Meal Replacement Drinks For Weight Loss

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

Meal replacement drinks have become more and more popular over the last few years. Some people use them because they like the convenience of not having to cook. Others take them to improve their health. A few people use the drinks as a way to lose weight. Let’s look at what they are, who they are good for, and how you can determine which kind is right for you.

The word “Meal replacement” in weight loss products can be a bit of a double edged sword. While it’s true that many people use shakes and other liquid diet products as meal replacements, it could also mean that the taste is similar to powdered milk. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to taste like this. There are plenty of meal replacement drinks which are well known brands that offer some really great tasting products in both dry meal replacement forms as well as liquids! After all, if you want to take control of your weight, then this is the way to go. Here is why: I’m going to talk about Meal Replacement Drinks For Weight Loss, make sure you read this article.

Meal Replacement Drinks For Weight Loss

Losing weight is not always easy. Given the hectic pace of modern life, people have turned to diets or dubious weight loss schemes. Meal replacements, along with diet and exercise, offer an alternative, effective solution to weight loss and weight management. The benefits are based on the convenience of meal replacements, their ability to satisfy hunger, and providing nutrients that your body needs every day.

In my last post, we discussed the difference between meal replacements and protein shakes, and how these products cater to specific goals and needs.

Today, I would like to dig deeper into why meal replacements work better than typical calorie-restricted diets, according to science and research.

The Science Behind Meal Replacement Products

There’s nothing magical about meal replacements, and they’re not as bland or boring as food replacements in science fiction may suggest. Today, there are a hundred or more ways to prepare meal replacement shakes that taste great and fill you up for hours.

When we talk about the science of meal replacements, I primarily want to discuss three aspects that relate to their efficacy for weight management:

  1. Protein and Glycemic Index
  2. Nutrient Density
  3. Behavioral Changes

Protein and Glycemic Index

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient – meaning it controls hunger for longer than carbohydrates or fats. Getting the right amount of protein to control hunger at every meal every day is a key to achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. 

Meal replacement shakes also have a low glycemic index. The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a food causes blood sugar levels to rise. When you consume foods with a high GI, your blood sugar will spike and then fall sharply, promoting lethargy and hunger.

However, a meal replacement shake, like other foods with a low glycemic index, release sugar into the blood more slowly – providing another way for meal replacements to help control hunger. For comparison, an Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 meal replacement shake, before mixed with milk, has a low GI, whereas orange juice has a moderate to high GI.

Whenever you consume foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and meal replacements that have a low glycemic index, your body digests them more slowly than simple carbohydrates and sugar in snack foods.

As a result, there is a slower rise in blood sugar. Protein, which helps to lower the glycemic index, has an independent proven effect on controlling hunger. Getting the right amount of protein is key to the effectiveness of meal replacements. Meal replacements that have a low glycemic index can curb appetite despite their lower calories compared to typical meals.

It’s important to note, however, that a low GI doesn’t necessarily mean a food is high in nutrients. This is why the next concept is so important.

Nutrient Density

Nutrient density refers to the ratio of nutrients to calories in a food. A food with low nutrient density provides lots of calories, fat, and sugar with few essential nutrients. Cookies, cakes, pasta, and sugary soft drinks fall in this category. High nutrient density foods provide lots of nutrients per calorie and include fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish, and meal replacements.

In other words, nutrient density is a measure of how much nutrition you get per serving or per calorie eaten.

For example, an Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 meal replacement shake is 170 calories when mixed with 8 oz. nonfat milk. It provides high-quality protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. On the other hand, a croissant is around 200-300 calories, but will only provide empty calories from saturated fat and sugar, with no other significant nutrients.

Meal Replacement vs Iced Coffee

Most meal replacement products may deliver vitamins and minerals to make them nutrient dense.

Meal replacements promote a high-quality diet by being nutrient-dense and having a low GI. When combined with resistance exercise, meal replacements can also help promote lean body mass to maintain or build lean muscle and support fat loss.

In fact, a recent trial was conducted to investigate the effect of a high protein partial meal replacement (HPMR) diet on nutrient intake in overweight and obese people. Based on the results, the HPMR diet led to an overall improvement in diet quality over the course of the study. Significant decreases in fat and cholesterol intake and substantial increases in protein and fiber intake were observed at all time points.

Dietary intake of all micronutrients tested, including nutrients of U.S. public health concern (vitamin D, calcium, and potassium) increased significantly at all time points from baseline, and sodium intake significantly decreased.

Considering that those who are overweight or obese are likely struggling to consume a nutrient-balanced diet, the HPMR diet may be an effective strategy to enhance overall nutrition quality of their diet. The HPMR diet could be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle program that includes healthy eating and exercise for those at risk for macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies.

Behavioral Changes

Aside from the above nutritional considerations, meal replacements simplify weight management by allowing you to focus on controlling foods in one or two meals per day. The behavioral advantages of a Partial Meal Replacement Diet are as key as the nutritional advantages compared to typical or fad diets.

The Medicine Department of the University of Ulm, Germany, carried out a four-year study of obese patients (who were not taking Herbalife Nutrition products). Researchers identified six specific reasons why the meal replacement diets worked so effectively for weight loss.

These reasons include:


Lack of time to prepare healthy meals is one of the biggest barriers to losing weight. Meal replacements make it easier to plan meals.

Increased compliance

Meal replacements reduce barriers to dietary adherence, such as the temptation to indulge in unhealthy foods.

Regular eating pattern

Repetition and routine are key in a weight loss or weight maintenance journey. Eating at regular times throughout the day and avoiding long periods of time between each meal positively affect your energy level and hunger feeling.

Accuracy of calorie estimation

Dietitians typically advise consuming a certain number of calories throughout the day, depending on your health goals. Meal replacements – when prepared as suggested – are an easy, precise way to keep track of how many calories you are consuming.

Quality of food consumed

Cutting back on calories can make it difficult to obtain the required nutrients. Meal replacements are often fortified vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, which help avoid a nutrient gap.

Positively affects self-monitoring

Recording dietary intake helps people become aware of their current food-related behaviors. Tracking meal replacements is easy, making self-awareness of target behaviors and outcomes easier.

Evidence Why Meal Replacements Are Effective

In 2018, researchers from the University of Oxford published a systematic review and meta-analysis of meal replacements for weight management. They reviewed 14 studies that compared the effect of weight loss interventions that incorporated meal replacements to those of alternative interventions.

They concluded that meal replacements are superior to usual diet and calorie restriction.

New Findings from the Meta-Analysis

According to the study, participants assigned to a meal replacement diet lost an additional 1.44 kg (3.17 pounds) at one year, compared to a diet-only approach.

The researchers also observed that participants in the meal replacement group who joined behavioral weight loss programs to enhance their effect had a 6.13 kg greater weight loss within the group. *

This finding underlines the value of social support, as these types of programs make it easier for people to adhere to a reduced energy diet. The structure and external control associated with these programs may also promote adherence.

According to our recent survey of dietitians, adherence was the biggest obstacle in their patient’s weight loss journey. Someone simply purchasing meal replacements from a grocery store can easily grow tired of the same flavor and give up; whereas a behavioral program or supportive community will lead to greater adherence.

Meal Replacements for Clinical Use

In many countries today, the clinical recommendations for the treatment of obesity advise that individuals attempting weight loss should aim for an energy deficit of 500-1000 kcal. Unfortunately, these recommendations do not encourage meal replacements as tools to help patients achieve this deficit.

The meta-analysis provides new evidence to inform clinical guidelines, especially when it comes to obesity. The use of meal replacements should be promoted as an effective dietary strategy for weight loss since meal replacements are proven to be effective and easily available without a prescription. However, it’s important to note that, as with any changes in your diet and physical activity levels, individuals should always consult their physician before engaging in any weight-loss journey.

Meal replacements for weight control have also been reviewed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).  The Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies was commissioned to provide a scientific opinion regarding the weight loss claims related to meal replacements.

In their paper, they recognized the following:

  • Weight loss achieved with meal replacement products was significantly greater than with conventional energy-restricted diets prescribed with the same calorie content.
  • When weight loss strategies were equally effective, the intensity of intervention required was three times higher for the conventional energy-restricted diets than for meal replacements.
Meal Replacement facts

Case in Point: A Review of Herbalife Nutrition Meal Replacements

Not all meal replacements are built alike. Quality is a key differentiating factor, especially when it comes to products that are commercially available.

In 2020, independent researchers investigated the efficacy and safety of Herbalife Nutrition products used as high-protein meal replacements for weight management. While the study was funded by the company, we had no control over study execution or manuscript preparation, including data analysis, data interpretation, or manuscript drafting.

In their meta-analysis, they reviewed randomized controlled trials of the company’s high-protein (HP) products used as meal replacement (MR), published through July 2019 in peer-reviewed journals. The researchers consolidated data from nine studies, which included 934 participants: 463 in treatment groups and 471 in control groups.

Ultimately, they found that participants who consumed Herbalife Nutrition HP products experienced significantly larger decreases in body weight, body mass index, and fat mass – compared to the individuals consuming control diets.

12 Perfect Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss in 2022, According to Dietitians

best meal replacement shakes

When you’re pressed for time but don’t want to give in to the temptation of fast food for dinner, your blender can save the day by allowing you to whip up a drink with some, if not all the nutrients of a complete meal. Store-bought shakes can even help do the trick when you’re that rushed.

“If you’re an athlete or very active and require more calories and protein throughout the day, they can also be useful to meet your nutritional needs,” adds Amy K. Fischer M.S.,R.D.N., C.D.N., registered dietitian at the Good Housekeeping Institute. “Also, since there is no prep involved, they can come in handy when traveling.”

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However, it’s important to note that that lots of store-bought drinks and homemade smoothies are high in sugar with not enough protein, fat, fiber, or even calories to constitute a real meal—let alone keep you feeling full until your next nosh, which increases your likelihood for binge eating later. That’s why it’s important to choose shakes that have as many nutrients as possible. It’s also worth noting that not all pre-made shakes are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so it’s a good idea to keep a keen eye on ingredients lists.

How we chose the best meal replacement shakes

We consulted Fischer and Wendy Bazilian, Dr.PH., R.D.N., author of The SuperfoodsRx Diet for nutritional insight on selecting the best meal replacement shakes, as well as their product recommendations. We also reviewed customer feedback and highlighted some of the internet’s best-selling drinks.

Our top meal replacement shakes

  • Best Overall: Premier Protein Meal Replacement Shakes
  • Best Value: SlimFast Advanced Nutrition Meal Replacement Shakes
  • Best Organic: Orgain Organic Meal Replacement Shakes
  • Best Plant-Based: Ripple Vegan Protein Shakes
  • Best High-Protein: Labrada Whey Protein Meal Replacement Shakes

Here are 12 store-bought meal replacement shakes that stack up nutritionally. Plus, exactly what you can pair them with to make them more filling on-the-go.

Premier Protein Protein Shake (Pack of 12)

Protein Shake (Pack of 12)

Now 10% Off



1. Premier Protein Meal Replacement Shakes


4.6 out of 5 stars
162,000+ Amazon customer reviews

With mouthwatering flavors like caramel, chocolate, cookies & cream, and vanilla, there’s something for every sweet tooth out there. And as a recipient of the American Master of Taste Gold Medal for superior taste, Premier Protein’s shakes are so smooth and delicious that you’ll probably mistake your drink for a milkshake. One Amazon reviewer says, “Love these shakes. I’m doing Weight Watchers and these have been a huge tool in my weight loss.”

Make it a meal: Since these shakes are only 160 calories, you want to bulk up with another snack. Consider having a banana (105 calories) with two tablespoons of natural peanut butter (188 calories).

Nutrition info for chocolate: 160 calories, 3 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 5 g carbs (3 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 180 mg sodium, 30 g protein

SlimFast Advanced Nutrition High Protein Meal Replacement Shake (Pack of 3)

Advanced Nutrition High Protein Meal Replacement Shake (Pack of 3)

Now 37% Off



2. SlimFast Advanced Nutrition Meal Replacement Shakes


4.5 out of 5 stars
8,800+ Amazon customer reviews

SlimFast’s meal replacement shakes are packed with 20 grams of protein and five grams of fiber, helping you stay fuller longer. Plus, they offer 24 different essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, iron, calcium, and zinc to fuel your body. Enjoy them in a variety of taste-tempting flavors like rich chocolate, vanilla, and orange cream swirl. Reviewers particularly love the chocolate flavor: “The Creamy Chocolate reminds me of a milkshake. It is very filling and delicious with no aftertaste,” says one Amazon customer.

Make it a meal: Save these drinks for when you can pair them with something small—like 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese and one cup of sliced strawberries—to turn them into a complete meal. This way, you’ll add about 150 extra calories, 13 grams protein, 3 grams fiber, and 2.5 grams fat.

Nutrition info for chocolate: 180 calories, 9 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 7 g carbs (5 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 180 mg sodium, 20 g protein

Orgain Organic Nutritional Shake (Pack of 12)

Organic Nutritional Shake (Pack of 12)



3. Orgain Organic Meal Replacement Shakes


4.5 out of 5 stars
8,500+ Amazon customer reviews

If you’re looking for an all-organic meal replacement shake, look no further than Orgain. All four flavors—creamy chocolate fudge, sweet vanilla bean, strawberries and cream, and iced café mocha—pack 16 grams of grass-fed whey protein powder. “I love Orgain. I recommend it to everyone. I use the shakes as a meal replacement on busy days, and the protein drinks as nutritional supplements to keep up my protein levels. My elderly father has thrived since Orgain has become a staple of his breakfast meals,” one Amazon customer says.

Make it a meal: Supplement this sweet drink with about 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt topped with 1/2 cup raspberries for an additional 105 calories, 10 grams protein, 2 grams fat, and 4 grams fiber.

Nutrition info for iced café mocha : 250 calories, 7 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 32 g carbs (1 g fiber, 12 g sugar, 11 g added sugar), 260 mg sodium, 16 g protein

Labrada Lean Body Protein Shakes (Pack of 12)

Lean Body Protein Shakes (Pack of 12)

Now 31% Off



4. Labrada Whey Protein Meal Replacement Shakes


4.6 out of 5 stars
4,600+ Amazon customer reviews

While this meal replacement shake is on the low side calorie-wise (280 calories), it also boasts 40 grams of protein and five grams of fiber, making it one of the most filling choices on this list. It also has zero grams of sugar and is lactose-free, making it an excellent pick for people who are sensitive to dairy. “With 40 grams of protein and zero sugar, I wasn’t expecting much from this. Wow was I wrong! The cookies & cream is delicious!” says one Amazon customer.

Make it a meal: Snack on some celery sticks (30 calories) with a tablespoon of almond butter (98 calories).

Nutrition info: 280 calories, 9 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 9 g carbs (5 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 600 mg sodium, 40 g protein

Ripple Vegan Protein Shake (Pack of 12)

Vegan Protein Shake (Pack of 12)



5. Ripple Vegan Protein Shakes


4.5 out of 5 stars
2,000+ Amazon customer reviews

These plant-based shakes from Ripple are packed with nutrition, thanks to their minimal ingredients list that includes pea protein, cocoa powder, water, and monk fruit extract. One shake contains 20 grams of vegan protein and two grams of fiber. They’re also soy, lactose, and nut-free, low in sugar, and free of that gritty texture that most plant-based protein shakes have.

One Amazon reviewer writes: “I have tried literally every plant-based protein drink or shake on the market and none of them compare to Ripple. Ripple Chocolate is the closest-tasting product to a high-quality whey protein drink that I’ve found.”

Make it a meal: Paired with one sliced hard-boiled egg (Prep a bunch on Sunday and keep them in your fridge for the week!) on a piece of multi-grain toast, you’ll down an additional 147 calories, 8 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and 2 grams of fiber.

Nutrition info for chocolate: 200 calories, 8 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 13 g carbs (2 g fiber, 9 g sugar), 370 mg sodium, 20 g protein

Iconic Grass-Fed Protein Drinks (Pack of 12)

Grass-Fed Protein Drinks (Pack of 12)



6. Iconic Grass-Fed Meal Replacement Shakes


4.6 out of 5 stars
2,200+ Amazon customer reviews

With 20 grams of grass-fed milk protein, four grams of fiber, and zero grams of sugar per bottle, these shakes are a great choice in a hurry. While they’re packed with calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B12, they are super low in fat and only offer 140 calories, so you’ll definitely need to pair this tasty meal replacement drink (available in flavors like chocolate, coffee, and vanilla bean) with a little something to keep hunger pangs at bay. The great news is that they’re made with lactose-free protein, so they won’t upset your stomach if you’re sensitive to milk products.

“This brand is by far the best protein drink I’ve ever had. I have tried so many different whey protein powders and pre-mixed drinks, and I can never get more than a few sips down, if that. I decided to give these a try and I am so happy I did,” a happy customer says.

Make it a meal: Simply snack on 1 ounce of almonds to boost the calories (164 more) and healthy fat (14 grams more) this drink lacks.

Nutrition info for chocolate: 140 calories, 3 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 8 g carbs (4 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 105 mg sodium, 20 g protein

Evolve Plant-Based Protein Shake

Plant-Based Protein Shake



7. Evolve Plant-Based Protein Shakes

4.1 out of 5 stars
1,700+ Amazon customer reviews

This pea-derived plant-based shake contains 20 grams of protein and is dairy, soy, and gluten-free so it can meet a lot of dietary needs, explains Fischer. It also provides a good source of calcium, iron, vitamin B12 and zinc. Grab it in vanilla or double chocolate. “THE BEST PLANT BASED SHAKE I’ve found,” one Amazon reviewer raves. “As a vegan with allergies, this drink is a life saver. I was having health issues and not able to eat a lot and this shake kept me alive. The flavor is so much better than other plant based ones that taste like chalk or grass.”

Make it a meal: Fischer says this shake is lower in calories and fat, so pairing it with a snack such as a serving of pistachios (1/4 cup) or almonds or cashews would boost satiety.

Nutrition info for vanilla: 140 calories, 2 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 15 g carbs (10 g fiber, 4 g sugar), 250 mg sodium, 20 g protein

Pure Protein Vanilla Protein Shake

Vanilla Protein Shake



8. Pure Protein Meal Replacement Shakes

4.5 out of 5 stars
33,500+ Amazon customer reviews

Pure Protein shakes are loved for good reason: The typical bottle offers 30 grams of protein (along with calcium, iron, and vitamins A, C, and D) for only 140 calories and one gram of sugar. However, these drinks are low in both fiber and fat, so you may want to sip on one with a snack on the side for a complete meal replacement. Still, if you’re craving something sweet, they come in satisfying flavors like cookies and cream, peaches and cream, chocolate, vanilla, and more.

“I’ve been drinking this for breakfast for a few months. I find the packaging very convenient for on-the-go breakfast. It’s quite tasty and you really can’t beat the macros.” an Amazon reviewer writes.

Make it a meal: If you’re grabbing this shake for breakfast and know you need to keep hunger at bay until lunch, drink this shake after you nosh on a slice of multi-grain bread topped with 1/4 of an avocado. You’ll boost your meal by 150 calories, 6 grams of filling fiber, and about 8 grams of healthy fats.

Nutrition info for vanilla: 140 calories, 1.5 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 6 g carbs (4 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 250 mg sodium, 30 g protein

ALOHA Organic-Plant Based Protein Shakes

Organic-Plant Based Protein Shakes



9. Aloha Organic Plant-Based Protein Shakes

4.2 out of 5 stars
600+ Amazon customer reviews

Pea and brown rice protein combine to give you 13 grams of protein power in one of these conveniently packaged drinks. They also feature organic MCT oil from coconut for natural energy endurance, and they contain zero sugar additives like stevia, which is why Fischer recommends them. Amazon shoppers love them, too—particularly the coconut flavor. “These coconut protein shakes are fantastic! The ingredients are clean and healthy. The coconut flavor is on point,” one reviewer writes. Other available flavors include chocolate sea salt, vanilla, and iced coffee.

Make it a meal: At 160 calories, these shakes will leave room for a little something else. Pair it with a banana (105 calories) with two tablespoons of natural peanut butter (188 calories) to stay fuller, longer.

Nutrition info for coconut: 160 calories, 3 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 10 g carbs (3 g fiber, 5 g sugar), 250 mg sodium, 18 g protein

OWYN Complete Nutrition Shakes (Pack of 12)

Complete Nutrition Shakes (Pack of 12)



10. Owyn Vegan Meal Replacement Shakes

4.5 out of 5 stars
1,200+ Amazon customer reviews

Certified vegan and gluten-free, Owyn’s meal replacement shakes deliver 20 grams of plant-based protein, which is a blend of pea protein, organic flaxseed oil, oat powder, and organic pumpkin seed powder. It also offers 23 different vitamins and minerals and contains zero fillers and artificial sweeteners. Try it in chocolate or chai. “I have severe IBS and a number of health conditions that make eating real food difficult. These shakes have helped me significantly, and they taste great!” says a customer.

Make it a meal: Savor this creamy drink with a small snack, like 1/2 cup of fresh strawberries and a cup of dairy-free yogurt.

Nutrition info for chocolate: 300 calories, 10 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 31 g carbs (3 g fiber, 5 g sugar), 330 mg sodium, 20 g protein

Soylent Ready-to-Drink Meal Replacement Shakes (Pack of 12)

Ready-to-Drink Meal Replacement Shakes (Pack of 12)



11. Soylent Meal Replacement Shakes

4.4 out of 5 stars
11,100+ Amazon customer reviews

Soylent’s vegan-friendly meal replacement shakes are 400 calories, which makes them a convenient choice for a full-on meal when you don’t have time to pick up breakfast. One shake has 20 grams of protein and three grams of fiber, plus hefty doses of vitamin D, iron, magnesiumand other nutrients. “Soylent is pretty good! I love chai so I was excited to try this flavor. You can definitely taste the chai and it doesn’t taste too much like a protein drink. I am excited to try the other flavors and I love that it keeps me full for several hours,” an Amazon reviewer writes.

Nutrition info for chai: 400 calories, 24 g fat (2.5 g saturated fat), 38 g carbs (3 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 1 g added sugar), 300 mg sodium, 20 g protein

Après Plant-Based Protein Shakes (Pack of 12)

Plant-Based Protein Shakes (Pack of 12)

Now 20% Off



12. Après Vegan Meal Replacement Shakes

4.3 out of 5 stars
600+ Amazon customer reviews

With 15 grams of protein, hunger-curbing coconut oil and hydrating coconut water, this plant-based protein drink is the perfect beverage to sip on the go. Thanks to its proprietary protein blend of pea protein, chia, and hemp, this meal replacement shake also delivers a complete amino acid profile. “I have two kids under two and work for a startup 24/7. Often times I am in back-to-back meetings all day with zero time to make lunch. These save me. I grab one quickly and know that I am getting the nutrients and protein that I need in one quick drink,” a happy Amazon customer says.

Make it a meal: Pair this shake with 6 baby carrots (24 calories), 3 tablespoons of hummus (75 calories), and 11 whole-wheat pita chips (about 120 calories).

Nutrition info for mint chocolate: 170 calories, 8 g fat (5 g saturated fat), 9 g carbs (2 g fiber, 4 g sugar, 3 g added sugar), 280 mg sodium, 15 g protein

prevention line break

How to choose (and use) meal replacement shakes

In reality, having a meal replacement shake on its own isn’t enough. “The number of calories needed per person varies greatly depending on factors such as height, weight, activity level, age, and health goals,” explains Fischer. “Some adults might require only 400 calories per meal while others may require a lot more than 500 calories. Most meal replacement shakes usually fall in the range of 150-300 calories, so some individuals may need to supplement their shake with other food. While protein needs also vary from person to person, look for a shake that contains more than 15-20 grams of protein, more than 5 grams of fiber and 10-15 grams of unsaturated fat.”

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