables With Answers

Fruits and vegetables are the main parts of our food. We can get lots of vitamins from them. If you want to know more about fruits, then read these riddles about fruits and vegetables with answers.

  1. What is a fruit that has no color but tastes sweet?
  2. What is a vegetable that has no color but tastes sour?
  3. What is a vegetable that has no color but tastes sweet?
  4. What is a fruit that has no color but tastes sour?
  5. What is a fruit that has no color but tastes bitter?

Riddles About Fruits And Vegetables

A riddle is a form of word puzzle that has a witty and surprising answer. Riddles have been used for centuries as a way to both pass time and test one’s wisdom and knowledge. The following riddles about fruits and vegetables are some of the most popular examples. If you have ever wondered what are the answers to these riddles, then you’re in luck. We have provided them below for you to enjoy!

A fun way to practice your English skills is by learning these riddles about fruits and vegetables. They challenge you to think outside the box and use your brain creatively. You won’t believe how many answers there are! Some people even use them as conversation starters when they meet new people at parties or social gatherings. It’s easy to talk about something interesting with someone when you have something in common like this topic!

If you want more information on this topic, then be sure to check out our other articles on riddles or funny jokes as well! If you liked this article, then please share it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter so that they can enjoy it too!


1.What is a pineapple?


A pineapple is a tropical fruit that is rich in vitamin C and contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion.

2.What is a banana?


A banana is a sweet tropical fruit with a yellow or green peel that contains many vitamins and minerals.

3.What is an apple?


An apple is a round fruit with red or green skin and white flesh inside. It has a sweet taste but can be poisonous if eaten raw because it contains an enzyme called cyanide. However, cooking it removes this enzyme making the apple safe to eat.

  1. A fruit is a vegetable with all the seeds on the inside.
  2. A fruit is a vegetable with an edible peel.
  3. A fruit is a vegetable you eat with a spoon.
  4. A fruit is a vegetable that has been canned and preserved in syrup or sugar water for months at a time, so it can be stored safely in your pantry and eaten at any time of year with no regard to its seasonality or freshness.
  5. A fruit is a vegetable that has been dried so that it will last longer than other fruits which are not dried or preserved in sugar water, but must be eaten in their season when they are ripe.

riddles about fruits and vegetables

Riddles about fruits and vegetables

Riddles are a fun way to challenge your brain and test your knowledge. But did you know that there is a whole category of riddles dedicated to fruits and vegetables?

Here are some examples:

What vegetable has no legs? Answer: A carrot.

What vegetable grows in the garden? Answer: A carrot. (This riddle is a play on words. Carrots do grow in gardens, but they also grow in the ground.)

What kind of cucumber has no seeds? Answer: A seedless cucumber. (A seedless cucumber is a type of cucumber that does not have seeds.)

What kind of food can you eat with your hands? Answer: An apple (An apple is a fruit so it can be eaten with one’s hands.)

Riddles about Fruit:

What do you call a fruit that is so sweet it makes you feel good?

Answer: An Apple.

What does a grape enjoy doing on his free time?

Answer: Going to the vineyard.

What is the best way to eat an orange?

Answer: Slowly, one section at a time.

What kind of fruits are always saying “aah”?

Answer: Apples!

What do you call a banana that has been stepped on by a gorilla? Answer: A banana split.

Riddles about Vegetables:

How do you make carrots happy? Answer: Leave them in the dark and feed them meat! (Ha ha) (This one is really funny!)

How do you know if your corn is ready to harvest? Answer: When it’s as tall as your knee! (That’s right!) (This one is really good!)

What vegetable do people always want more of? Answer: Cucumbers! (You got it!) (This one is awesome!)


  1. Why did the man eat his vegetables?

Because he was told to.

  1. What do you call a fruit that grows in a garden?

A vegetable!

  1. What vegetable goes up and down, up and down?

A carrot!

  1. Why did the cucumber cross the road? To get to the other side!
  2. Why did the eggplant sit on the chair? Because it couldn’t find a seat!
  3. How do you make a fruit salad? You throw all of them together and see what happens!

Finding the answers to riddles about vegetables can be very challenging. However, if you love riddles and enjoy playing them with your friends, then you will definitely enjoy solving these riddles about vegetables.

Riddles are a great way of getting kids to use their imagination and think outside the box. This is why we have created a list of vegetable riddles for kids that will help them learn while they have fun.

Vegetable Riddles For Kids With Answers

Here are some vegetable riddles that will keep you entertained:

1) What vegetable walks around all day?

Answer: A carrot! The answer is usually given as “A carrot” but it could also be any other root vegetable such as an onion or a potato.

2) What is green and brown and goes around in circles?

Answer: An avocado! The correct answer has been given as an avocado but it could also be other fruits like peaches or apples.

3) How do you make a pumpkin jump?

Answer: You don’t make a pumpkin jump, a pumpkin rolls on its own! Pumpkin is not just one fruit but rather a type of squash which includes pumpkins, zucchini and more varieties of winter squash

riddles about vegetables

Riddle: What vegetable do you put on your nose when it’s cold?

Answer: Butternut squash.

Riddle: What vegetable does a witch wear on her head?

Answer: A watermelon.

Riddle: What vegetable can you pick in the morning and eat at night?

Answer: A tomato.

Riddle: What vegetable can be used as a kite but not flown in the air?

Answer: A carrot (carrots are heavy, they won’t fly).

Riddle: What vegetable has four legs but no mouth?

Answer: A potato (it has eyes but no mouth).

Riddle: What vegetable goes up and down all day long but never goes anywhere?

Answer: An elevator (it goes up and down).

Riddles about vegetables:

Vegetables are good for you, but they often taste bad.

vegetables are good to eat but they don’t have any taste.

Riddles about fruits:

Fruits are sweet and juicy but they can be very sour at times.

Fruit is a sweet thing that grows on trees and in plants.

Riddle: Why do onions make you cry?

Answer: Because they have no eyes.

Riddle: What does a carrot say when it’s in the middle of the road?

Answer: I hate this game!

Riddle: What vegetable do you get if you cross an eggplant with a tomato?

Answer: A toma-toes.

Riddle: What do you call a vegetable that’s not good at sports?

Answer: A cornucopia-tious loss!

What is a vegetable that is green, red and yellow?

Answer: Lettuce

What is a vegetable that is white, yellow and purple?

Answer: Cauliflower

What is a vegetable that takes forever to grow?

Answer: Peas. (Peas in a pod.)

What do you call a fruit that has no seeds?

Answer: A cherry. (A cherry on top.)

What do you call it when you have an apple pie without any apples in it?

Answer: A pumpkin pie. (Pumpkin puree.)

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