Medifast For Weight Loss

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

The idea of the Medifast diet sounds pretty good: follow a highly structured daily diet, lose weight and keep it off – permanently. The structure is critical because you’re going to be doing away with things you like (namely, food!), which is bound to cause feelings of anxiety if you don’t know what will replace them.

Medifast is a proven way to lose weight. Dieters lose weight fast and it has a good retention rate over time. People who like the convenience of packaged food will like Medifast. It’s built around a low-calorie meal replacement diet plan that promises weight loss of 2-5 pounds per week until you reach your target weight. After all, if you want to take control of your weight, then this is the way to go. Here is why: I’m going to talk about Medifast For Weight Loss, make sure you read this article.

Medifast For Weight Loss

If you’ve followed a fad diet, you have plenty of company. But have you been able to stay on these deprivation diets for a long time? And if you did lose weight, did the pounds stay off once you went back to your usual way of eating?

Fad diets don’t help you keep off the weight in the long term. So what does work? The best diet is not a diet at all, but a way of life that includes food you enjoy, exercise, and healthy habits.

Here’s some simple, straightforward advice.

Variety is Key

Just as a car needs the proper gasoline to make it run, a body needs a healthy diet to develop properly. That means the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat — as well as a host of other nutrients.

When you go on a fad diet and exclude necessary nutrients, you’re putting yourself at risk for becoming ill. Getting too little of any nutrient may not cause an immediate problem. But if it’s lacking for a long time, you may find you have health problems.

Practice Portion Control

Food servings have grown larger and larger over the years. And fast-food restaurants aren’t the only places you’ll find supersized meals. Researchers have noted that from 1970 through the 1990s, portion sizes of hamburgers, burritos, tacos, french fries, sodas, ice cream, pie, cookies, and salty snacks increased — whether the foods were eaten at home or at restaurants.

What does a healthy serving size look like?

  • A cup of fruit should be no larger than your fist.
  • An ounce of cheese is about the same as the size of your thumb from base to tip.
  • 3 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry (a normal serving) is about the size of your palm.
  • 1 to 2 ounces of nuts equals your cupped hand.

Here are some simple tricks to scale back your portions (and calories):

  • Serve your meals on salad plates instead of large dinner plates.
  • Store snack foods in tiny sandwich bags.
  • When ordering out, share your entrée with a friend. Or eat half and take the rest home for later. 
  • Ask for a kids’ meal or small size at a fast-food restaurant. Never go for a supersized portion.

Then, Follow These Simple Strategies

  • Eat a variety of foods. Make sure your diet includes lean protein; complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; and “good” fats like omega-3 fats from fish and monounsaturated fats from avocados, nuts, and olives or olive oil. When you go on a fad diet and exclude necessary nutrients, you’re putting yourself at risk for becoming ill. Getting too little of any nutrient may not cause an immediate problem. But if it’s lacking for a long time, you may find you have health problems
  • Say no to bad fats. Minimize how much saturated fat you get from animal sources, and eliminate trans fats from the fried foods, snacks, and fast-food products you eat.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. How many depends on your age, sex, and activity level. A good reference point for adults is 2 to 3 cups of vegetables and 1.5 to 2 servings of fruits a day.
  • Exercise at least 150 minutes each week. This can be divided into smaller blocks of time. For example, you could do a brisk walk for 10 minutes three times a day for 5 days to reach 150 minutes.
  • Clean out the kitchen! Toss out high-calorie, high-fat, sugary foods that will tempt you to overeat — chips, cookies, crackers, ice cream, candy bars, and the like. Then, fill your fridge and cupboards with lean protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, good fats, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
  • Eat smaller meals more frequently. Aim for five to six mini-meals per day. Space your meals every 3 to 4 hours. Try taking low fat cheese and whole-grain crackers to school or work for a snack, or eat a tablespoon of peanut butter with one slice of whole-grain bread. Find foods that are healthy and that keep you full.
  • Fill up on the good stuff. Pile on the salad and super servings of green beans, broccoli, cabbage, kale, or other low-calorie vegetables instead of high-fat foods, breads, pasta, and desserts. If you’re still hungry after a meal and you want seconds, go for veggies.
  • Snack on berries. Dark berries (blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and raspberries) are rich in healthy antioxidants. They’re also low in calories and fat and high in fiber.
  • Avoid “empty calories.” Steer clear of sugar-containing sodas and fruit drinks. Limit refined sugars found in candy, cookies, and cakes.

If you need more information on weight loss and dieting, talk to your health care provider or a registered dietitian. Ask your doctor about your “ideal” weight and the number of calories you must eat to lose pounds and maintain an ideal weight.

Also, ask friends, family, or co-workers to join you as you work to change your eating habits and pare down your weight. Sticking to a weight loss plan is much easier when you have someone to support you.

What Is the OPTAVIA Diet?

OPTAVIA is a low-carbohydrate and low-calorie diet with the majority of vitamins, minerals and fiber provided via fortified meal replacements. The OPTAVIA diet is one of several plans that heavily rely on prepackaged foods, referred to as “Fuelings,” for calorie restriction. The OPTAVIA plan is a newer version of the Medifast diet, and “Fuelings” have the identical macronutrient profile as the original Medifast products but are made without colors, flavors or sweeteners from artificial sources.

In addition to plans and products, the Habits of Health Transformational System is a key component of the OPTAVIA program. The system focuses on six key habit areas:

  • Weight.
  • Eating and hydration.
  • Motion.
  • Sleep.
  • Mind.
  • Surroundings. 

As part of the Habits of Health Transformational System, each member also receives a LifeBook, containing 26 progressive elements necessary for a lifestyle change, such as determining your propensity for food addiction and working on thought patterns that disrupt your health goals.

  • Gluten free friendly. Recipes can be easily modified and still follow a gluten-free diet.
  • Halal friendly. Recipes can be easily modified and still follow the diet.
  • Kosher friendly. Recipes can be easily modified and still follow the diet.
  • Low-carb. Low-carb diets contain significantly less calories from carbs than the government’s 45% to 65% recommendation.
  • Low-fat. The diet encourages a moderate consumption of healthy fats, like olive oil, and discourages unhealthy fats, such as saturated fats – with less than about 30% of total calories coming from fat.

How Does the OPTAVIA Diet Work?

  • You’ll eat four to five prepackaged Fuelings daily and one or two low-carbohydrate meals, which you prepare yourself using foods from the grocery store.
  • You’re asked to eat fatty fish twice a week.
  • Some plans allow for a healthy daily snack, such as fresh fruit. 
  • In addition to a meal plan, you’re encouraged to follow the Habits of Health Transformational system to learn healthy habits in every area of life.
  • You’ll be matched with an independent coach who can offer support and help you learn healthy habits. Ninety percent of the coaches were once OPTAVIA clients.

The most popular Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan calls for the consumption of five Fuelings each day. These prepackaged meals and snacks range from shakes to bars and even include soup, pancake mix and cereal. All options contain protein and a probiotic that improves gut health and are made without colors, flavors or sweeteners from artificial sources.

For your sixth meal, you’ll be preparing a Lean & Green Meal that includes lean protein, three servings of nonstarchy vegetables and a bit of healthy fat.

Members are encouraged to eat two servings of fatty fish each week to avoid essential fatty acid deficiency, in keeping with the recommendations of the American Heart Association.

Alternatively, you may choose to participate in the Optimal Weight 4 & 2 & 1 plan, which includes four fuelings, two Lean & Green meals and one healthy snack, such as a fruit or baked potato, each day. Someone who exercises regularly or works an active job would prefer this plan.

Specific plans are available for individuals with diabetes, nursing mothers, people diagnosed with gout, older adults and teenagers.

Vegan and Following the OPTAVIA Diet

There’s no plan for eating vegan. Fuelings contain a vitamin D mix derived from lanolin (sheep’s wool). See all vegan diets.

Vegetarian and Following the OPTAVIA Diet

Staying or going vegetarian is doable on OPTAVIA as most of its Fuelings are vegetarian-friendly. OPTAVIA provides resources for making your Lean & Green meals vegetarian. Still, it won’t be easy since you’re told to avoid good sources of plant-based proteins like peas, beans and lentils during your weight-loss phase since they’re too high in carbohydrates. Examples of meatless options on OPTAVIA are 14 egg whites (or two cups of liquid egg substitute), 1 ½ cups of 1% cottage cheese, and 1-1 ¼ cups of plant-based “ground beef” replacement or six plant-based “sausage” links. 

Gluten Free and Following the OPTAVIA Diet

It’s possible to go gluten-free on OPTAVIA. Some Fuelings have been certified gluten free, including select shakes, soups, bars and pudding.

Halal and Following the OPTAVIA Diet

No Fuelings sold in the U.S. are halal, but they are available for international markets.

Kosher and Following the OPTAVIA Diet

As of July 2022, 65 Fuelings were designated as kosher.

Best Diet Rankings & Reviews

OPTAVIA Diet ranked #27 in Best Diets Overall. 40 diets were evaluated with input from a panel of health experts.


#27inBest Diets Overall(tie)

Although you might lose weight quickly with OPTAVIA, the meal plan scored particularly low for healthy eating.

Fast Weight Loss

#2inBest Fast Weight-Loss Diets(tie)

The highest of OPTAVIA’s ratings was for short-term weight loss, likely due to its very low calorie cap. Most of the experts rated the diet highly.

Overall Weight Loss

#12inBest Weight-Loss Diets(tie)

Keeping off lost pounds is unlikely, in the judgment of our panelists. They’re doubtful that dieters won’t return to old eating habits once they wean themselves off OPTAVIA. It ended up below average on this measure.

Heart Health

#25inBest Heart-Healthy Diets

OPTAVIA’s rating defined it as a middling performer when compared with the capacity of many of the other diets to prevent or control heart disease.

Managing or Preventing Diabetes

#22inBest Diabetes Diets(tie)

The typical adult plan didn’t seem to be a great option for preventing or controlling diabetes compared with most other diets, many panelists found. Although the company markets plans for diabetics, experts did not evaluate those specifically in rating its effectiveness on this measure.

Diet Programs

#11inBest Diet Programs(tie)

Healthy Eating

#31inBest Diets for Healthy Eating

Compared with government targets, OPTAVIA provides too much protein and too few carbs, panelists said. The diet earned a below-average score.

Ease of Following the Diet

#24inEasiest Diets to Follow(tie)

Most panelists classified it as “somewhat difficult.” “Unpalatable” and “unappealing” is how one expert described OPTAVIA foods, while another noted the difficulty of staying on OPTAVIA as loved ones “eat normal food.”


  • No counting carbs, points or calories.
  • Convenient – grab and go options.
  • Coaching and/or group support available.


  • You’ll likely get hungry.
  • Unsafe for some people.
  • Could fall short nutritionally.

Can I Lose Weight on the OPTAVIA Diet? 

As with all weight loss diets, many factors play into how much weight you can expect to lose. These individual traits include weight, age, muscle mass, activity level, genetic makeup and metabolic rate.

Studies done on the Medifast plan also apply to OPTAVIA since the two plans’ nutrient profiles are identical. It’s important to note, however, that OPTAVIA includes additional components, like individualized support and a healthy habit system. If you stick to the plan, you’ll almost certainly lose weight since your food choices are limited.

According to the company, the average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds in 12 weeks. The average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 4 & 2 & 1 Plan® is 10 pounds in 12 weeks.

Short-Term Weight Loss

  • A 2019 randomized controlled study sponsored by Medifast and published in the journal Obesity Science and Practice found both the OPTAVIA and Medifast groups, which provided different levels of behavioral support to mimic the support that paying members can expect, were significantly more effective for weight loss than a self-directed, reduced-calorie diet based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The 16-week study resulted in an average weight loss of 11 pounds in the OPTAVIA group.
  • A 2015 study in the Nutrition Journal looked at the charts of 310 Medifast clients who were overweight or had obesity who followed the plan formerly known as the Achieve 4 & 2 & 1 Plan and found that participants who stayed on the plan lost an average of about 24 pounds by 12 weeks and 35 pounds by 24 weeks. No matter their age or gender, participants mainly lost fat rather than lean muscle.

Long-Term Weight Loss

  • A 2015 study released by Johns Hopkins Medicine found little reliable evidence that most commercial weight-loss programs – including Medifast – resulted in people achieving long-term weight loss. The researchers reviewed studies that ran for 12 weeks or longer and randomized control trials. Participants in low-calorie meal programs, such as Medifast, lost more weight than nonparticipants in trials lasting four to six months. But the researchers only found one long-term study, which showed no additional benefit for these plans at 12 months. 
  • A small study, funded and designed by Medifast and published in 2010 in Nutrition Journal, randomly assigned 90 adults with obesity either to the 5 & 1 plan or a calorie-restricted diet based on government guidelines. After 16 weeks, those in the Medifast group had lost an average of 30 pounds compared with 14 pounds for the other group. But 24 weeks later, after dieters gradually upped their calories, the Medifast dieters had regained more than 10 pounds, while the others had put back on about 2 pounds. At week 40, the Medifast group had less body fat and more muscle mass than at the start but didn’t significantly outperform the control group. By the end, almost half the Medifast group and more than half of the control group had dropped out.
  • A 2013 study in the International Journal of Obesity looked at 120 men and women between the ages of 19 and 65, half of whom used Medifast while the other half simply cut calories. The researchers found that over 26 weeks, those on the Medifast diet lost an average of 16 1/2 pounds, compared to the control group, which lost 8 pounds.

Weight Maintenance and Management

You’ll be able to work with OPTAVIA coaches throughout the weight loss program. Once you’ve reached your goal weight, you can transition to the 3 & 3 plan, consisting of three fuelings and three balanced meals each day.

While on the 3 & 3 plan, you can expect to eat something every two to three hours.

  • In the 2014 review of individuals who had successfully maintained weight loss, at 52 weeks, those who used Medifast maintained a weight loss of 10.3 pounds, compared to the control group, who maintained a weight loss of 4.2 pounds.

“How to plan and then react when things don’t go according to plan. How to make the best choices from the available imperfect options” is a critically important part of weight loss,” says Monica Reinagel, a licensed nutritionist, host of the Nutrition Diva podcast, and co-founder of the Weighless program, a program designed to help individuals lose weight without dieting.

It’s vital to determine “which foods and portion sizes will allow you to maintain a lower weight without being constantly hungry. And you’re not learning or practicing any of those skills if you’re eating pre-packaged meals.”

1 of 5

2 of 5

Do: Whip up a Lean & Green meal each day.

It should include 5 to 7 ounces of cooked lean protein. Try mahi mahi with a side of nonstarchy veggies such as zucchini and peppers.


What Can I Eat? Do’s and Dont’s 

Foods to Eat

  • Fuelings. 
  • Non-starchy vegetables. 
  • Lean protein. 

Foods to Avoid (or Limit)

  • Alcohol.
  • Butter, coconut oil or solid shortening.
  • Sweets including candies and pastries.
  • Sugar-containing beverages.
  • Starchy vegetables, including corn, peas and potatoes are excluded until you reach the transition plan. 
  • Fresh fruit is off-limits until the second week of transition. 
  • Low-fat dairy products will be introduced a few weeks into the transition plan (after fruit has been reintroduced). 
  • Even later in the transition period, whole-grain products will be worked back into your diet. 

Health Benefits of the OPTAVIA Diet

  • Weight loss reduces the risk of many diseases. 
  • Blood glucose levels will likely fall among individuals with pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes. 


The preliminary findings from the Nutrition Journal study on waist circumference and abdominal fat, cited in the cardiovascular section, suggest that Medifast dieters may be able to reduce two diabetes-associated risk factors: inflammation and oxidative stress. 

Heart Disease

The absence of fruit, certain vegetables, legumes and whole grains, combined with a reliance on heavily-processed foods, makes it unlikely that the OPTAVIA diet will help to prevent heart disease risk factors – other than the improvement in blood lipids and blood pressure that may be expected with any weight loss.

However, rapid weight loss increases the risk of arrhythmia, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

OPTAVIA contends its Fuelings are lower in fat and cholesterol, and many contain enough high-quality soy protein to meet the Food and Drug Administration’s heart health claim.

Indeed, if a dieter chose the following five Fuelings, they would only consume 9 grams total fat and 4.2 grams saturated fat, which is incredibly low.

  • Essential creamy double peanut butter crisp bar – 3.5 grams total fat and 2 grams saturated fat.
  • Essential decadent chocolate brownie with Greek yogurt chips – 2 grams total fat and 1.5 grams saturated fat.
  • Essential roasted garlic creamy smashed potatoes – 1 grams total fat and 0.5 grams saturated fat.
  • Essential caramel macchiato flavored shake – 1 gram total fat and 0 grams saturated fat.
  • Essential rustic tomato herb penne – 1.5 grams total fat and 0 grams saturated fat.

The dietary reference intake for fat in adults is 20% to 35% of total calories from fat. That is about 22 to 39 grams on the 1,000 calories per day offered on the OPTAVIA plan. Since a Lean & Green meal is meant to provide 10 to 20 grams of fat, this dieter’s total daily fat intake will be 19 to 29 grams – close to the DRI.

  • In the 2010 Nutrition Journal study described in the weight-loss section, researchers reported declines in blood pressure, pulse rate and blood levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation that may predict heart disease risk, in the Medifast and control groups at week 40. At week 40, Medifast dieters had lost an average of about 4 inches around the waist, the control group, on the other hand, lost about 1 1/2 inches. The abdominal fat rating for both groups had decreased as well, but the Medifast group performed slightly better.  At week 40, total cholesterol was not significantly lower for the Medifast group but had dropped appreciably for the control group. Neither group showed improved levels of triglycerides, a fatty substance that in excess has been linked to heart disease, at 40 weeks.


Being overweight is one of the most significant risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. If OPTAVIA helps you lose weight and keep it off, it can help tilt the odds in your favor in fending off insulin resistance.

  • The Diabetes Educator study described in the weight-loss section indicated favorable short-term changes in Medifast dieters to their fasting blood glucose and insulin levels at 34 weeks. Still, at 86 weeks, the changes had all but disappeared.

Brain Health

Although the stabilization of blood sugar, which promotes energy and productivity, is encouraged by the adequate fiber and protein offered by this plan, the fiber is highly-processed, isolated fiber created in a laboratory, which may not be as beneficial for health as the intact fiber found in foods like beans, berries and whole grains.

Choosing leafy greens will provide some fiber, magnesium and antioxidants that may help stave off age-related cognitive decline.

Bone and Joint Health

This diet’s low sodium and high-protein content could be a boon to skeletal health. However, it’s offset by the lack of foods naturally rich in calcium, such as milk and yogurt, which are slowly added back once you’ve moved out of the weight loss phase.

Besides calcium and vitamin D, dairy products provide phosphorous, vitamin A, potassium, protein and several B vitamins to your diet. On the OPTAVIA diet, these nutrients are primarily provided via nutrient-fortified Fuelings.

Health Risks of the OPTAVIA Diet

The low carbohydrate and calorie level of the OPTAVIA plan, around 1,000 calories a day, can result in health problems including:

  • Leg cramps.
  • Dizziness or fatigue.
  • Headaches.
  • Loose skin.
  • Hair loss.
  • Rashes.
  • Gas.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bad breath.
  • Gallstones or gallbladder disease for those at risk.
  • Constipation.
  • Menstrual changes.

Key Nutrients to Consider

Although certain leafy green vegetables are rich sources of calcium, the mineral is bound to an oxalate substance in these foods, making the calcium unabsorbable.

As mentioned above, the fiber in highly-processed foods is unlikely to be as beneficial for health as the intact fiber found in foods like beans, berries and whole grains.

Many of the best sources of potassium are also excluded from the weight loss plan, such as cantaloupe, bananas, oranges, potatoes, beans and lentils. However, dieters could be sure to work in beet greens, tomatoes, chicken and salmon to boost their potassium intake.

Diet Components Often Over-Consumed

The restrictive OPTAVIA diet is low in the three food components most often overconsumed in America: sodium, saturated fat and added sugar.

Who Should Not Try This Diet

Pregnant women and those younger than 13 years old shouldn’t be on any weight loss program, while teens, nursing mothers, people with gout and others should stick to those programs geared toward them – after clearing it with their doctors, of course.

Older, sedentary adults and people who exercise more than 45 minutes daily should avoid the 5 &1 Program. People with serious illnesses like cancer, liver disease, kidney disease or an eating disorder shouldn’t follow any plan unless their health care providers have cleared them as recovered and stabilized.

If you’re on any medications – especially warfarin, lithium, diabetes medication or medications for high blood pressure – talk to your doctor before starting any of the programs, the company advises.

What Does the OPTAVIA Diet Cost? 

The Habits of Health Transformational System costs $49.95 if bought with a kit ($54.90 if bought separately). The system includes “Dr. A’s Habits of Health” and “Your LifeBook”. Clients also get access to the OPTAVIA app and one-on-one coaching.

As part of OPTAVIA’s 5 & 1 Plan, the Essential Optimal Kit costs about $375 to $450 for about 30 days worth of food; that’s approximately $12 to $15 per day. For the daily Lean & Green meal, you’ll be buying mainly vegetables and protein from the grocery store.

What Costs Are Related to the Diet?

  • The cost of five fuelings every day.
  • The cost of food for one Lean & Green meal each day.
  • The cost of the Habits of Health Transformational System.

Doing OPTAVIA on a Budget

Premier members receive an automatic shipment monthly. These members can receive free OPTAVIA fuelings in their first order, free shipping, rewards and special offers depending on the offer selected.

Purchase vegetables when they are in season as much as possible.

Is OPTAVIA Easy to Follow?

Some people will be attracted to the fact that five of six small meals each day are figured out for them — no need for meal planning. Others will enjoy the fact that they get to eat something every few hours. OPTAVIA refers to their Fuelings as “meals” — a misnomer for a very low-calorie (around 100) snack.

“The calorie limit of 1,000 to 1,200 in the weight loss phase is unnecessarily low for most people and very low for active individuals,” says Lauren Harris-Pincus, founder of NutritionStarringYOU and author of “The Everything Easy Pre-Diabetes Cookbook.” She adds that it’s “certainly unsustainable and also extraordinarily difficult to meet basic nutrient needs with so little food.”

In the 2010 Nutrition Journal study described in the weight-loss section, about half of both the Medifast and the control dieters had dropped out at 40 weeks.

In the Diabetes Educator study, Medifast retention was much better than the other diet – but that still only meant 16 Medifast dieters finished the entire 86 weeks, while eight in the other group did.

However, the 2019 Obesity and Science and Practice study had a higher completion rate, with 92% of all participants finishing the four-month study.

Recipe and Meal Ideas for the OPTAVIA Diet

Five of your six daily meals on the program’s typical adult 5 & 1 diet plan are OPTAVIA products: 100-110 calorie shakes, bars, oatmeal, pancakes, pudding, soup, brownies and even cheese puffs.

The sixth meal, which you can have at any time, is a Lean & Green entrée you prepare yourself: 5 to 7 ounces of cooked lean protein (fish, skinless chicken breast or tofu, for example), three servings of non-starchy veggies (like greens, zucchini and mushrooms) and up to 2 ounces of healthy fats (like olive oil, avocado, pumpkin seeds or salad dressing), depending on lean protein choices.

Lean & Green Breakfast Options

  • Asparagus and crabmeat frittata.
  • Spinach and pepper jack breakfast burrito.
  • Sweet potato pecan muffins.
  • Kale, tomato and goat cheese egg muffins.
  • Asparagus and crab meat frittata.

Lean & Green Lunch Options

  • Mexican taco turkey burger.
  • Chicken crust veggie pizza.
  • Chicken alfredo and spinach pizza with cauliflower crust.
  • Jalapeno cheddar burgers.
  • Tofu power bowl.

Lean & Green Dinner Options

  • One-pan lemon pepper salmon with garlic parmesan asparagus.
  • Vegetarian meatballs and zucchini noodles.
  • Philly cheesesteak peppers.
  • Green bean lasagna.
  • Mexican taco turkey burgers.

Eating Out:

  • Broth-based soup, such as vegetable or miso soup.
  • Enjoy your seafood or lean protein grilled, blackened, broiled or baked.
  • Select non-starchy vegetables, including broccoli, summer squash or green beans.
  • Grilled chicken, steak or a shrimp salad with a vinaigrette dressing.
  • Ask for whole-wheat sandwich buns, pizza crust and pasta.

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