Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by
Losing weight is a main goal for many people around the world. Most of them think that it is a difficult process, so they even don’t try and do something about it. But there are some really easy things you can do which won’t take much time, but they will help you to get rid of extra pounds easily.
Miracle is not just a product. It’s a complete weight-loss programme that includes super-foods, plant-based diet, lifestyle changes and inspirational support from us. Miracle is a unique weight loss supplement that not only helps you shed the extra pounds efficiently, but is also capable of improving your overall health. You can learn more about how Miracle For Weight Loss by visiting my site at
Miracle For Weight Loss

The miracle cure for losing weight is knowing that there is no miracle cure. There is no herbal pill, no surgical procedure, no acupuncture protocol that can accomplish this. The only cure is diet and exercise, and in many cases diet is enough: caloric reduction. Obesity is the major health concern of our generation, and to ignore it is to ignore our greatest opportunity for creating health, vitality and longevity. Speaking directly to patients about the need for weight control requires our initiative. Patients who are overweight want to lose weight, and have probably tried a variety of approaches, but are reluctant to broach the subject.
To tackle obesity in our patients, the best starting place is understanding human physiology in relationship to our evolutionary development. Our hominid ancestors date back 7 million years. Lucy, the famous Australopithecus, lived 3.2 million years ago, and since then, for the next several million years, at least 14 hominid species developed in Africa, sometimes co-existing, often arriving and then dying out. These ancestors were bipedal foragers, eating fruits, nuts, roots, and wild game. They migrated out of Africa numerous times. 500,000 years ago, Homo heidelbergensis, the common ancestor to both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, existed in what is now Europe and Central Asia. The fossil record confirms all of this, and also tells us that our species, Homo sapiens, has existed at least 200,000 years.
What has this to do with the modern obesity epidemic? Understanding how we developed, what we ate, what we evolved to eat – all of this has developed over millions of years. We have the bodies of hunter-gatherers. We ate when we could, and we gorged ourselves on food when we could, without knowing for certain if the next meal would be tomorrow or next week.
We evolved to store excess as fat, to be used in times of need. Every cell in our body needs glucose to produce ATP, and we need it every minute, every hour, every day of our lives. The body can reduce almost every food group to glucose: complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, fruit and roots; fats from animals, even animal protein. All of this can be converted into glucose. The cells will only take in what it needs, and the rest will circulate in the blood or store in the liver until it can be used. If we are so lucky to have more than we can hold in our blood and liver, we will store it first as triglycerides in the blood, and then as as fat stored in various tissues. The body keeps these reserves in storage until it senses that it is starving, at which time it will release fats to be used as an energy source for ATP production.
The key phrase here is, “until it senses that it is starving”. Fats will release out of storage only when it realizes that available stores in the liver and blood are depleted, and new intake of dietary glucose is not forthcoming. At that point, a chemical switch turns on, prompting cells and tissue that are storing fat to let it go. Once dietary glucose becomes available again, that switch turns off, so it is necessary to starve the body until the fat reserves are down to the desired level. Starvation happens slowly, and for 5 to 7 days, the body will not release its reservoirs. Instead, it says it is hungry, and tells the owner to find food. This fact allows our big trick. Starve the body by providing no source of glucose, and the fat will release to the tune of 12 pounds per month.
How do we starve the body? By avoiding the five whites: grains, dairy, sugar, potatoes and rice. The five whites. Keep it simple. What does this include? Breads, pasta, cookies, cakes, pastries; cheese, yogurt, milk; ice cream and all desserts. Potatoes, rice, corn and all grains. What do we eat? Paleo, the diet of our ancestors: meats, fish, eggs; any and all vegetables and fruits; some nuts, beans in moderation. Within these confines, you can eat as much food as you want. Snack on fruits, carrots, celery. Even though these are “high glycemic” it’s not enough to turn the switch off. Watch the pounds melt away.
The Paleo diet need not be a lifelong diet, just one that reduces weight by ketosis, burning stored fat. Have a target weight (with a BMI of less than 25) and when you reach that weight, you can start adding in foods: starting with rice, then potatoes or bread. Maybe yogurt. But use a scale. If you gain a pound, ask yourself, what did I eat yesterday that added weight? Avoid that food for a while, until the ideal weight is again achieved.
Is Paleo the ideal diet for life? Maybe, maybe not. For people with any blood sugar regulation issues, it is an ideal diet – minimum glucose intake. But the Dean Ornish diet is also good: low fat, low sodium, high vegetable diet, and probably a better diet for modern times. Paleo diet worked great when our human ancestors numbered in the millions, not the billions. Now, as a planet with 7 billion people and growing, a high animal diet is no longer sustainable. Vegetarian diets make much more sense. But as a weight loss program, Paleo is quick and healthy, based on our evolutionary physiology.
Knee Problems at 280 lbs. We need to talk to our patients about obesity, literally the elephant in the room. I had a patient who came in with knee problems. Her mother had died at age 57 of heart failure, and my patient was now 57. She was 5’4”, and weighed 280 pounds. On our first visit, after taking her history and listening to her concerns, I said, “We can put needles in your knees every day for weeks, and it will not solve your knee problem. Your knees cannot support 280 pounds. But more important, your heart can’t support 280 pounds! Do you want to end up like your mother, who died at the same age you are now?” She looked at me and said that I was the first doctor who ever told her this, who ever was willing to address the weight issue. Unhappily, I believe her.
“How do I lose weight?” she asked. I told her that I wasn’t a weight clinic, that it would be best to get into Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or some weight loss program where you were monitored every week. But, I said, if you want to lose weight, do Paleo. No grains, dairy, sugar, rice or potatoes until you lose your weight. She looked at me and said, “Well, I can’t do that. I can’t give up bread and cheese!” I gave her this look that said, “It’s your life. It’s your decision.”
I didn’t see her again until 8 months later. She told me she lost 100 pounds. I was amazed. “Was it Weight Watchers? What program did you do?” She replied, “I did your program. I did what you said.” This was a great moment.
Reasons for the Obesity Epidemic. There are six factors that contribute to the obesity epidemic careening out of control in the United States.
1. Americans overeat. We eat way too much. We stuff ourselves. Americans like to snack – we snack in the car, we snack watching television, we are constantly grazing, and then we consume jumbo portions at a restaurant.
2. Americans eat the wrong foods. We like our food to be convenient, and we end up eating packaged foods, basically baked grains, sugars, and snacks. We eat excessive amounts of dairy and sweets. Things like mac and cheese, pizza, hamburgers, soda pop, beer, cookies, candy, cakes, ice cream. We only need 1600 to 2200 calories a day, depending on our size and exercise level. What happens when our patient goes to McDonald’s? A Big Mac is 550 calories, large fries another 500 calories, and a large Coke with 300. Do you want cookies or a pie with that?
3. We do not know how to cook. Something occurred after the 1960s where Americans were taught that it is servile or demeaning to cook for others, and the art has been lost. We do not know how to buy simple ingredients and make a meal. This has only become worse with college-aged kids, who have not been taught by parents who don’t know how to cook anyway. Not cooking means we go out to restaurants, order take-out, or buy packaged foods. These foods contain excessive sodium, sugar and carbohydrates.
4. Cold foods and snacking have destroyed our stomach fire. Usually, stomach fire is affected as mingmen fire diminishes, something that happens in older age. This segment of the population, historically, would lose their digestive fire, and with that, their appetite. Nowadays, younger people eat from the fridge: orange juice, yogurt, iced drinks. All this damages our stomach fire, and we cannot digest food or absorb its nutrients. Starving, we are hungry all of the time. And constant snacking keeps insulin elevated, also promoting hunger.
Two cultures that manage to stay thin are China and France. China traditionally had 3 hot meals per day and France, 2 hot meals per day. And no snacking!
5. High fructose corn syrup has injured us. Overweight is defined as a BMI (body mass index) of 25 to 30. This rate has remained relatively constant between 1960 and now. However, obesity rates (a BMI over 30) have skyrocketed, shooting from 16% in 1980, to 34% in 2008. What happened in 1980? This is when high fructose corn syrup was introduced into packaged foods and drinks, and when corn, instead of grass, became the main feed for meat cattle. High fructose corn syrup becomes fat much more readily than even sugar.
6. Bovine Growth Hormone, added to meat and dairy. Not only does it turn a 600 lb cow into a 1300 pound cow in 6 weeks or so, it also contributes to the high rate of breast and other cancers.

Hi beauties! I hope everyone is having an amazing first day of spring so far. I don’t know about you but the first day of spring always seems to kick me into high gear thinking “Oh no bikini body season is around the corner and I look like this”
This is why I thought it was a must for this “15 Miracle Foods to Help You Lose Weight Fast” post.
I tend to eat fairly healthy all winter but do lack in the exercise department. I prefer to stay cozy inside my house 75% of the time then make the long haul into town, through the Canadian blizzard, to the gym.
In the summer I tend to do more cardio too because I love hiking and running.. which I do not do in the winter. I prefer not to freeze my tits off unless I have to. Needless to say, I run a little on the fluffy side during winter.. which I think is totally allowed! But enough is enough time to get that bikini bod in HIGH gear.

In the spring I usually tend to dramatically change my way of eating and add more cardio into my life. I tend to also lose 10-15 pounds by the time summer hits. It’s like this little ritual my body and I have this time of year.
One thing I do that dramatically helps me shed the winter weight is adding these foods into my life. These healthy foods ALSO help me lose weight fast. And I am going to tell you EXACTLY which ones will help you too!
- Avocados are a must for this list, which is why I have them listed here as number one. Everyone tends to be scared of avocados when dieting because they are “full of fat and high calorie”. Yes, this is true BUT avocados are actually are HEALTHY fat which is so crucial to weight loss because if you eat more healthy fat you will stay full longer. They are low in carbs, yet give you the same fullness/energy that carbs can give you.
- Eggs are such a great lean source of protein. Don’t be afraid to eat the yolk. Everyone nowadays is all about those egg whites but egg yolks are also full of healthy fat that will give you energy to help you tackle your day! Eating healthy fats is so important if you are cutting back on carbs because you can still supply your body with the appropriate number of calories to maintain a healthy balance.
- My beloved coconut oil. Where do I even begin with this beautiful substance? Coconut oil has so many great properties that will help improve your fat-burning abilities and also raise your HDL levels (good cholesterol). Studies have actually shown that eating more coconut oil can reduce the amount of belly fat. Hello coconut oil – goodbye spare tire! I also add ½ tablespoon to my morning coffee (don’t knock it until you try it) which helps me feel full for longer. Coconut oil also worked magic on my skin. I have suffered from eczema since I was a little kid and I found that having coconut oil in my coffee every morning has cleared up dry skin and actually made my skin smooth and even. AMAZING!
- Chicken breast is obviously a staple in any diet. It is low in unhealthy animal fats and high in lean protein which gives you energy and makes you feel full when you are lacking something like carbs in your meals. Chicken (as long as your not vegan) should be a staple in your day to day diet. Make sure to look up new recipes so you don’t get bored with your chicken too! So many awesome recipes on Pinterest!!
- Leafy greens are a great filler, meaning add this into any meal to fill you up. They are low in calories and high in healthy vitamins and nutrients. I also always find that leafy greens such as kale and spinach always make me feel amazing on the inside and out. I feel like I am “glowing” when I add these to my diet. This amazing feeling is also what motivates me to keep going on my diet. A lot of people don’t like leafy greens. I was definitely one of those people, but I found that if I suck it up and force myself to eat them for a few weeks, I eventually start to enjoy them. Once you enjoy them it is obviously way easier to continue to eat them! So just push yourself for the first few weeks and then you will be a leafy green eating machine!
- Salmon is something you can have for dinner once or twice a week to switch from your chicken breast. Salmon is VERY HIGH in healthy omegas (again, will make you feel full longer), and is also is a great source of high-quality protein. Salmon is also said to help reduce your risk of heart disease. There are so many yummy salmon recipes out there too. Some of my favourites include maple glazed salmon and lemon dill salmon. You can even eat it baked with a little salt and pepper, but I do find that if you marinate salmon you can avoid that “fishy” taste a lot of people hate.
- Anyone in the health industry KNOWS the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar for the body. You may have heard of health gurus doing apple cider vinegar shots in the morning because it jump starts the digestive system and metabolism. It is such a key ingredient in the weight loss process. They even have supplement pills you can buy from your local drug store if you can stomach the morning shots. Or you can add it into your salad dressings. Apple cider vinegar also helps regulate blood sugar and boosts overall gut health. If you are going to add anything from this list into your diet… add apple cider vinegar!!
- I find almonds to be the PERFECT snack food when I am trying to lose weight. Healthy nuts are rich in good fats, fibre, and protein. I also opt for a handful of almonds when i’m craving chips or popcorn. They fill you up and give you energy in between meals. Almonds are also an antioxidant superfood. Helps fight cancer! So eat your almonds, everyone!
- Coconut water is a great option if you need to cut out soda or juice from your diet (which you totally should if you are trying to lose weight). Coconut water is a delicious option for fruit smoothies too! It is high in electrolytes (great for hydration), low in sugar, and great for your skin too! I highly recommend you drinking coconut water to replace sugary drinks from your diet.
- Chili pepper is a great additive to any of your heals that stimulates your fat burning centres in the body. One study, done by food scientist Heidi Allison, found that you can lose 10 times more weight by adding chili pepper to your diet. So why not just sprinkle a little bit of this on your dinner? Might burn your mouth a bit, but will also burn up that body fat. Sometimes I mix in some cayenne pepper into my apple cider vinegar shots in the morning… then I can get them both out of the way first thing in the morning to vamp up metabolism bright and early in the day!
- Grapefruit is a great breakfast option because it ramps up your metabolism. It is also known to reduce stress, and strengthen your immune system. Eat it in the morning so you have more time during the day to burn off the natural sugars. Half of a grapefruit helps you feel full and satisfied longer too. Did you know you can even get spoons specifically for eating grapefruits!? My dad used to have a few in our house when we were growing up. They are handy for grapefruits and even kiwi!
- Cinnamon is so amazing for regulating your blood sugar levels. This was so shocking to me when I first read about it. This is another ingredient you can buy in pill form from your local drug store. Cinnamon also contains anti-inflammatory properties that will de-bloat you. Sprinkle a little cinnamon into your coffee or on your oatmeal! If you cant add it into your breakfast you can always stir it into a smoothie or tea later on in the day. Whatever suits your habits and lifestyle!
- These little magical balls of goodness are a staple in my weight loss journey. Chia seeds are full of protein, antioxidants, fibre and omegas. I love adding them to smoothies and sprinkling them into my oatmeal.. BUT my all time favourite way to eat this is in pudding form. Chia seed pudding is one of my favourite “treats”. ALSO if you are a vegan, you can use chia seeds (mixed with a little bit of water) in replacement of eggs! They have the same consistency and binding properties that are found in eggs, so you can use them in all your baking recipes! How amazing is that!?
- Almond milk is my favourite replacement for dairy. I use it in my oatmeal and in my morning coffee. Dairy does not help my stomach so I always avoid it when possible. Switching to almond milk actually helped me de-bloat BIG TIME. If you don’t like almond milk, you can always try coconut milk or cashew milk. I would stay away from soy milk though because it has properties that mess with your hormones…
- Hemp seeds are a great source of healthy omegas and protein. Sprinkle them on your salad to make you feel fuller longer or try my Honey and Hemp Roasted Almonds Recipe. This superfood also leaves your body feeling healthy and nourished. They are small but powerful in the terms of health and weight loss.

Obviously you cant just consume these foods and POOF there goes your extra weight. The most crucial part of weight loss is a healthy balanced diet and exercise. Exercise will take your weight loss to the next level… so if you hit a bit of a plateau in your weight loss journey, try and vamp up your cardio!
I hope you enjoyed these ’15 Miracle Foods to Help You Lose Weight Fast’ post. Let’s shed that lingering Christmas weight together!