Rhymes On Fruits For Kindergarten

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

When we started Rhymes on Fruits , it was with a simple purpose of bringing rhyming pictures to life. We were looking for a challenging mission and few things are more demanding than teaching a class full of five year olds. Of course, learning is a never-ending task for all of us and after three years of working hard to make our own project the best possible version, we are ready to bring our experience to you. And guess what? We have more fun stuff for kindergarteners than ever before!

Rhymes On Fruits For Kindergarten

Rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten

What are fruits for kindergarten?Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. They contain no cholesterol and very little fat. They are a good source of energy as they contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Fruits also contain small amounts of vitamin A, B complex, C, D, E and K. They provide minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Some examples of fruits are apples, oranges, bananas etc.

What rhymes with fruits and vegetable?Some words that rhyme with fruits:Words that rhyme with fruit include:butterfly (butterfly), bubble (bubble) etc.

rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten

There are a lot of different things that kids can learn when they are in kindergarten. They will learn how to write their name, count to ten, and learn the alphabet. But they can also learn about healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Here is a list of rhymes that you can use to help teach your child about fruits and vegetables.

Apples- Pears- Applesauce

Bananas- Strawberries- Bananas Foster

Broccoli- Carrots- Broccoli Casserole

Corn- Potatoes- Cornbread

Cucumbers- Peaches- Cucumber Cooler

Rhymes on Fruits and Vegetables for Kindergarten

Rhymes on Fruits and Vegetables for Kindergarten

Fruits: Apple, Banana, Pear, Cherry, Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, Plum, Grapes.

Vegetables: Tomato, Potato, Carrot, Onion (Green), Corn (Yellow).

Rhymes On Fruits For Kindergarten

In this article, we are going to share with you some rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten. These rhymes will help your child to recognize different types of fruits and vegetables.

What Are Fruits? Fruits are the fleshy parts of plants that contain seeds. It is usually sweet in taste. Examples of fruits are banana, apple, mango, guava etc.

What Are Vegetables? Vegetables are edible plants or plant parts which are not sweet in taste. Examples of vegetables are potato, spinach, carrot etc.

Fruit Rhymes For Kindergarten

Rhymes On Apples For Kindergarten

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

Apple Pie And Ice Cream For Me! (The more ice cream the better!)

One Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away! (The more apples the better.)

Here are some fruits and vegetables to help you get started with your rhyming list.



Sugar peas



Corn on the cob

Broccoli (not a vegetable, but it rhymes)

rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten

Rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten

Fruits and vegetables games for kindergarten

what words rhyme with tomato

nursery rhymes with fruits and vegetables

What fruit rhymes with orange? Apple, Pear, Grape, Banana, Cherry, Lemon and Mango.

What vegetable rhymes with carrot? Carrot and Peas.

Fruits and vegetables are a great way to introduce the concept of rhyming. Children can learn about the different types of fruit and vegetables and how they are used in the kitchen.

Rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten

Fruits and vegetables games for kindergarten

What words rhyme with tomato?

Apple, pear, banana, pineapple, passionfruit, mango, avocado.

Nursery rhymes with fruits and vegetables

There are many nursery rhymes that use different types of fruit and vegetables as the main characters. Here are some examples:

Rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten

Here are some ideas to use when you are learning about fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and Vegetables Games for Kindergarten

You can play lots of different games with your students to help them learn about fruits and vegetables. You can also download a free printable game board that is ready to use! Just click the link below to download it.

What words rhyme with tomato?

Tomato, papaya, avocado, potato… the list goes on! Ask your students what words rhyme with tomato. Have them write down their answers on their papers or boards. You can also ask them to find more words that rhyme with tomato by searching online or going through a dictionary.

Nursery Rhymes with Fruits and Vegetables

Nursery rhymes are a fun way to help your students remember things! Here are some nursery rhymes that can be used in conjunction with fruits and vegetables:

Rhymes on fruits and vegetables for kindergarten

Fruits and vegetables games for kindergarten

What words rhyme with tomato?

Pea, pea, potato, tomato

Apple, apple, pear, tomato

Pumpkin, pumpkin, melon, tomato

Cherry, cherry, raspberry, tomato

Corn on the cob is a vegetable you should know.

I like to eat carrots and peas in the spring.

Fruits and Vegetables: Rhymes for Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a fun time for kids. They are learning and expanding their vocabulary in every way. But sometimes, it can be hard to find a song or rhyme about the subject you are teaching that your little one will actually listen to. I have found some great songs that are perfect for kindergarteners!

Here are some of my favorites:

Fruit and Vegetable Rhyme: Apples, Bananas, Carrots and Peas

This is a great rhyme to teach your child about fruits and vegetables. It teaches them how to count as well as how many different kinds of foods there are! It also has a catchy tune that they will love singing along with. This is one of my favorite songs because it has such an upbeat rhythm that makes you want to sing along with it!

Vegetable Rhymes: Potatoes, Tomatoes and Green Beans

This is another great song that teaches children about vegetables. The tune is very catchy and will get stuck in their head all day long! This song teaches kids the names of different vegetables, which can help them later on when they start making their own meals at home or school lunch

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