Macro Intake For Weight Loss

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

If you’re trying to lose weight, the macro intake for weight loss is extremely important. The main sources of energy for your body are carbohydrates, fat and protein.

The notion that all calories are created equal for weight loss, has been a long standing myth. After it first began to circulate in the late 90s but now there’s been a resurgence of popular thought on the subject. Newer research, however, shows that this isn’t true and that eating not only certain foods but also how many times you eat can greatly affect how much fat your body burns. If you want to know more about Macro Intake For Weight Loss, make sure you read this article.

Macro Intake For Weight Loss

A recent trend in weight loss is counting macronutrients.

These are nutrients that your body requires in large amounts for normal growth and development — namely, carbs, fats and proteins.

On the other hand, micronutrients are nutrients that your body only needs in small amounts, such as vitamins and minerals.

Counting macronutrients is similar to counting calories but differs in that it considers where the calories come from.

This article reviews the best macronutrient ratio for weight loss and why diet quality matters.

Calorie Intake Matters More Than Macronutrient Ratio for Fat Loss

When it comes to losing fat, how much you eat matters more than the amounts of carbs, fat and protein in your food.

In a one-year study, researchers randomized over 600 overweight people to a low-fat or low-carb diet (1Trusted Source).

During the first two months of the study, the low-fat diet group consumed 20 grams of fat per day, while the low-carb group consumed 20 grams of carbs per day.

After two months, people in both groups began adding either fats or carbs back into their diet until they reached the lowest level of intake they believed they could maintain.

While neither group had to consume a certain number of calories, both groups reduced their intake by an average of 500–600 calories a day.

At the end of the study, the low-fat diet group lost 11.7 pounds (5.3 kg) compared to the low-carb group, which lost 13.2 pounds (6 kg) — a mere difference of 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) over the course of a year (1Trusted Source).

In another study, more than 645 overweight people were randomly assigned to a diet that differed in proportions of fat (40% vs 20%), carbs (32% vs 65%) and protein (25% vs 15%) (2Trusted Source).

Regardless of the macronutrient ratio, all diets were equally successful in promoting similar amounts of weight loss over the course of two years (2Trusted Source).

These results and others point to the fact that any reduced-calorie diet can cause similar amounts of weight loss in the long term (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).


Research shows that you can lose fat regardless of your macronutrient ratio. Moreover, different macronutrient ratios do not significantly affect how much total fat you lose in the long run.

Calories Don’t Explain the Whole Story

  • A calorie measures the amount of energy a particular food or beverage contains. Whether from carbs, fats or proteins, one dietary calorie contains approximately 4.2 joules of energy (7Trusted Source).
  • By this definition, all calories are created equal. However, this assumption fails to consider the complexities of human physiology.
  • Food and its macronutrient composition can influence how hungry or full you feel, your metabolic rate, brain activity and hormonal response (8Trusted Source).
  • So, while 100 calories of broccoli and 100 calories of doughnuts contain the same amount of energy, they affect your body and food choices much differently.
  • Four cups (340 grams) of broccoli have 100 calories and pack eight grams of fiber. Conversely, just one-half of a medium-sized glazed doughnut provides 100 calories, largely from refined carbs and fats (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source).
  • Now imagine eating four cups of broccoli in one sitting. Not only would it take a lot of time and effort to chew, but its high fiber content would leave you feeling much fuller than eating one-half of a doughnut, in which case you will most likely eat the other half.

As a result, a calorie is not just a calorie. You should also focus on diet quality to increase dietary adherence and fat loss.


Calories supply your body with the same amount of energy. However, they differ in how they affect your health and ability to stay on track with your diet.

The Importance of Diet Quality

To lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than you burn.

By doing so, you force your body to draw energy from its current stores (body fat) regardless of the carb, fat and protein makeup of your diet.

Once you create a calorie deficit, it’s important to account for the types of foods you’re eating as some are more diet-friendly and nutritious than others.

Here are some foods and macronutrients to focus on along with some to limit.

Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods

Foods that are nutrient-dense contain high levels of nutrients but are relatively low in calories.

Nutrient-dense foods pack fiber, lean protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds like phytochemicals.

These include foods like dairy, beans, legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats and fish.

Many of these foods are also rich in fiber and contain a high percentage of water. Water and fiber help increase feelings of fullness, which can help you eat fewer total calories throughout the day.

Consume High-Protein Foods

Protein promotes feelings of fullness, spares muscle loss and has the highest thermic effect, meaning it takes more calories to digest compared to carbs or fats (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

Look for lean animal-based sources like meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy. You can also get your protein from plant-based sources like soy, grains and certain vegetables, including green peas.

Protein shakes or meal-replacement beverages are also a good option in between meals or in place of a meal to increase protein intake.

Limit Fat and High-Carb Foods

Just as some foods can benefit your weight loss goals, others can sabotage them.

Foods that contain both fats and carbs stimulate the reward center in your brain and increase your cravings, which can lead to overeating and weight gain (15Trusted Source, 16Trusted Source).

Doughnuts, pizza, cookies, crackers, potato chips and other highly processed snacks contain this addictive combination of fats and carbs.

Independently, carbs or fats don’t have addictive qualities, but together they can be hard to resist.


The foods you eat can impact your fat loss efforts. Consume foods that are nutrient-dense and high in protein but limit foods that contain a combination of carbs and fats, as this combo makes them addictive.

The Best Macronutrient Ratio Is the One You Can Stick To

While the macronutrient composition of your diet may not directly influence fat loss, it can affect your ability to adhere to a reduced-calorie diet.

This is important, as studies have shown that the single greatest predictor of weight loss is adherence to a reduced-calorie diet (12Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).

However, sticking with a diet is difficult for most people, and it’s the reason why so many diets fail.

To increase your chances of success on a reduced-calorie diet, individualize your macronutrient ratio based on your preferences and health (19Trusted Source).

For example, people with type 2 diabetes may find it easier to control their blood sugars on a low-carb rather than a high-carb diet (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).

Conversely, otherwise healthy people may find they’re less hungry on a high-fat, low-carb diet, and that it’s easier to follow compared to a low-fat, high-carb diet (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).

However, diets that emphasize a high intake of one macronutrient (like fats) and low intakes of another (like carbs) are not for everyone.

Instead, you may find that you can stick to a diet that has the right balance of macronutrients, which can also be effective for weight loss (25Trusted Source).

The acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) set forth by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies recommend that people get (26):

  • 45–65% of their calories from carbs
  • 20–35% of their calories from fats
  • 10–35% of their calories from proteins

In any case, choose the diet that best fits your lifestyle and preferences. This may take some trial and error.


Diets commonly fail because people can’t stick with them for long periods. Therefore, it’s important to follow a reduced-calorie diet that fits your preferences, lifestyle and goals.

Macronutrients refer to carbs, fats and protein — the three basic components of every diet.

Your macronutrient ratio doesn’t directly influence weight loss.

The acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) are 45–65% of your daily calories from carbs, 20–35% from fats and 10–35% from protein.

What Macros Are Right for Weight Loss?

If you’ve moved beyond counting calories to counting macros for weight loss, use this guide to find the right numbers and percentages for your goals.

What Are Macros or Macronutrients?

“Macronutrients are the compounds that provide us with energy, and they are split into three categories: proteins, fats and carbohydrates,” says Carolyn Brown, M.S., R.D., a nutritionist at Foodtrainers, a private nutrition practice in New York City.

However, you can’t survive on a single macronutrient alone. That is a good thing, because most foods have a combination of the three.

“Each one provides your body with different functions,” Brown says. “For example, carbohydrates are our primary, immediate energy source. Protein repairs and regenerates tissues and cells, and fats are essential for healthy brain function.”

Understanding the functions of macronutrients helps to better explain why eating a variety of foods is important for optimal health. However, it doesn’t answer the question of how much of each macronutrient is needed per day and how much is needed if you want to lose weight. Those answers aren’t as straightforward as many would like them to be.

Consider the rise of the low-fat craze in the ’90s. Many people started restricting the macronutrient thought to contribute to weight gain, fat.

Fast forward to today, and fat has made a comeback to the point that many are following the exact opposite diet and severely limiting a different macronutrient, carbohydrates.

This swing back and forth has spurred a legitimate question: for weight loss, which is better, low-fat or low-carb? The debate continues, and recommendations differ among health and wellness professionals.


Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram and are found in starchy foods and grains like bread and rice, fruits, dairy and sugar. They are an important source of energy and fuel in the body.


Proteins deliver 4 calories per gram and are found in dietary sources like meat, fish, dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes. Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks for protein and help make muscle and tissue in the body.


Fat contains 9 calories per gram and is important to help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. While fat has a bad reputation and is higher in calories, it is important to include healthy fat in your diet, and fat is a very satisfying macronutrient.

Which Macro Is Most Important for Weight Loss?

Many who use macronutrients as a means for losing weight will wonder if it’s better to follow a low-carbohydrate or low-fat plan for weight loss. Recent research shows that it may not matter which plan you follow. Instead, it comes back to the basics of calorie restriction.

“Total daily calorie deficit takes precedent over macronutrient distribution in the hierarchy of needs when it comes to weight loss,” explains Tony Stephan, R.D., a personal trainer and owner of Tony Stephan Fitness & Nutrition.

However, that doesn’t mean that macronutrients, especially in the context of diet quality, don’t play some role in the goal to lose weight.

“Having a dialed-in macronutrient ratio will yield better performance outcomes. If you eat in a calorie deficit, but only eat Twinkies all day, you may lose weight, but I doubt you will feel your best,” Stephan says.

In other words, it isn’t just about calories. The macronutrient distribution does matter for both weight loss and total health, and the types of each food you eat matter too. After all, carbohydrates include everything from candy to whole grains, and those foods provide vastly different nutrients.

The same goes for the type of fat. Research has shown that it isn’t the total fat lumped together that needs to be limited, but, instead, it is certain types of fat. Considering this, choosing low-fat versus low-carb comes down to choosing a pattern of eating that you can sustain-and that will provide adequate nutrients while helping you meet your goals.

Can Counting Macros Help with Weight Loss?

It could, but many dietitians and health professionals take a different approach to helping individuals lose weight. The National Institutes of Health recommends 45-65 percent of calories come from carbohydrates, 20-35 percent of calories come from fat and 10-35 percent of calories come from protein.

Stephan recommends starting by tracking intake for a minimum of seven days to determine your energy needs. “If you have been eating the same way for the last month or so, and you are not losing weight, it’s safe to say that your current daily calorie total is your maintenance calories,” Stephan explains.

From there, Stephan adjusts macronutrients based on preference and activity level. First, he sets the protein amount and then fills in the carbohydrate and fat amounts according to personal preference. “If I have an active individual, I tend to give more of an abundance from carbs. I believe personal preference should dictate [fat and carb amounts] with my clients,” he says.

But this type of approach may not be sustainable for some and could even trigger unhealthy eating behaviors. “When a client comes in attempting to lose weight, as most do, I never point them to a specific number of macros or an app direction,” Brown says. “Fixating on strict numbers, weighing food, logging calories-it all tends to lead to obsessive eating and ‘falling off the wagon’ or breaking their diet, and a cycle of this over and over,” she says.

What to do instead? “I suggest focusing on nutrient density. Eat real, unprocessed foods that mostly do not have labels at all, and you do not have to drive yourself crazy over numbers,” Brown explains.

A Word on “If It Fits Your Macros” (IIFYM)

It you’ve spent any time following the conversation around macronutrients, you’ve likely come across the acronym IIFYM. IIFYM stands for “If It Fits Your Macros” and originated in body-building circles, according to Stephan. “It was the acronym that answered the universal question of ‘Can I eat X, Y or Z food and still see results?'” he says. Stephan explains that IIFYM, at its core, means no foods are off-limits as long as total daily calories are controlled and macronutrients are distributed properly for the end user’s goal.

However, he cautions that this doesn’t mean that the types of foods that fit into the macronutrient count and their quality should be ignored. “There should not be a dichotomy when it comes to food quantity and food quality. I am never going to tell my client that they can’t have their favorite foods, but I do set protein goals, fiber goals and water goals daily for them to achieve,” he says.

Brown agrees, saying that IIFYM is reminiscent of other point-based systems. She finds it worrisome because counting macronutrients has the potential to take the focus off food quality. “Someone could eat all their points in, say, a brownie, or another food with zero nutrient density, and miss out completely on all the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and energy. That’s not to mention volume and satiation, which is provided from [for example] a whole meal with vegetables, fish, olive oil and quinoa,” Brown says.

As with any diet that focuses on nutrients in isolation and views foods as simply numbers and not for their quality, there is a risk of building a diet around foods that may fit the macro count but not provide health benefits.

“Quality is the No. 1 essential for long-term weight loss,” Brown stress.

Stephan agrees, “How can you achieve 35 grams of fiber per day eating ice cream all day? You can’t. No foods should be off-limits but, like anything else, it’s about balance.”

To lose weight, find a ratio you can stick with, focus on healthy foods and eat fewer calories than you burn.

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