List Of Protein Foods For Weight Gain

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

There are plenty of foods you can add to your diet, or meals you can order at a restaurant to consume more protein, but some may be a challenge because others have food allergies or preferences.

Protein is one the three macronutrients (the other 2 are carbohydrates and fat). Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body, because it serves as an important building block of our organism. Proteins function as structural materials (e.g. muscles, skin, nails, hair) and has a great importance in the production of hormones and enzymes important for your body’s proper functioning. Protein also serves as a fuel to maintain energy, build new tissues and preserve existing tissues through metabolism. The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of protein for men is 50 grams per day and for women – 30 grams per day. If you want to know more about List Of Protein Foods For Weight Gain, make sure you read this article.

List Of Protein Foods For Weight Gain

Although being overweight is a better known culprit of health issues, being underweight can also result in health problems. Eating five to six times a day, eating more protein and fat, adding high-calorie snacks and extra toppings are among the ways to gain weight.

Who might need to gain weight?

Your registered dietitian (RD) or healthcare provider may have recommended a high-calorie and high-protein diet because your body is currently burning more calories than you are taking in. This can cause you to lose weight. Medical conditions and other causes that make it hard to gain weight include:

  • Cancers.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Type 1 diabetes.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Stress, depression or anxiety.
  • Infections including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, parasites and others.
  • Celiac disease.
  • Genetics (you were born with a high metabolism rate).
  • Medicines that cause nausea and vomiting, including chemotherapy.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Active calorie burner (you burn a lot of calories at your job, are very physically active, frequently workout).

Other circumstances in which weight gain is recommended include:

  • You’ve had a long stay in the hospital and have lost weight.
  • You’re an athlete and want to gain muscle weight and strength.

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How is underweight defined?

You are considered to be underweight if your body mass index (BMI) is below 18.5. (See the reference section for link to easy-to-use BMI calculator.) About 2% of the population is underweight. Women are four times more likely to be underweight than men. Age groups most affected are young people ages 18 to 24 and those over the age of 65.

What are the health risks of being underweight?

While obesity is more frequently in the news as a major health problem, being underweight can also result in health problems. Health risks can include:

  • Fertility problems (there may be difficulties in a woman’s ability to conceive if she is underweight).
  • Osteoporosis from not getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet.
  • Anemia from not getting enough iron in your diet.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • Thinning hair/hair loss, teeth and gum problems, dry skin.
  • General tiredness from lack of energy.
  • Delayed growth and development in children.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Heart rhythm problems.
  • Poor sleep.

What are some general concepts about how to gain weight?

The main concept to gaining weight is that you have to eat more calories than the amount your body burns. Aim to eat 300 to 500 more calories per day if you want to gain weight slowly. It’s better for your body to gain weight slowly than to put on weight quickly. Eating a surplus of 500 calories a day more than you burn results in a new pound of body mass per week. General rules include eating more often (five to six times per day), eat more fat and eat more protein.

What should I NOT do to gain weight?

Don’t eat junk food. Eating chips, sugary sodas, donuts, and candy will add pounds but not be the source of a healthy weight gain. This weight will mostly end up around your belly, which puts you at risk for diabetes and heart disease. Instead, eat healthy foods that build muscle, such as protein-rich foods.

Examples of calorie-rich foods include:

  • Proteins: Red meats, pork, chicken with skin on (roast or broil don’t deep fry for your health), salmon or other oily fish, beans, whole milk, eggs, cheese, full-fat yogurt.
  • Carbohydrates: potatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grains, whole grain breads.
  • Fats: Nuts and nut butters, olives, avocado, butter, salad dressings, mayonnaise, high-fat cheeses.

What are some helpful tips for gaining weight?

  • Eat small meals every three to five hours and snacks throughout the day to help you to consume more without feeling overly full.
  • Avoid drinking water or other fluids 30 minutes before meals to prevent you from feeling full. Also, drink a reduced amount of liquids with your meals.
  • Drink beverages that add calories, such as whole milk or cream, juice, shakes and smoothies, rather than water, tea, black coffee, and diet beverages that contain no calories.
  • Add condiments or ‘extras’ whenever you can. Top your food with dried fruit, chopped nuts or seeds, honey, bacon bits, cheeses, mayonnaise, and salad dressings. Prepare your food with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil or butter to add calories. Try adding hummus or avocado to sandwiches or crackers/veggies.
  • When eating cereal use whole milk, half and half and add powdered milk. You can also use alternative milks if you find you are sensitive to lactose (lactose intolerance). Do the same when making scrambled eggs, soups, gravies, casseroles, and desserts.
  • Choose breaded meat, chicken, and fish. Choose higher fat meats such as chicken or turkey thighs and legs, pot roast, short ribs, salami, and sausage.
  • Choose fruit canned in syrup rather than juice and tuna canned in oil rather than water.
  • If you are vegetarian, vegan, or lactose-intolerant, use soy/almond/coconut or rice milks, nut or seed butters, tofu, olives, avocado, and vegetable oil to add calories.
  • If you prefer not to cook, or want portable snacks, stock up on individual pudding, yogurt, or cottage cheese cups, string cheese, granola bars, vending packs of trail mix, beef sticks, nuts, sunflower seeds, juice boxes, and chocolate milk cartons.
  • Commercial supplements such as meal replacement bars are also options.

Snack Ideas

The following charts present snack ideas and calorie counts.

Snacks with 100 to 250 calories include:

SnackNumber of calories
Apple slices and 2 tbsp. caramel dip200
1/4 block tofu and 1 tbsp. butter or olive oil for sautéing200
Edamame (1 cup) and 1 tbsp. olive oil200
Hummus (2 oz.) and serving of crackers200
Tortilla chips and salsa and 2 tbsp. sour cream or 2 oz. silken tofu200
1/2 cup Jello® and 2 tbsp. whipped cream100-150
Roasted chickpeas (1/2 cup) and salt and pepper150
1/2 avocado on 1 slice toast250
McDonald’s 4-piece chicken nuggets150
McDonald’s small low-fat ice cream cone150
Medium Chai latte made with soy milk240
1 frozen waffle with 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. syrup250
English muffin and 1 tbsp. nut butter250
Zucchini or pumpkin bread slice and 2 oz. cream cheese or honey250
1 egg baked in 1/2 avocado250

Snack ideas with 300 to 400 calories include:

SnackNumber of
6 oz. container sweetened yogurt and 1/2 cup granola300
1/2 cup Greek yogurt with 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. chopped nuts/seeds/dried fruit/chia or flax300
1/2 cup rice/noodles with 1 tbsp. butter/olive oil and 1 tbsp. Parmesan cheese300
1 sliced apple or banana with
2 tbsp. peanut butter and chocolate chips
3 chocolate chip cookies and
1 cup chocolate milk
Plain bagel and 2 tbsp. cream cheese300-400
1 chicken drumstick and 1/2 cup mashed potato400
1 envelope instant oatmeal cooked with 1/2 cup 2% milk, topped with 1 tbsp. brown sugar, 1 tbsp. butter, and 1 tbsp. raisins350
1 one-half ounce chocolate bar (milk or dark) and 1/4 cup of almonds400

Snack ideas with 500 to 700 calories include:

SnackNumber of calories
1/2 cup tuna or egg salad sandwich and 1 cup 2% milk600-700
1/2 cup trail mix and 8 oz. juice520
2 tbsp. peanut or almond butter, 1 banana, 1 cup chocolate milk, and 1 scoop protein powder (blended shake)650
Grilled cheese sandwich or quesadilla: 2 slices bread or tortilla, 2 slices cheese, and 2 tbsp. butter650
Snack wrap: 1 flour tortilla, 2 slices ham, 2 slices cheese, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, and 1 cup chocolate milk700
Pita bread spread with 1/4 cup hummus, stuffed with sliced avocado, olives, tomatoes, and 1 cup chocolate soy milk500-600
Large bakery blueberry muffin and 1 medium vanilla latte500-700

Condiments and ‘extras’ to increase calories:

1 tbsp. jam, jelly, marmalade, apple butter, maple syrup, chocolate syrup, honey, agave nectar, sugar, cream cheese50-60
2 tbsp. hummus, guacamole50-60
1 slice of bacon50-60
8-10 olives50-60
1 tbsp. butter, margarine, vegetable oils (canola, olive, etc.) peanut butter, almond butter, tahini, mayonnaise, and sour cream100
¼ cup shredded cheese, raisins or other dried fruit, croutons100
¼ cup nuts or trail mix, pumpkin, or sunflower seeds200
1 dark or milk chocolate bar200
1/2 cup granola200

The Best Weight Gain Food List

Ashley is a ACSM Certified Personal Trainer. She has a B.S. Exercise Science and Pre Health Professions. She is currently pursing her Masters degree in dietetics.

Some of you may be wondering, what is a weight gain diet? A weight gain diet is not a new diet trend or an exact way of eating. Rather, a weight gain diet focuses on a way or strategy of eating. It focuses on eating to increase overall calories. This in turn increases weight safely, effectively, and sustainably.

Weight Gain Food List

Without further ado, here our weight gain food list. It includes tons of ideas for gaining weight. Keep in mind the serving size and how you prepare these foods will impact how many calories you are consuming.

Be sure to read the whole article to get some good ideas on how you can gain weight.

weight gain food list

Weight Gain Food List:

  • Avocados
  • Potatoes
  • Almonds
  • Salmon (fatty fish)
  • Red meat
  • Eggs
  • Dairy Products
    • Whole milk
    • Greek yogurt
    • Cheese
  • Nuts
    • Walnuts
    • Peanuts
    • Almonds
    • Pistachios
  • Nut Butters
  • Dried Fruit
  • Trail Mix
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Whole Grains
    • Bread
    • Cereal
  • Granola
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Squash
  • Other Root Vegetables
  • Oats
  • Pasta
  • Fats and Oils
  • Bananas
  • Mango
  • Coconut Milk

Why Would Someone Need to Gain Weight

In today’s culture, weight loss is a more popular topic than weight gain. It seems like so many people are looking for the next best diet or food to eat in order to lose weight. However, there are many individuals who would not benefit from weight. In fact they may need to gain weight to improve their health.

This blog will dive into who may need to focus more on weight gain versus weight loss. And how to effectively and sustainably implement weight gaining foods and strategies!

Advancing Age

As adults age, they experience “sarcopenia”. Sarcopenia is the natural, involuntary loss of muscle mass, strength, and function. The rate of muscle loss can be increased or decreased depending on many lifestyle factors such as food and exercise choices.

Sense of hunger often decreases with age. Older adults may consume less food as they reach satiety (get full) faster. Changes in eating habits as well as decreases in activity (due to disability, difficult moving, and other health conditions) has an affect on muscle loss and muscle function.

Weight loss can also occur due to chronic diseases or illnesses including anxiety, depression, kidney disease, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), and more that will be discussed later. These conditions can make it difficult to physically eat (like dysphagia and Parkinson’s disease). Or they can affect one’s appetite and what they can and cannot eat. This in turn affects how much food is consumed.

However, it is important for older adults to continue healthy dietary patterns and to maintain their body weight. Unintended weight loss can lead to muscle loss increasing the risk of falls, illness, or other health conditions.

Medical Conditions

There are many medical conditions that can cause weight loss. Below is a list of many different conditions that could cause unintentional weight loss. Individuals with these conditions may benefit from higher calorie foods to stop unintended weight loss and promote healthy weight gain, as applicable.

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Heart failure
  • Addison’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • AIDS
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as peptic ulcer or ulcerative colitis
  • Dental problems (impact ability to chew)
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Side effects of prescription medications
  • Celiac disease (allergy to gluten)
  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • A parasitic infection
  • Drug abuse
  • Undiagnosed eating disorders
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Dysphagia (swallowing problems)
  • Dementia

What Foods are Good for Weight Gain?

There are a lot of different foods that provide greater calorie content that can be mixed and matched to create delicious meals and snacks. Although the foods listed below are all good recommendations for weight gain, some medical conditions may require you to limit particular foods. Always be sure to work with your healthcare team (provider, dietitian) to make sure you are eating the best foods for you.

Overall, weight gain occurs with the more calories you consume. So a simple goal for gaining weight is effectively may be increasing either the amount of food consumed or the number of calories in each meal.

Fats for Weight Gain

Fats are very energy dense (read= high in calories) and are a great way to add more calories into a meal. They have more energy per gram than both carbohydrates and protein which makes them a great option for increasing caloric content.

Here are some examples of high fat foods that you could incorporate into meals or snacks to help increase caloric content.

  • Nuts and Nut Butters
  • Flax Seed
  • Avocado
  • Coconut
  • Cooking Oils
  • Salmon/fatty fish

Protein for Weight Gain

Protein, especially lean protein, helps to build muscle which in turn can help you gain weight. And any excess protein consumed beyond what your body needs will be stored as fat, in turn increasing weight gain. Some example of high protein foods good for weight gain are listed below.

You will notice that protein sources that also contain some fat are good for weight gain. In general, this is why dairy products can be good for weight gain. The whey protein and fat combination are good for weight gain.

  • Oily fish
  • Protein Bars
  • Whole Milk
  • Cheese

Carbohydrates for Weight Gain

When looking at the best carbohydrates for weight gain it is good to focus on whole grains and starchy vegetables. Adding fats like butter or olive oil can help increase the caloric content of these foods.

  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Breakfast Cereals
  • Potatoes

Remember to reference the weight gain food list above. Our weight gain food list includes fats, protein, and carbohydrates to help you increase your calories.

Meals for Weight Gain

Now that we have talked about different food groups that provide proper nutrients and help increase caloric intake throughout the day you may be thinking “now what”? Let’s dive in and take a look at some simple and nutritious weight gaining meals and snacks that you can make at home!

Also be sure to check out our top weight gain breakfast ideas. This article includes three delicious recipes to help you gain weight.

Protein Smoothies

**Drinking your calories can allow you to consume more calories than if you were eating them all separately. This will assist in weight gain.

Base ingredients (feel free to add more of your favorites):

  • 1-2 tbs nut butter
  • ½ banana (fresh or frozen)
  • ½ cup frozen fruit
  • 2 tbs flax seed meal
  • ¼ cup oats
  • ½ cup Greek yogurt
  • Add whole milk (regular or plant based to desired consistency)
  • Option: add protein powder

Add all ingredients into blender and blend until desired consistency and enjoy!

Be sure to check out our high calorie smoothies for weight gain article for recipes and more ideas! High calorie shakes are also a great way to add more calories to your diet.

Protein Oatmeal


  • ½ cup oats
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 tbs nut butter
  • ½ banana, sliced or dried fruit like craisins
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • Option: add cinnamon or other toppings to add more calories and nutrients

Mix together oats and milk and microwave for 2 minutes. Stir and then heat for 30 seconds more and stir. (make sure to watch it in the microwave, sometimes it has a tendency to overflow depending on the bowl) Let oatmeal stand for 1 minute.

Add 1 tbs nut butter and stir in until thoroughly mixed. Add sliced banana on top and any other fruits or granola or toppings of choice and sprinkle with chia seeds. Enjoy!

Rice, Salmon and Avocado Bowl


  • 1 cup brown, wild, or long grain rice
  • 2 cups water
  • Dash of salt
  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 1 Avocado, sliced

For the Sauce:

  • ½ cup sour cream or Greek yogurt
  • 2 tbs lime juice
  • ¼ cup packed cilantro


  • Cook Rice: Add rice, water, and salt to medium saucepan and bring water to a boil. Reduce hit and simmer for 25-20 minutes or until all water is absorbed and the rice is soft.
  • Cook Salmon: Preheat oven to 450 F. Season salmon with salt and pepper. Place salmon on baking sheet skin side down. Bake about 12-15 minutes or until salmon is cooked through and flakes easily.
  • To make sauce: in a food processor or blender combine the sour cream or yogurt, lime and cilantro until cilantro is minced.
  • Put it all together: Put about ½ cup of rice into a bowl, top with a salmon and sliced avocado and then drizzle with the cilantro sauce!

Chicken and bacon avocado bagel sandwich and sweet potato fries


  • 1 everything bagel
  • ¼ – ½ avocado, smashed or sliced
  • 2-3 slices regular or turkey bacon, cooked
  • 1 chicken breast (If very large chicken breast, only use half)
  • Italian seasoning blend (or other blend of choice)
  • Kale or spinach
  • Tomato, sliced
  • Ground brown mustard (or other sauce of choice)
  • 1 medium to large sweet potato


  • Cook bacon according to package instructions until crisp.
  • Cut sweet potato into ½ inch straws. Spread evenly on baking sheet. Sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste (or add some flavor and add garlic powder, onion powder, or paprika) and mix.
  • Preheat oven to 400 F and add sweet potatoes into oven for 15-20 minutes or until they are tender and slightly crisped.
  • While bacon and sweet potatoes are cooking, prepare the chicken. Sprinkle both sides with Italian seasoning (or other blend) and let sit for 3 minutes.
  • Spray small skillet with pam or warm a little olive oil in the pan. Heat small skillet over medium heat and then add chicken breast and lower heat to low to medium and cover. Once one side has browned, flip onto other side. Cook chicken until cooked through (165 F).
  • Once chicken is cooked remove from stove and let rest on cutting board.
  • Toast everything bagel.
  • Assemble your sandwich. Spread sliced or smashed avocado on base of bagel, add kale or spinach, top with tomato, bacon, chicken, and mustard (or other toppings) and top with other half of bagel. Add sweet potatoes to the plate and enjoy!

Snacks for Weight Gain

Here are some tasty snack ideas to help you gain weight.

Coconut Date Energy Balls

Ingredients (makes 20 balls)

  • ½ cup roasted almonds
  • 2 cups medjool dates
  • ½ cup almond butter
  • ½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • Pinch salt


  • Add dates, almonds, almond butter, ¼ cup shredded coconut, and salt to food processor and blend until a sticky dough forms. If dough is not coming together, add a little water and continue blending until it comes together
  • Scoop about 2 tbs of dough and form into ball. Roll ball in remaining ¼ cup coconut.
  • Leave the energy balls to dry at room temperature for 2 hours before serving. Store extras in airtight container.

Sliced cheese/cheese stick with turkey meat and whole wheat crackers

Mixed Nuts and cheese stick

Greek Yogurt mixed with nut butter, topped with fruit and granola

Strategies for Weight Gain

  • Eat frequently: If you find that it is hard to consume a lot of calories in one sitting because you get full too quickly or some other reason, try to instead many smaller meals throughout the day, eating about every 2-3 hours.
  • Choose energy dense foods: When choosing foods to eat, choose foods that are energy dense (high in calories). Eating smaller, more energy dense meals can make it easier to get in more calories.
  • Avoid Drinking Before/During Meals: Drinking large amounts of water or other low calorie beverages right before consuming a meal may fill you up and prevent you from eating enough during the meal.
  • Try Smoothies and Shakes: Smoothies and shakes can be a great way to get in more calories without getting as full quite so quickly. Drinking in calories can make is easier to eat more.
  • Add Extras: High calorie add-ins can make a regular meal a high calorie meal. For example, if you are making oatmeal, try to add in some nut butter to add in some extra calories.

For more tips on gaining weight, be sure to check out our e-book Weight Gaining SECRETS.

Additionally, my High Calorie Foods SERIES on RD2RD includes a high calorie food list, grocery list, and meal planner to help prevent and treat malnutrition. There is also a High Protein Foods SERIES available.

Maintaining the Weight Gain

Weight gain should be achieved slowly. Gradually increasing calories over a period of time to promote healthy weight gain. This will hopefully lead to more sustainable weight gain.

Once you find the best weight for your body to function properly and efficiently, then you can stop increasing calories. But you need to be cautious, ensuring you still consuming enough calories to prevent weight loss. Regularly checking your weight is the best way to make sure you are no longer losing.

We hope the weight gain food list and information provided in this article helps you to gain and maintain your weight. Best of luck!

weight gain food list infographic

(Feel free to use this Weight Gain Food List infographic; please link back to this post and give credit to The Geriatric Dietitian!)

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