Mindful Eating For Weight Loss

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

Mindful eating is a heartfelt method of cultivating awareness to help us reduce the amount of food we eat. When we are inadvertently eating unconsciously, not only do we eat mindlessly, but we also consume more calories. The truth is that we don’t even notice until it’s too late.

Weight loss can be challenging. Trying to cut down on the foods you love and breathing your food in a controlled way might seem impossible at first. When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to follow these tips for mindful eating. First, weigh yourself regularly and make sure you concentrate on not gaining any extra pounds. Since most of us are visual learners, on this note, it would be best if you tracked your weight loss with charts or graphs so that you could see your progress overtime. Then comes the food tracking part — this would require that you write down everything that goes down your mouth during the day. This may sound painful but you will be thankful for this habit in the long run. You can learn more about how Mindful Eating For Weight Loss by visiting my site at https://foodkeg.com/

Mindful Eating For Weight Loss

Mindful eating is a technique that helps you gain control over your eating habits.

It has been shown to promote weight loss, reduce binge eating, and help you feel better.

This article explains what mindful eating is, how it works, and what you need to do to get started.

What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating is based on mindfulness, a Buddhist concept.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that helps you recognize and cope with your emotions and physical sensations (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).

It’s used to treat many conditions, including eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and various food-related behaviors (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).

Mindful eating is about using mindfulness to reach a state of full attention to your experiences, cravings, and physical cues when eating (8).

Fundamentally, mindful eating involves:

  • eating slowly and without distraction
  • listening to physical hunger cues and eating only until you’re full
  • distinguishing between true hunger and non-hunger triggers for eating
  • engaging your senses by noticing colors, smells, sounds, textures, and flavors
  • learning to cope with guilt and anxiety about food
  • eating to maintain overall health and well-being
  • noticing the effects food has on your feelings and figure
  • appreciating your food

These things allow you to replace automatic thoughts and reactions with more conscious, healthier responses (9Trusted Source).


Mindful eating relies on mindfulness, a form of meditation. Mindful eating is about developing awareness of your experiences, physical cues, and feelings about food.

Why should you try mindful eating?

Today’s fast-paced society tempts people with an abundance of food choices.

On top of that, distractions have shifted attention away from the actual act of eating toward televisions, computers, and smartphones.

Eating has become a mindless act, often done quickly. This can be problematic, since it takes your brain up to 20 minutes to realize you’re full.

If you eat too fast, the fullness signal may not arrive until you have already eaten too much. This is very common in binge eating.

By eating mindfully, you restore your attention and slow down, making eating an intentional act instead of an automatic one.

What’s more, by increasing your recognition of physical hunger and fullness cues, you are able to distinguish between emotional and true, physical hunger (10Trusted Source).

You also increase your awareness of triggers that make you want to eat, even though you’re not necessarily hungry.

By knowing your triggers, you can create a space between them and your response, giving you the time and freedom to choose how to react.


Mindful eating helps you distinguish between emotional and physical hunger. It also increases your awareness of food-related triggers and gives you the freedom to choose your response to them.

Mindful eating and weight loss

It’s well known that most weight loss programs don’t work in the long term.

Around 85% of people with obesity who lose weight return to or exceed their initial weight within a few years (11Trusted Source).

Binge eating, emotional eating, external eating, and eating in response to food cravings have been linked to weight gain and weight regain after successful weight loss

Chronic exposure to stress may also play a large role in overeating and obesity

The vast majority of studies agree that mindful eating helps you lose weight by changing your eating behaviors and reducing stress (18Trusted Source).

A 6-week group seminar on mindful eating among people with obesity resulted in an average weight loss of 9 pounds (4 kg) during the seminar and the 12-week follow-up period (10Trusted Source).

Another 6-month seminar resulted in an average weight loss of 26 pounds (12 kg) — without any weight regain in the following 3 months (19Trusted Source).

By changing the way you think about food, the negative feelings that may be associated with eating are replaced with awareness, improved self-control, and positive emotions.

When unwanted eating behaviors are addressed, your chances of long-term weight loss success are increased.


Mindful eating may aid weight loss by changing eating behaviors and reducing the stress associated with eating.

Mindful eating and binge eating

Binge eating involves eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time, mindlessly and without control (24Trusted Source).

It has been linked to eating disorders and weight gain, and one study showed that almost 70% of people with binge eating disorder are obese (25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).

Mindful eating may drastically reduce the severity and frequency of binge eating episodes (17Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source, 29Trusted Source).

One study found that after a 6-week group intervention in women with obesity, binge eating episodes decreased from 4 to 1.5 times per week. The severity of each episode decreased as well (30Trusted Source).


Mindful eating can help prevent binge eating. It can both reduce the frequency of binges and the severity of each binge.

Mindful eating and unhealthy eating behaviors

In addition to being an effective treatment for binge eating, mindful eating methods have also been shown to reduce (20Trusted Source):

  • Emotional eating. This is the act of eating in response to certain emotions (31Trusted Source).
  • External eating. This occurs when you eat in response to environmental, food-related cues, such as the sight or smell of food (32Trusted Source).

Unhealthy eating behaviors like these are the most commonly reported behavioral problems in people with obesity.

Mindful eating gives you the skills you need to deal with these impulses. It puts you in charge of your responses instead of at the whim of your instinct.

How to practice mindful eating

To practice mindfulness, you need a series of exercises and meditations (33Trusted Source).

Many people find it helpful to attend a seminar, online course, or workshop on mindfulness or mindful eating.

However, there are many simple ways to get started, some of which can have powerful benefits on their own:

  • Eat more slowly and don’t rush your meals.
  • Chew thoroughly.
  • Eliminate distractions by turning off the TV and putting down your phone.
  • Eat in silence.
  • Focus on how the food makes you feel.
  • Stop eating when you’re full.
  • Ask yourself why you’re eating, whether you’re truly hungry, and whether the food you chose is healthy.

To begin with, it’s a good idea to pick one meal per day to focus on these points.

Once you have the hang of it, mindfulness will become more natural. Then you can focus on implementing these habits into more meals.

Guide to Mindful Eating: How to Eat Mindfully and Lose Weight Successfully


This guide to mindful eating can help you better support your health and weight loss goals. You’ll quickly notice results from practicing mindful eating, particularly if you commonly eat distracted or tend to ‘wolfdown’ your food. Scientific evidence shows being attentive to what you are eating can influence how much and what food you eat. Here’s a helpful guide to mindful eating, packed with tips and expert tricks to help you eat better and live healthier.

When you’re eating mindfully, at an unrushed pace, without distractions, you’ll find it much easier to enjoy the sensation of fullness, because you’ll be ready to hear those cues from your body.

Your Guide to Mindful Eating

In this guide to mindful eating, let the knowledge of clinical researchers, psychologists, and registered dieticians help you adopt a lifelong strategy that’s a healthier way of living. Mindful eating is an effective strategy for weight loss. Evidence is growing, including results from a randomized trial in which researchers lead 80 adults from North Carolina through mindful eating programs and noted it led to weight loss.

Yet, perhaps what makes mindful eating most valuable is how it makes healthy eating easier. Yes, mindful eating actually makes eating healthy easier, suggests findings from a study published in the British Medical Journal Open. A small group of overweight or obese adults spent a few hours each week learning the theoretical aspects of mindful eating and had opportunities to practice them amongst the support of the clinical psychologists and nutritional experts. After this guidance to mindful eating, the adults were less likely to eat when feeling lonely or irritated and found it less difficult to resist foods that were not part of their healthy eating plan.

How to Eat Mindfully for Weight Loss

How to Eat Mindfully

  • Start Your Meal by Evaluating Your Hunger Scale
  • Look at and Smell Your Food
  • Eliminate Distractions
  • Eat Slowly
  • Be Mindful of Fullness Sensations

Mindful Eating Starts with Evaluating Your Hunger

Mindful eating starts with taking a moment to listen to your body. Healthy lifestyle experts at the Pritikin Center, in Miami, Florida, use a special measurement, called the Hunger Scale, to help you determine when to eat and how much to eat to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Can Mindfulness Help You Stop Binge Eating?

You’re not alone. Estimates suggest that people struggling to lose weight who are seeking help, commonly (between 25-30%) suffer from depression or other psychological disorders, leading to emotional and binge eating. That’s no surprise, as evidence links restrictive diets, commonly used in attempts to lose weight, as significant contributors to binge eating. Findings show it is possible to reduce the number of binge-eating episodes and improve depressive feelings with the use of mindful eating strategies.

Looking at Your Food is Part of Mindful Eating

Find a comfortable place to sit and enjoy taking in the sights and smells of the food you’re eating. Looking at your food and smelling it actually stimulates the digestive system, getting your body ready to be able to better process the incoming nourishment. You’ve probably noticed this very process, the last time you looked at delicious food and your mouth watered. That’s saliva being made in preparation for you to eating.

At the Pritikin Center,

Healthy lifestyle experts at the Pritikin Center, in Miami, Florida, use a special measurement, called the Hunger Scale, to help you determine when to eat and how much to eat to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Eliminate Distractions While You Eat to Help Weight Loss

Avoiding distractions is the best way to be more mindful of how fast you are eating. Studies have found a wide variety of factors can distract you from eating mindfully: computer games, listening to a story, background music, or other electronic device. In fact, eating in competition with other tasks has been shown to increase food intake – about 15% more calories and higher consumption of fat.

Do Fast Eaters Gain More Weight?

Being a speedy eater may be a reason you or someone you love, is struggling to manage body weight. Findings from a research study propose that people who eat faster are at higher risk for weight gain and obesity. Published in the journal, Clinical Obesity, the study suggests eating faster puts you at a higher risk of obesity due to the delay in realization of fullness, compared to when you eat slowly. The reason is explained by healthy living expert, Registered Dietician, Kimberly Gomer, Director of Nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa; “Slow down – it takes 15 to 20 minutes for the stomach to signal the brain that you are full.”

Can You Lose Weight with Mindful Eating?

Digging your fork into that delicious food, you stuff it into your mouth, quickly chew it into bits., and as you’re swallowing, you already have the next forkful waiting impatiently by your lips. If that sounds like you, you may be eating too quickly. That mouthful you just swallowed has a long way to go down your throat – down the length of your esophagus and into your stomach takes a while. In your stomach, you have stretch receptors that sense food and send a message to your brain to tell you, “Thanks, I’m good now – you can stop eating.” However, you may not have heard your stomach if you are eating while distracted by phones, the news, your computer work, or even driving. The average person takes 15 to 20 minutes to get a signal from their stomach. How many times have you taken that long to eat a meal? Worse, how often have you quickly returned to get second helpings, before waiting long enough to allow your stomach to send you a message about how full you really are?

How to Eat Slowly

“Slow down – it takes 15 to 20 minutes for the stomach to signal the brain that you are full,” notes Kimberly Gomer, R.D.

If you’re looking for some creative ways to slow down how fast you eat, Registered Dietician, Kimberly Gomer, the Director of Nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa, has some fun suggestions, including eating with your non-dominate hand or try using chopsticks. Obviously, neither of these are recommended if you are wearing nice clothes or if you’re eating soup. (Perhaps when trying these fun options, have a few napkins handy.) Another idea, to help you eat slowly, (even though to some it may sound like asking you to dive right off the deep end) is to turn off your smartphone. In a 2020 study, researchers reported that using smartphones when eating increases the number of calories consumed. Mindful eating is easier when you put down your smartphone.

Mindful Eating Helps You Feel Full

When you’re eating mindfully, at an unrushed pace, without distractions, you’ll find it much easier to enjoy the sensation of fullness, because you’ll be ready to hear those cues from your body. The human body is impressive and does a great job communicating with you about its needs and feelings – if you’re willing to slow down and tune in, the messages are loud and clear. Try eating your next meal in an undistracted environment, taking your time, and listening to your body’s hunger cues. You may be incredibly impressed by how much enjoyment you can have when you eat mindfully.

Pritikin Experts on Mindful Eating

“It’s not just what you should eat, but how you should eat,” explains Kimberly Gomer, R.D.

Part of the renowned Pritikin Nutrition Program is a special luncheon, called Mindful Eating, led by Registered Dieticians, it’s a unique opportunity to put your skills to the test. As a Pritikin guest, you discover for yourself, what it feels like to eat mindfully, with the support of a leading expert in the field. This special luncheon highlights tools and habits guests can use to slow down their eating and become more mindful of their body’s messages, to enable them to eat better. “It’s not just what you should eat, but how you should eat,” explains Gomer. “The luncheon is an experience to put your understanding of the Hunger Scale into use and practice eating in a mindful way.” As a Registered Dietician, Kimberly practices what she preaches, in fact, living the healthy lifestyle taught at the Pritikin Center is so inspiring that even the staff comment that it’s hard not to take Pritikin theories home with you.

Are you ready to start eating better and living healthier?

Come to the Pritikin Center in Miami, Florida for a few weeks of luxury, in a tropical vacation to learn from the experts and take home a healthy lifestyle that will last a lifetime.

11 Mindfulness Hacks to Eat Less, According to Experts

These easy, evidence-based hacks will help you reach or maintain a healthy weight and enjoy your meals more.

Man Eating Breakfast Whilst Using Digital Tablet And Phone

How you eat your food is as equally important as what type of foods you eat when it comes to regulating your weight. By focusing on the food in front of you and avoiding distractions—aka eating mindfully—you can lose weight or maintain a healthy weight without much effort.

Mindful eating is definitely gaining traction: 49 percent of registered dietitians say that consumers will choose mindful eating over dieting, a national survey found. It should come as no surprise when you look at the results: Practicing mindful eating can help you choose healthier foods, eat when you’re actually hungry, reduce the likelihood of overeating, and experience more pleasure while eating, according to a study published in the journal Eating Disorders.

Tips to Avoid Weight Gain During the Holidays

To help you adopt a more thoughtful approach to mealtime, we spoke to mindful eating experts and combed through dozens of studies to put together a list of the best simple mindfulness tricks to eat less. Try these genius tips to help you cut calories, lose weight fast, and enjoy your meals more. To lose even more weight, consider starting your day with a smoothie. Explore all the benefits with What Happens to Your Body When You Drink a Smoothie Every Day.


Get quality sleep

woman sleeping on bed in bedroom

“Staying up late affects sleep patterns. Missing one hour of sleep can make you hungrier the next day,” Susan Albers, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic who specializes in mindfulness eating and the author of Eating Mindfully tells us explains. In fact, a study published in the journal Sleep discovered that folks who didn’t sleep the recommended seven to eight hours per night were more at risk for weight gain. “Set a firm bedtime and turn off the TV to help you avoid mindless eating the next day.”

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Sit down to eat

eating salad

“It sounds simple enough, but think about how often you eat in front of the refrigerator or on-the-go. A recent study found that people ate five percent more while walking around. Eating at the kitchen table can feel obsolete in a busy world; but, sitting at the table helps you focus on your food and be more mindful of your portions. Use the motto, ‘always eat off your feet!'” Albers recommends.


Eat with your family

family eating breakfast

“There are a number of ‘external’ factors—such as the people with whom you are enjoying a meal—that play a critical role in your ability to eat mindfully,” Dan Childs, author of Thinfluence, tells us. According to an Appetite study, people are more likely to consider eating episodes as a meal, as opposed to a snack, when eating with their family. In fact, that study found that eating with family is the strongest indicator of a meal, which the researchers say may influence what and how much one eats, and whether they decide to eat later.

“Think of ways to optimize your environment that will help you achieve this goal. For example, make others who are eating with you aware of your goal to eat mindfully. Invite them to try it, too. You may find that experiencing a meal together will help you both savor what you are eating and pay closer attention to how much you are eating, so you don’t overindulge,” adds Childs.


Shut off your devices

Man Eating Breakfast Whilst Using Digital Tablet And Phone

Think about how many times you found yourself scrolling through social media feeds during supper. “A recent study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that people who bring their phones to the dinner table use them for about 11 percent of the meal,” Albers says. “Plus, those who used their phones during mealtime rated the meal less pleasurable and were distracted while they ate. Distracted eating = mindless eating. Instead of allowing your cell to become your dining companion, create a drop box for phones at mealtimes.”

Leslie P. Schilling, MA, RDN, CSSD, LDN, Schilling Nutrition Therapy, LLC agrees with Albers. “We eat for many reasons but the main prompt for mindful eating is physical hunger. It’s hard to be present if you’re eating at your desk, cyber-loafing, or watching television. When your mind is focusing on something besides your food, you don’t realize things like: ‘Was the food actually good?’ and ‘Am I getting full?’ This often leads to ‘do-over’ eating which isn’t so mindful,” says Schilling. “Eat with purpose and presence! Minimize distractions as often as possible.”


Use real plates

Woman with empty plate at wooden table, top view

“How many meals do you eat directly out of the bag? Plates matter!” says Albers. One study found that when participants ate food off a ceramic plate as opposed to a paper plate, they were more likely to perceive that meal as a meal rather than a snack. This is important since we’re more likely to overeat snacks as well as consume more calories at our next meal.


Pace yourself by taking smaller bites and chewing more

happy man with friends having dinner at restaurant

Stopping at a red light is more challenging when you’re flying at 100 miles per hour than when cruising at a slower speed. Knowing when to put down your fork is similar. Experts say gauging your body’s subtle “I’m full” cues is easier when you take smaller bites at a slower pace. In fact, one study published in the journal PLOS One found that people who focused on taking “small bites” of food consumed about 30 percent less soup for their meal than those who didn’t make the conscious decision. The mindful soup slurpers also more accurately estimated how many calories they had consumed. And a second study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found simply slowing down had similar results. People who focused on doubling the number of times they chewed before swallowing ate 15 perfect less food and 112 fewer calories over the course of a meal. So pump the brakes, and slow down to slim down.


Eat with your non-dominant dand

Woman eating salmon
Travis Yewell/Unsplash

It may feel awkward at first, but switching your spoon to your non-dominant hand can help you save calories during mealtime. “Research shows that people consume 30 percent less food when they eat with the opposite hand. Your motto should be ‘pace, don’t race,'” Albers advises.


Stop to ask yourself if you’re actually hungry


“Mindful eating can help you break free from old automatic, habitual patterns of reacting to environmental and emotional triggers. So whenever you feel like eating, pause to ask, ‘Am I hungry?’ and choose how you’ll respond. Then, eat mindfully with intention and attention: Eat with the intention of feeling better when you’re finished eating than you did when you started, and eat with your full attention on the food and your body for optimal enjoyment and satisfaction.” — Michelle May, MD, Founder of Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Programs.


Be sense-ible

Woman smelling dinner

The warm smell of cinnamon, the charred stripes on a grilled chicken breast, the crunch of an apple … experts say paying attention to the sensory details of food is a simple way to start eating mindfully—and start dropping pounds. In fact, a British Journal of Nutrition study found that participants ate 9 percent less soup when it smelled strongly compared to a weaker scent. A second study found that people served a monochromatic plate of food—like fettuccine Alfredo on a white plate–ate 22 percent more than those served a more visually-appealing plate that provided more color and contrast. Texture also comes into play. Researchers in Florida found people tend to eat more of soft, smooth foods–which tend to be higher in fat–than of hard, crisp ones. In one study, participants consumed more soft brownie bits than hard brownie bits, until they were asked to focus on calorie content. Just being mindful of how things like aroma, mouthfeel, and food presentation can influence how much we eat can help increase the satisfaction we get from a meal and also prevent overeating.


Try yoga

Senior couple is doing fitness training at home.

Of all the gym-goers, yogis tend to be the most mindful eaters, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. In a survey of more than 300 Seattle residents, researchers found that people who ate more mindfully weighed less than those who ate mindlessly (those who reported eating when not hungry or in response to anxiety or depression). The researchers also found a strong association between yoga practice and mindful eating but not between other types of physical activity, like walking or running. According to the authors, yoga, as it teaches how to maintain calm in uncomfortable or challenging situations, can increase mindfulness in eating and lead to less weight gain over time—independent of the physical aspect of the exercise. So consider adding a few minutes of downward dog to your daily routine, and make your approach to mindful eating a holistic one. (If you’re looking for a perfect way to end your yoga session, reach for a cup of green tea. It’s the best tea for boosting your weight loss success.)


Be aware of portion sizes

cajun shrimp pasta

Our homes are filled with hidden eating traps, and simply being aware of something as simple as the size of a bowl can influence how much you eat. A study in the Journal of Pediatrics found children who were given a 16-ounce bowl served themselves twice as much cereal than children given an 8-ounce bowl. And don’t get us started on restaurant portions. It should be no surprise that you’re almost guaranteed to eat more calories when you’re served a meal with more calories than you should eat in a day as opposed to a healthier, smaller serving. Bottom line: It’s easier to change your environment than to change your mind. Employing simple strategies like eating off salad plates instead of large dinner plates are more likely to succeed than willpower alone.

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