Maximum Carb Intake For Weight Loss

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

Did you know that for every pound you gain, your metabolic rate decreases by 5%? That’s a huge hit to your weight loss efforts. The long-term solution is to eat foods that burn fat as fuel, keep your skin glowing and organs healthy. For a quick fix, lower your carb intake (or maximize carb-burning potential) by swapping these high carb foods for their lower carb counterparts.

Many people want to lose weight, but it’s hard. One of the hardest parts is counting carb intake. Carbohydrate is one of the three macronutrients that provide energy in the body. The others are fats and protein. For very overweight people, they can eat fewer carbohydrates because they have a lot of fat to use as a source of fuel. But for many people, their excess weight comes from having too much fat on their bodies combined with too few calories burned through physical activity, which is a good case for eating fewer carbs. After all, if you want to take control of your weight, then this is the way to go. Here is why: I’m going to talk about Maximum Carb Intake For Weight Loss, make sure you read this article.

Maximum Carb Intake For Weight Loss

Low carbohydrate diets can be very effective for weight loss, according to research.

Reducing carbs tends to reduce your appetite and cause automatic weight loss, or weight loss without the need to count calories.

For some people, a low carb diet allows them to eat until fullness, feel satisfied, and still lose weight.

The number of carbs a person should eat every day for weight loss varies depending on their age, sex, body type, and activity levels.

This article reviews how many carbs you should eat per day to lose weight.

Why would you want to eat fewer carbs?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbs provide 45–65% of your daily calorie intake for all age groups and sexes (1Trusted Source).

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Daily Value (DV) for carbs is 300 grams per day when eating a 2,000-calorie diet.

Some people reduce their daily carb intake with the aim of losing weight, cutting down to around 50–150 grams per day.

Research has shown that low carb diets can be part of an effective weight loss strategy.

This diet restricts your intake of carbohydrates — including sugars and starches like bread and pasta — and replaces them with protein, healthy fats, and vegetables.

Studies show that low carb diets can reduce a person’s appetite, lead to them eating fewer calories, and help them to lose weight more easily than in other diets, provided they maintain the diet (3Trusted Source).

In studies comparing low carb and low fat diets, researchers need to actively restrict calories in the low fat groups to make the results comparable, but the low carb groups are still usually more effective.

Low carb diets also have benefits that go beyond just weight loss. They can help to lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides. They can also help to raise HDL (good) cholesterol and improve the pattern of LDL (bad) cholesterol (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).

Low carb diets often cause more weight loss and improve health when compared to calorie-restricted, low fat diets that many people still recommend. There’s plenty of evidence to support this idea.


Many studies show that low carb diets can be more effective and healthier than low fat diets.

What counts as a low carb diet?

There’s no clear definition of exactly what constitutes a low carb diet, and what’s low for one person may not be low for the next.

An individual’s optimal carb intake depends on their age, gender, body composition, activity levels, personal preference, food culture, and current metabolic health.

People who are physically active and have more muscle mass can tolerate a lot more carbs than people who are sedentary. This particularly applies to those who do a lot of high intensity exercise, like lifting weights or sprinting.

Metabolic health is also a very important factor. When people develop metabolic syndrome, obesity, or type 2 diabetes, their carb needs change.

People who fall into these categories are less able to tolerate a lot of of carbs.


The optimal carb intake varies between individuals, depending on activity levels, current metabolic health, and many other factors.

How to decide your daily carb intake

If you simply remove the unhealthiest carb sources from your diet, such as refined wheat and added sugars, you’ll be well on your way to improved health.

However, to unlock the potential metabolic benefits of low carb diets, you also need to restrict other carb sources.

There are no scientific papers that explain exactly how to match carbohydrate intake to individual needs. The following sections discuss what some dietitians believe about carb intake and weight loss.

Eating 100–150 grams per day

This is a moderate carb intake. It may work for people who are lean, active, and trying to stay healthy and maintain their weight.

It’s possible to lose weight at this — and any — carb intake, but you may also need to be aware of calorie intake and portion sizes to lose weight.

Carbs you can eat include:

  • all vegetables
  • several pieces of fruit per day
  • moderate amounts of healthy starches, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and healthier grains, like rice and oats

Eating 50–100 grams per day

This range may be beneficial if you want to lose weight while keeping some carb sources in the diet. It may also help to maintain your weight if you’re sensitive to carbs.

Carbs you can eat include:

  • plenty of vegetables
  • 2–3 pieces of fruit per day
  • minimal amounts of starchy carbs

Eating 20–50 grams per day

This is where the low carb diet has bigger effects on metabolism. This is a possible range for people who want to lose weight fast, or have metabolic problems, obesity, or diabetes.

When eating less than 50 grams per day, the body will go into ketosis, supplying energy for the brain via so-called ketone bodies. This is likely to dampen your appetite and cause you to lose weight automatically.

Carbs you can eat include:

  • plenty of low carb vegetables
  • some berries, maybe with whipped cream
  • trace carbs from other foods, like avocados, nuts, and seeds

Be aware that a low carb diet doesn’t mean it’s a no-carb diet. There’s room for plenty of low carb vegetables.

It’s important to experiment

Each individual is unique and what works for one person may not work for the next. It’s important to do some self-experimentation and figure out what works best for you.

If you have type 2 diabetes, talk to your healthcare provider before making any changes, because this diet can drastically reduce your need for medication.


For people who are physically active or want to maintain their weight, a range of 100­–150 grams of carbs per day may have benefits. For those aiming to lose weight quickly, going under 50 grams per day under the guidance of a healthcare provider may help.

Types of carbs and what to focus on

A low carb diet isn’t just about weight loss, it may also improve your health.

For this reason, the diet should be based on whole, unprocessed foods and healthy carb sources.

Low carb junk foods are often unhealthy.

If you want to improve your health, choose unprocessed foods such as:

  • lean meats
  • fish
  • eggs
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • avocados
  • healthy fats

Choose carbohydrate sources that include fiber. If you prefer a moderate carb intake, try to choose unrefined starch sources, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, oats, and brown rice.

Added sugars and other refined carbs are always unhealthy options, it’s recommended that you limit or avoid them.

For more details on specific foods to eat, check out this list of low carb foods and this detailed low carb meal plan and sample menu.


It’s very important to choose healthy, fiber-rich carb sources. A healthy diet includes plenty of vegetables, even at the lowest level of carb intake.

Low carb diets help you burn fat

  • Low carb diets greatly reduce your blood levels of insulin, a hormone that brings the glucose from carbs into the body’s cells.
  • One of the functions of insulin is to store fat. Many experts believe that the reason low carb diets work so well is that they reduce your levels of this hormone.
  • Another thing that insulin does is to tell the kidneys to retain sodium. This is the reason high carb diets can cause excess water retention.
  • When you cut carbs, you reduce insulin and your kidneys start shedding excess water (11Trusted Source, 12).
  • It’s common for people to lose a lot of water weight in the first few days on a low carb diet. Some dietitians suggest you might lose up to 5–10 pounds (2.3–4.5 kg) this way.
  • Weight loss will slow down after the first week, but your fat mass may continue to decrease if you maintain the diet.
  • One study compared low carb and low fat diets and used DEXA scanners, which are very accurate measures of body composition. The low carb dieters lost significant amounts of body fat and gained muscle at the same time (13Trusted Source).
  • Studies also show that low carb diets are particularly effective at reducing the fat in your abdominal cavity, also known as visceral fat or belly fat. This is the most dangerous fat and is strongly associated with many diseases (14Trusted Source).
  • If you’re new to low carb eating, you’ll probably need to go through an adaptation phase where your body is getting used to burning fat instead of carbs.
  • This is called the “low carb flu,” and it’s usually over within a few days. After this initial phase is over, many people report having more energy than before, with no afternoon dips in energy that are common on high carb diets.


Water weight drops fast on a low carb diet, and fat loss takes a bit longer. It’s common to feel unwell in the first few days of lowering your carb intake. However, many people feel excellent after this initial adaptation phase.

Before starting the low carb diet, try tracking how many carbs you eat on a typical day and whether they’re healthy or unhealthy. A free app can help.

Because fiber doesn’t really count as carbohydrates, you can exclude the fiber grams from the total number. Instead, count net carbs, using this calculation: net carbs = total carbs – fiber.

If you’re not losing weight or weight loss slows down during the low carb diet, check out these possible reasons why.

One of the benefits of low carb diets is that, for many people, it’s easy to do. You don’t need to track anything if you don’t want to.

Just eat some protein, healthy fats, and veggies at every meal. Include some nuts, seeds, avocados, and full-fat dairy products. Also, choose unprocessed foods.

13 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbohydrate Intake

  • Curb sugar-sweetened drinks
  • Eat less refined bread
  • Reconsider fruit juice
  • Choose low carb snacks
  • Focus on low carb breakfasts
  • Try sugar alternatives
  • Rethink restaurant meals
  • Substitute alternative flours
  • Enjoy non-starchy veggies
  • Focus on high protein
  • Incorporate healthy fats
  • Use food labels
  • Use a nutrition tracker

There’s a lot of talk about carbs being the enemy in modern diet culture, but that’s not the case. Carbohydrates are an important part of most diets. In fact, complex carbs — which come from whole, unprocessed plant foods — are typically full of nutrients (1Trusted Source).

In some circumstances, however, cutting back on carbohydrates may provide some real health benefits. This is especially true when it comes to simple carbs, which are derived from highly processed foods and do not provide additional nutrients (1Trusted Source).

Studies show that low carb diets may help with weight loss and better management of diabetes or prediabetes in adults with higher body weights (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).

If your nutritionist or doctor has advised you to reduce your carbohydrate intake as part of a healthier lifestyle overhaul (which typically includes other aspects such as physical activity), here are 13 easy ways to cut back on carbs.

Iced drink with straw header
Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images

1. Curb your intake of sugar-sweetened drinks

Most sugar, whether it’s fructose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, or glucose, is considered a simple carbohydrate. Simple carbs provide quick energy, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin secretion from your pancreas.

Consuming sugar-sweetened drinks like sodas or sweetened iced teas can add a lot of extra carbs, in the form of sugar, to your diet (5Trusted Source, 6).

For instance, one can (12 fluid ounces) of non-diet cola contains 35 grams of carbs, and one small sweetened iced tea drink contains 29.5 grams of carbs. These carbs come almost entirely from sugar (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has been associated with the onset of type 2 diabetes, so cutting back on these drinks could help reduce your risk of the condition (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source).

If you’re craving something refreshing, flavored seltzers are a great substitute.


Reducing your intake of sugar-sweetened drinks like soda can significantly reduce your simple carbohydrate intake and may help protect against the development of type 2 diabetes.

2. Cut back on refined grain bread

Many types of bread, especially whole grain bread, contain vitamins and minerals. Unrefined whole grain bread is also considered a complex carb, meaning it takes longer to digest and affects blood sugar gradually instead of all at once (5Trusted Source).

While breads made with refined grains, like white bread, aren’t always higher in carbs than whole grain breads, the process of refining the grains can reduce the micronutrient and fiber content of the bread.

Without a lot of fiber, the sugar and carbs in the bread are processed quickly in the body, which can lead to blood sugar spikes. Over time, this can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes (11, 12Trusted Source).

Sticking with a moderate amount of whole grain bread, or lessening your daily intake of bread in general, can help you ingest fewer simple carbs that can spike blood sugar.


Whole grain breads contain nutrients and are considered complex carbs. Sticking to a moderate amount of whole grain bread can lessen your intake of simple carbs, which may cause blood sugar spikes.

3. Think about fruit juice

Unlike whole fruit, fruit juice contains little to no fiber and is usually high in fructose, a form of fruit sugar that is also considered a simple carb (5Trusted Source).

Although it provides some vitamins and minerals, fruit juice is very similar to sugar-sweetened beverages (like soda) in terms of sugar and carbs (13Trusted Source).

For instance, 1 bottle (around 10 fluid ounces) of 100% apple juice contains 35 grams of carbs, most of which is sugar (14Trusted Source).

If you’re looking to consume fewer carbs, consider choosing a piece of fruit instead of fruit juice. Whole fruit is usually just as sweet, and it contains fiber, which may help ease blood sugar spikes for people dealing with diabetes (5Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).


Even though it contains vitamins and minerals, fruit juice is often just as full of simple carbs as sugar-sweetened beverages like soda. It’s best to limit your consumption if you’re looking to cut carbs.

4. Choose lower-carb snacks

Carbs can add up quickly in snack foods such as chips, pretzels, and crackers. This is because these salty, savory snacks are usually low in protein and fiber, two macronutrients responsible for that full feeling.

This means you may end up eating much more than you initially planned (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).

Incorporating more low carb snacks that have a good serving of protein and fiber can help you feel satisfied.

If you’re looking for some ideas, nuts, cheese, and eggs tend to be lower in carbs and higher in protein. There are also tons of low carb snack roundups around the web that can help spark your creativity (18Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).


Low carb snacks such as nuts and cheese can help you feel satisfied due to their higher protein and healthy fat content.

5. Start your day with eggs or other lower-carb breakfast foods

Breakfast foods can have hidden amounts of carbs and sugar, even if they seem “healthy” at first glance.

For instance, a cup of store-bought granola can have around 68 grams of carbs, and a cup of Raisin Bran cereal can have around 46 grams (21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).

While they may also contain vitamins and fiber, breakfast cereals can be heavy on simple carbs due to added sugar. Long-term consumption of foods containing added sugar can lead to blood sugar spikes in those already living with diabetes (23, 24).

If you’re looking for options that contain fewer simple carbs, consider incorporating more eggs into your morning routine.

One egg contains less than 1 gram of carbs. Eggs are also a great source of high quality protein, which can help you feel fuller longer and possibly eat less throughout the rest of the day (16Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).

What’s more, eggs are extremely versatile and can be prepared in many ways, including hard boiling for an on-the-go breakfast.

Other low carb breakfast ideas include low sugar yogurt, crustless quiche, nut butter on celery sticks or low carb bread, and a breakfast skillet with vegetables and potatoes.


Certain packaged breakfast foods can contain hidden simple carbs. Choosing eggs or other high protein, lower-carb foods for breakfast can help you feel full and satisfied for several hours.

Meal Prep: Everyday Breakfast Ideas

Meal Prep: Everyday Breakfast

Save time in the morning with three nutritious and well-balanced breakfast recipes that are easy to meal prep. In this video, learn how to make a veggie frittata, ginger cinnamon granola, and a delicious sweet potato hash.

6. Use sugar alternatives

While many people enjoy sweetening their coffee or tea with sugar, it can add excess carbs.

Although honey is a more natural sweetener, it’s also pure sugar. One tablespoon contains 17 grams of carbs, all from sugar (25Trusted Source).

If you’re looking to keep your sweetened coffee, there are plenty of sugar alternatives that tend to be low in sugar or even completely sugar-free:

  • Stevia. Stevia comes from the stevia plant, which originated in South America. A few studies have shown that stevia may have a potential blood glucose-lowering effect in people living with diabetes (26Trusted Source).
  • Erythritol. Erythritol is a type of sugar alcohol that tastes like sugar, does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels, and may help prevent cavities by killing plaque-causing bacteria (27, 28Trusted Source).
  • Xylitol. Another sugar alcohol, xylitol also helps fight the bacteria that cause tooth decay. In addition, research suggests it may be beneficial for blood sugar management (27, 29Trusted Source).


Using sugar alternatives can help you keep your carb intake low without giving up sweetness altogether.

7. Consider the carb content of restaurant meals

Eating out can be challenging during the initial stages of a low carb diet or after deciding to really downgrade your carb intake.

Even if you order meat or fish with no breading or gravy, you’ll typically get a starch on the side, such as potatoes, rice, pasta, or bread. These starches can add 30 or more grams of carbs to your meal, depending on the portion size, which is often large (30Trusted Source).

Keep an eye on portion sizes when ordering a meal from a restaurant (could you take half the starch home?), and consider ordering a side salad to increase your fiber intake to help you feel fuller quicker.


Ordering extra vegetables to offset larger servings of potatoes, pasta, rice, or bread when eating out can save carbs. Taking home half the carb portion of the meal can also help.

8. Substitute alternative flours for white flour

White flour is often the base of many baked goods, including breads, muffins, and cookies, and is used to coat most fried foods. White flour is considered a refined grain, which means many of the nutrients and fiber have been processed out.

Less fiber means it digests quickly and may lead to insulin spikes in people who have type 2 diabetes. You may also end up feeling less satisfied after eating something made with refined flour (31Trusted Source).

If you’re craving baked goods, try swapping out white flour for whole grain flour, which has more fiber and a better nutritional profile (32Trusted Source).

You might also consider subbing coconut or almond flour for white flour, as these alternative options tend to be lower in carbs. However, these flours have a higher fat content than white or whole grain flour (33Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source).

When buying a food made with an alternative flour, or when baking with it yourself, keep in mind that the texture of the finished product may be denser due to either a lack of gluten (for almond or coconut flours) or less refinement (for whole wheat flour).


White flour is a refined flour, which means it has been stripped of fiber and nutrients. Consider using alternative flours in place of white flour in baked goods or when coating food prior to frying.

9. Emphasize non-starchy vegetables

Vegetables are a valuable source of nutrients and fiber. They also contain phytochemicals (plant compounds), many of which function as antioxidants that help protect you from disease (35Trusted Source).

However, if you’re trying to keep your carb intake down, it’s important to focus on non-starchy vegetables.

The American Diabetes Association has an extensive list of non-starchy vegetables, including artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, and tomatoes (36).


All vegetables are valuable sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. To keep your carb intake lower, emphasize non-starchy vegetables in moderation.

10. Focus on high protein foods

If you’re a fan of carbs but still trying to cut back, one of the best ways of keeping yourself satisfied is to focus on high protein foods.

Protein has been shown to help increase satiety, which means it helps you feel fuller longer. It may also help you eat less throughout the day (37Trusted Source).

Additionally, protein has a slightly higher thermic value than fat or carbs, meaning your body requires more calories to digest it (38Trusted Source).

By emphasizing foods that are higher in protein (while still supplementing your diet with complex carbohydrates), you may even get the extra benefit of some weight loss (37Trusted Source).


Adding foods that are higher in protein to your meals can help you feel fuller, fight cravings, and boost your metabolic rate for a brief period.

11. Supplement with healthier fats

Lowering your intake of carbs may mean you find yourself eating not only more protein but also more fat.

Focusing on healthier fats can help you stay on track if you’re following a weight loss or weight maintenance program.

While research has done a lot of flip-flopping as to what exactly makes a particular type of fat good for us, foods like fatty fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and dairy continually show up as quality fats (39, 40Trusted Source).

As with everything, moderation and variety are key.


Supplementing your lower-carb diet with healthier fats can add variety and even health benefits.

12. Pay attention to food labels

Food labels provide valuable information about the carb content of packaged foods.

Paying attention to serving size is also important, especially when eating foods that may be higher in sugar (simple carbs) and have smaller serving sizes than many people traditionally eat.

For instance, cereal packaging and commercials often exaggerate serving size depictions, making it easier for people to eat more than one serving at a time (41Trusted Source).


Reading food labels and understanding serving sizes can help you make more informed choices when it comes to reducing carb intake.

13. Count carbs with a nutrition tracker

A nutrition tracker is a great tool for keeping track of your daily food intake. Most are available as apps for smartphones and tablets, as well as online.

Carbs and other nutrients are automatically calculated when you enter them into the tracker.

Most of the information in these food databases is trustworthy. However, keep in mind that some of these programs allow people to add custom nutrition information that may not always be accurate.


Using a nutrition tracking app or online program can help you monitor and fine-tune your carb intake.

In some circumstances, cutting back on carbohydrates — particularly simple carbs in processed foods that don’t contain many additional nutrients — may provide some health benefits. This is especially true if you are living with type 2 diabetes.

If your doctor or nutritionist has recommended that you eat fewer carbs, it’s still possible (and advisable) to eat a varied diet.

Concentrating on protein, fiber, complex carbs, and healthy fats can help you feel satisfied throughout the day and will provide the nutrients needed for a balanced diet.

8 Carbs You Should Be Eating To Lose Weight

Carbs are not evil. Your body needs them and they could be the BEST allies to your weight loss! This post will share the most effective carbs to lose weight. Plus some delicious recipe suggestions, too.

7 Carbs You Should Be Eating To Lose Weight

Carbs…They’ve sadly been given a bad rep alllll these years. 

They have been shunned, discarded. Called “evil” by many diets! Naturally, this has caused many people to lessen their intake or *gasp* avoid them altogether. 

But get this. When consumed in moderation, carbs can actually be one of your best pals for weight loss. I’m 100% serious.

Whether you’re starting the journey to weight loss, or are looking for fresh ideas to spruce up your meal prep, this post will help you identify the carbs that offer maximum nourishment and nutritious benefits.


We’ll also debunk common misconceptions and get straight to the facts that work. Read on further for yummy recipes you can try! Because any diet should taste good…really good.

How Many Carbs Should I Consume Daily To Lose Weight?

The recommended carb ratio according to the Food and Drug Administration should be 300 grams per day when you’re eating a 2,000 calorie diet. If you’re looking to lose weight, you can shave off digits but I wouldn’t recommend dropping below 150 grams per day for too long (for you health’s sake).

Feeling kind of lost? If you’re looking for a detailed guide on how to jumpstart your health, weight loss, and clean-eating lifestyle, checkout my 30 Day Healthy Program!

Is It Bad to Cut Out Carbs Completely?

Unless you want to go full on yo-yo diet (lose some, gain it all back) you should not cut carbs completely. They are the body’s main source of energy! You may lose weight this way BUT you’ll be depleted, super hungry, and lose that healthy glow.

Plus, carbs are great sources of fiber, minerals, vitamins (such as B12), and antioxidants. Removing them completely can rob you of important nutrients in your diet. Not to mention enthusiasm for life! 

What Carbs Should I Avoid To Loose Weight?

Not all carbs are created equal. The ones you need to particularly avoid are refined carbohydrates. I’m pretty sure you already have an idea on which these might be. But in just in case…

Here’s a list of carbs to avoid for effective weight loss:

  • Rice Crackers
  • White Bread
  • Sugary Cereals
  • Potato Chips
  • Muffins
  • Energy Bars
  • Crackers

What Carbs Should I Eat To Loose Belly Fat?

When you’re looking to lose belly fat, you should eat complex carbs plentiful with dietary fiber. It takes your body longer to break them down which keeps you full and curbs cravings…you know, those things you get 24/7 when you don’t eat enough. Keep reading to learn about the top 8 carbs for weight loss.

8 Carbs You Should Be Eating To Lose Weight

1. Oats

Oats are loaded with complex carbs! They also have 10 grams of protein per a half-cup serving which makes for an excellent energy boost. Look for rolled or steel cut oats (these have more nutrients vs. instant or quick-cook)! These banana oat blender pancakes have definitely kept me full, happy, and satisfied!

2. Legumes

Did you know: lentils, chickpeas, beans, and peas are all legumes? These bad boys are great for reducing belly fat. Woohoo! Promising studies have shown that eating a semi calorie restricted diet that included 4 legume servings per week aided in MORE weight loss…compared to those that didn’t eat legumes.

Now, ready for a fab recipe? You need to try my awesome Sweet Potato and Lentil Hash.

3. Whole-Wheat Bread

Whole grain bread and pasta have been wondrous additions on my weight loss journey! Check out 6 Best Store Bought Breads to discover the most nutritious brands you can buy. Hearty carbs help you burn more belly fat especially when you nix other more refined carbs.

Give this Chocolate Zucchini Bread a try. It’s made with whole wheat pastry flour, is super easy to prepare, and is a GREAT way to satisfy your chocolate cravings. 

4. Full Fat Yogurt (And Dairy)

Full fat yogurt doesn’t often come to mind when it comes to weight loss. But, this creamy snack can actually lower your body mass index, weight, AND fat. The combination of natural sugars, satiating fat, and protein will keep your cravings at bay. 

Craving for something cool and sweet? Try these Frozen Yogurt Recipes! They’re creamy, rich and flavorful. So, so easy to make! 

7 Carbs You Should Be Eating To Lose Weight
5. Bananas

It’s the first thing most people think of when they’re looking for a healthy snack. But my friends, the banana is more than that! Not only does this fruit increase bloat-fighting bacteria in the stomach, it’s also packed with potassium (which helps diminish water retention).

Want to level up your smoothie and banana game? Try these 14 Smoothie Freezer Packs. They. Are. Amazeballs.

6. Quinoa

When I got into clean-eating, I discovered just how awesome quinoa is. No wonder it’s considered to be the powerhouse of the ancient grains! Quinoa keeps you full and it’s also a complete protein…which gives you the amino acids your body needs to build muscle. And you know we like to stay fit around here.

If you’re looking to satisfy your sweet tooth, this Chocolate Quinoa Breakfast Bowl  will definitely brighten up your morning.

7. Broccoli

Carbs and broccoli don’t normally go in the same sentence. But broccoli is a great source to consider because it packs a good dose of fiber. This aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating.

This Healthy Broccoli Salad with Greek Yogurt Dressing is crunchy, light, and refreshing.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Ahh, my beloved sweet potatoes. Not only are they chock-full of nutrients but they also have medicinal properties. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. It’s no wonder sweet potatoes are a superfood!

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