Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by
Where can you get an effective and reliable weight loss program? What are the right steps to lose weight? For busy women and men, it is hard to find the time to fit in a complete weight loss regimen. Metabolic Reset contains a few easy-to-follow steps they can follow while they continue with their usual routines. This is not another fad diet or some form of starvation diet. The purpose of Metabolic Reset is to help our readers reset their metabolism so that they can burn more calories on a daily basis. Because over time, we gain weight due to low metabolism instead of overeating or indulgent eating habits.
Losing weight can be a real challenge that takes a lot of willpower and dedication, but for the most part it’s actually fairly simple. I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum. In my late teens and early 20’s I was obsessed with exercising. I wanted to have the body of an Apollo-era athlete, because I thought that was what I needed to attract girls. So, this led me to pursue lots of different forms of exercise from traditional weight lifting and running to martial arts, gymnastics, and even cross-country skiing. After all this time spent exercising I realized that being strong didn’t make me more attractive to girls…but what did, was being confident and secure in myself. And this all started when really stopped obsessing about my appearance and learned to like who I was again. You can learn more about how Metabolic Program For Weight Loss works by visiting my site at
Metabolic Program For Weight Loss

50% of the population is working on losing weight. For most, this involves lifestyle changes relating to their diet or exercise routine.
Yet, with so many different styles and strategies for weight loss, it can be tough to pick one and to stick with it. The metabolic diet is helping many people to meet their weight loss goals. It works to reset your metabolism and help you burn more fat.
So, what makes this an effective weight management technique? Learn more about this popular diet plan and whether it’s right for your lifestyle.
The Metabolic Diet, Explained
So, you’re likely wondering what is metabolic weight loss and how does it work? The diet focuses on the way your body metabolizes its food, as those with a faster metabolism are likely to burn more fat.
The goal is to speed up the metabolization process for more efficient and effective fat burn. It’s also a way of teaching your body to process healthier foods at a quicker rate.
The diet plan works to give you more energy from food. This gets done when the body burns up fat stores instead of carbs to create energy. This then allows the body to burn more fat, resulting in weight loss.
It works similar to the process of ketosis, where the body produces ketones, and fat is burned for energy instead of sugars. Many on this diet also feel more satisfied, with fewer cravings.
The diet is great for targeting hard to reach areas where fat gets stored. This makes it ideal for those who want to lose belly fat and shed pounds.
There are different variations of the metabolic diet. Yet, all place focus on the idea of the metabolic factor. This works to boost the production of powerful fat burning hormones in your body.
The standard diet follows a strict 28-day cycle. It uses different phases to prepare the body for effective fat burning.
Some plans operate on a set carb cycling style. They allow carbs on certain days, then avoid them on others. The diet cycle then gets restarted until you reach your desired weight loss goal.
The Three Phases
It’s common for the metabolic diet plan to follow a three-phase process. This is to allow for a more safe and effective transition into the diet.
Phase one focuses on helping your body to learn to stop storing fat. It also works to lower stress hormones and prepare the thyroid.
This phase involves consuming carbs while avoiding fat to prepare the body. You’ll fill up on fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. Foods containing B and C vitamins are also important during the first phase.
The second phase targets fat stores and gets the body ready to start building muscle. It also works to lower acidity levels in your blood with an alkalizing process. You will focus on vegetables and lean proteins, while still avoiding foods high in fat.
The third phase is where the metabolism speeds up to burn up more fat. Here you focus on consuming healthy fats and avoid saturated fats. Foods in this stage include avocados, nuts, olive oil, seeds, and eggs.
The Metabolic Typing Technique
Another way to go about the metabolic diet is to learn the type of metabolism you have. Then you choose a customized diet based on your type.
Dominant protein types have a faster rate of converting food into energy. They are often more susceptible to hunger cravings.
They do best with a diet of heavier fats and proteins, with fewer carbs. This includes olive oil, salmon, and eggs.
Dominant carb types have a slower metabolization process. They experience less of an appetite, yet may crave sweets.
Their bodies can tolerate carbs better. Yet, these types should still stay away from refined carbs. They do best with a diet lower in fat, limiting to light and lean proteins. Fruits and vegetables are also key for those with this metabolism type.
It’s also possible for a person to fall somewhere between the two metabolism types. Their diet should then involve more balance between carbs and fats.
An Inside Look at the Metabolic Diet Plan

The diet plan will likely consist of 5 smaller meals that get broken up throughout your day. This includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with two snacks.
When on the diet, you shouldn’t go more than 4 hours during the day without eating. This is to avoid blood sugar spikes and cravings.
This diet doesn’t promote fasting during any times of the day. It gets recommended to eat breakfast half an hour after you wake up in the morning.
The main idea of the diet is to avoid refined and processed carbs. This includes flour, white bread, and sugar.
This is because carbs get broken down into glucose, meaning your body is getting extra calories from sugar. This extra sugar can then contribute to weight gain.
Filling up on the Right Foods
The diet instead focuses on whole foods, fiber, and protein. You’ll also get to enjoy foods that offer essential vitamins and minerals. Smart choices include non-starchy vegetables, high-protein meats, and fruits.
You’ll want to cut out foods that contain lots of calories without any nutritional value. It’s best to avoid soy products, wheat, dairy, and any refined sugars. Alcohol and caffeine should also get limited during the diet.
To avoid extra calories you can choose healthier methods of cooking food. Try grilling meats and steaming vegetables instead of sauteing. It also helps to substitute unsweetened almond milk in place of dairy.
Go for organic and non-GMO foods when you can. This is to avoid additives, preservatives, and nitrates that can be harmful to your health.
Some versions of the diet do allow some healthy carbs in moderation. This includes oats, whole grains, and brown rice.
Effective Ways to Enhance the Metabolic Diet
The metabolic weight loss plan is all about making healthy lifestyle choices. For best results, you’ll want to combine a proper exercise routine with your diet plan. This is to help lose weight and keep you from gaining it back.
Aim to exercise at least 3 times each week. This can be a combination of cardio and strength training.
Mindful exercises like yoga are also a great way to switch up your routine. Adding new exercises into your routine will help you avoid hitting a weight loss plateau.
Hydration is also important for the metabolic diet. This works to suppress the appetite and spur the metabolism.
Some versions of the diet recommend drinking half your weight in water each day. Do this by calculating half your weight then drinking this amount in ounces.
You’ll also want to get enough sleep each night, 7 hours on average. This is ideal for both your mental and physical wellbeing. It will also help you to be more conscious of making healthy food choices.
Meal prepping is another way to help stick to your weight loss goals. Preparing your meals ahead of time allows you more control over portion sizes and ingredients used. This will make it less likely that you will stray from your diet plan.
Satisfying Your Weight Loss Goals with Supplements
Many people also turn to weight loss supplements to help with the fat burning process. Since caffeine is not recommended on this diet, supplements can also help stabilize energy levels. This is also a great way to gain more endurance for workouts.
Products that contain the ingredient InnoSlim® can help support the metabolic diet. This supplement works to increase the hormone adiponectin. It can help regulate both normal and insulin-resistant cells in the body.
Adiponectin is important as it aids in the body’s metabolic process. It helps to break down fatty acids and stabilize glucose levels.
This works to boost glucose absorption in muscles and fat cells, helping to break down body fat. It also allows the body to absorb fewer calories.
An increase in this hormone can help manage weight loss. Studies show that obese individuals are likely to have lower levels of adiponectin. While those who are losing weight show a higher concentration of the hormone.
InnoSlim® offers natural herbal ingredients. This includes Chinese ginseng and other herbs with medicinal properties. These extracts also get known to help with inflammation and immune system functioning.
The Key to Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
The metabolic diet offers an effective way to reach your long-term weight loss goals. Following this diet plan can help you to kickstart your metabolism to burn more calories. Along with boosting your metabolism, you’ll learn how to make healthier food choices.
Yet, it’s important to also make healthy lifestyle choices for the best results of this diet. This means adopting a regular exercise routine and caring for your wellbeing. This allows you to maintain more effective fat burn and proper weight management.
Supplements can also help you to enhance your new health regimen. Yet, be sure to choose quality made products that contain natural ingredients. This is to ensure you avoid any weight management methods that could be harmful to your health.
Metabolic Diet Plan 13 Days

When it comes to weight loss, a lot of factors come into play. One of the most overlooked factors is metabolism. Metabolism is the process wherein your body breaks down food for energy. If you are trying to lose weight, you will need a faster metabolism. A common problem is that most people do not know of this. As a result, they end up struggling for months, perhaps even years to shed pounds. This happens while all you need to do is rev up your metabolism using a metabolic diet plan 13 days.
It is without a doubt that there are numerous diet plans, each one focused on meeting various goals. When it comes to weight loss, the list of diet plans is endless. Most people tend to settle for fad diets that tend to promise quick weight loss results. This means that they ignore other long-term effective diet plans such as the metabolic diet plan. The metabolic diet plan assures you steady and long-term results compared to these fad diets. That being said, it would be smart to prioritize these meal plans over the fad diets.
Are you thinking of trying the metabolic diet plan for 13 days in a row? If so, then this piece of advice is all you need. Here you can get the scoop on what this meal plan entails, the recommended foods, and some meal plan ideas.
Metabolic Diet Plan 13 Days: What Is A Metabolic Diet?
The metabolic diet comes from the concept of metabolism. As mentioned above, metabolism is the process in which the food we eat is broken down for various purposes, including energy production. This is to mean that a metabolic diet is a blend of foods that help in boosting your metabolism.
Do not get it twisted around. This meal plan does not contain any foods that are out of the ordinary. Instead, it is created using the everyday foods you can easily find at the store. The only difference here is that you might didn’t know these foods can boost your metabolism.
If you are considering starting this meal plan, the first thing you ought to do is sit down with your doctor or a dietitian. Without their go-ahead, you cannot start this diet plan. It is because taking matters into our hands, especially those dealing with dietary changes can prove fatal to our health.
After getting the okay of your physician, the next on your list should be a visit to your dietitian or nutritionist’s office. Their help is imperative, especially when it comes to designing a metabolic diet plan within your daily calorie range.
Metabolic Diet Plan 13 Days: What Foods Are Acceptable In The Metabolic Diet Plan?

The metabolism diet focuses on foods that could boost your metabolic rate and help you shed excess weight (2). In addition to containing the best metabolism-boosting foods, a good metabolic diet plan will also contain recommendations on the adoption of other practices to increase your metabolic function.
For example, practices such as exercising, hydrating, and getting enough sleep. This is the only way you will get to shed a tremendous amount of weight quickly and safely. Here are some of the best metabolism-boosting foods that rarely lack from a metabolic meal plan (2):
- Eggs
Whether they are scrambled or boiled, these foods are an ideal choice if you want to speed up your metabolism. The good thing is that you can have them at any moment of the day. It all comes down to how they are prepared. Use a limited amount of fat to cook your eggs to keep your meal as healthy as possible.
- Chili Peppers
Spicy products like the chili peppers contain natural chemicals that kick your metabolism into a higher gear (8). However, they only work if you consume spicy foods regularly. You can include these peppers in your stews, soups, or pasta dishes.
- Lentils
Lentils tend to decrease the effects of metabolic syndrome (2). By doing so, they correct and speed up your metabolism. They are also great sources of protein and fiber.
- Green Tea
Various studies suggest that green tea can also increase fat metabolism whether you are sleeping or exercising (2). As such, most people have started drinking green tea before bed to help rev their metabolism during rest.
- Coffee
You are most likely also going to see coffee in most breakfast options of metabolic diet plans.
- Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the healthiest cruciferous vegetables. As such, you will find it in most healthy diet plans. It is used to speed up metabolism as it contains a substance called glucoraphanin. Glucoraphanin retunes your metabolism, lowers your blood fat levels and reduces your risk of age-related health conditions.
- Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts contain selenium, a mineral that also helps in boosting your metabolism. You will find these nuts being recommended as snack options in several metabolic diet plans.
- Dark Leafy Vegetables
This category consists of kale, spinach, and other leafy greens. They are rich in iron, which is an essential mineral for growth, metabolism, and development.
Metabolic Diet Plan 13 Days: The Link Between A Metabolic Diet And Weight Loss
You might have probably heard people blaming their delayed weight loss results on a slow metabolism. Did you ever stop to think about what that entails? Perhaps you thought these were other excuses formulated by your friend to skip a workout session?
Well, if you thought this was just another excuse, then sorry to disappoint you. Metabolism can hinder your weight loss, especially if you tend to have a slow one. According to Mayo Clinic, your metabolism is linked to your weight (7).
During the metabolic process, calories in your foods and drinks are broken down to release energy for various body functions (7). As we all know, to lose weight, you will have to burn more calories than you are consuming (6).
If your goal is to lose 1 pound (0.5 kg) in one week, you will have to cut or burn 500 to 1, 000 calories daily. It is no easy task, especially if you are already struggling with a slow metabolism and are unaware of it.
The metabolic process does not stop after the food in your system diminishes. Instead, it continues even when you are sound asleep. This is because you are using energy for functions such as respiration, growth and repair of cells and blood circulation (7).
If you have a slow metabolism, it means that your body will slowly break down nutrients into energy. As such, you tend to retain more calories. Although rare, a clinically diagnosed slow metabolism may also result in weight gain. This is mainly if you have Cushing’s syndrome or hypothyroidism.
Metabolic Diet Plan 13 Days: How Much Weight Can You Lose By Following The Metabolic Diet?
You need to realize that there is no magic bullet or shortcut in weight loss. So, avoid falling into the trap of the sweet promises of fad diets. With this in mind, you will also discover that weight loss is a long-term and steady process that requires a change in your lifestyle habits.
So, avoid expecting unrealistic weight loss results. For example, believing that this diet plan can help you shed two pounds in a day. It is not only unrealistic but also quite dangerous for your health.
According to Medical News Today, safe weight loss targets to lose 1 or 2 pounds weekly for the next 6 months. Now, note that the site has not said you will lose these pounds by only focusing on a healthy weight loss diet plan.
No, it does not do that. Instead, it gives an overview of the expected weight loss if you combine various lifestyle and dietary practices. The thing is, having a balanced and nutritious diet is part of what you are supposed to do to burn energy.
So, avoid being overly relying on your metabolic diet plan to shed pounds. You also need to embrace other practices that promote weight loss such as exercise. A combination of such changes will have you losing weight safely and quickly.
Similarly, there is no standard weight that you can lose when you start the metabolic meal plan. We all tend to lose weight at different rates due to factors such as our genes, body size, age, and so forth.
Metabolic Diet Plan 13 Days Sample
Whether you are starting a 13 or 14-day diet plan, the fact still remains that you will need a detailed meal plan. It must contain meals in all food groups so that you meet your nutritional needs. It is because of this that you are urged to seek professional help when it comes to creating such strict diet plans. Here are some free meal plan ideas that can give you an idea on how to craft your 13-day metabolic diet plan:
Day 1
The first meal plan idea is obtained from the Medical News Today website. It contains various metabolism-boosting foods and it also happens to be a low-calorie meal plan. It is as follows:
- One cup of regular coffee
- Half a cup of shredded wheat with a cup of 1% milk
- One medium slice of whole-wheat bread with two teaspoons of regular jelly
- A three-quarter cup of orange juice
- One medium apple
- A roast beef sandwich made with two medium slices of whole-wheat bread, two ounces of unseasoned roast beef, three slices of tomato, one lettuce leaf and one teaspoon of low-calorie mayonnaise
- One cup of water
- Two ounces of salmon cooked in one and a half teaspoons of vegetable oil
- Half a cup of green beans
- One small white dinner roll
- Three-quarter of a medium baked potato topped with one teaspoon of margarine
- One cup of unsweetened iced tea
- Two cups of water
- Two and a half cups of popcorn prepared with a three-quarter teaspoon of margarine
Day 2
The second diet plan is also from the Medical News Today website. Besides containing various metabolic food ideas, it is also a great weight loss meal plan. Check it out:
- Scrambled egg served with spinach and tomato
- A tuna salad with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber
- Roasted Mediterranean vegetables, puy lentils, and tahini dressing
- Boiled egg with pita slices
Day 3
On this day, you will notice various metabolism-boosting foods discussed earlier like eggs and dark leafy veggies. These foods have been blended with other ideal weight loss foods. Check it out:
- Breakfast muffin with eggs and vegetables
- Vegetable soup with two oatcakes
- Baked sweet potato, chicken breast, and leafy green vegetables
- Carrot sticks and hummus
Day 4
The following meal plan does more than just speed up your metabolism. It also contains low-fat meals, making an ideal weight loss diet plan. It is obtained from the Medical News Today website and is as shown below (1):
- Oatmeal with honey, raisins, and frozen blueberries served with a cup of orange juice
- A tuna and cucumber wrap, boiled egg, and a quarter cup of low-fat vanilla yoghurt
- Spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce, dark leafy vegetables, and lean meatballs (you can substitute this with a vegetarian alternative)
- Whole-grain crackers or carrot sticks with hummus
Day 5
Like with the second meal plan, this too is also obtained from the Medical News Today website. It is an excellent option for anyone who is looking to retune their metabolism and lose weight. Remember to speak to your dietitian to determine the correct servings of these meals. Here is the diet plan:
- Mashed avocado and a fried egg on a slice of rye toast
- Broccoli quinoa and toasted almonds
- Sesame salmon, purple sprouting broccoli, and sweet potato mash
- Tangerine and Brazil nuts
Day 6
This metabolic meal plan is also a great weight loss meal plan option. Remember to enquire about the recommended servings if you want to use this meal plan to shed pounds. It is as follows:
- Buckwheat pancakes with raspberries and Greek yoghurt
- Crispy tofu bowl
- Lentil Bolognese with zucchini noodles
- Whole grain rice cake with nut butter
Sustaining The Metabolic Diet
Some people often start various meal plans but end up not sticking to them to the end. It happens and for several reasons. For one, it could be that you adopted a diet plan without doing your research on it.
Two, you could realize down the line that the meal plan cannot help you reach your goals. It is the case, especially with fad diets. If you want to stick to your 13-day metabolic diet plan, then here are some tips for you:
- Eat Nutritious Meals
We have determined that various foods like lentils, coffee, and green tea can help in speeding up your metabolism. However, they only slightly boost your metabolism. It could result in little to no difference in your weight.
So, you are not supposed to only consider consuming these foods only. You also have to incorporate various nutritious foods in your meal plan. Eating healthy and nutritious foods will help increase your satiety, helping you stick to your calorie limit.
- Eat Small Meals
When you are hungry, you are tempted to eat a lot of food. In this very instance, the last thing you will be thinking about is your calorie intake. Later on, you will come to the realization and then start blaming yourself for surpassing your daily calorie intake.
The best thing you can do is spread your meals throughout the day. This practice will help you eat small meals that prevent you from overeating (4).