Healthy fruits for pregnant

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

Fruits to avoid in pregnancy:

Avoid fruit juices, which contain too much sugar, and sweet fruits like bananas, mangoes and papaya. These fruits are high in sugars that may increase your chances of gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia.

Vegetables to eat during pregnancy:

Vegetables are a great source of nutrients, fibre and vitamins. Include them in your daily diet to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy. Some of the best vegetables for pregnancy are:

Carrots: Rich in beta carotene (a type of vitamin A) that helps you produce healthy antibodies in your body.

Cucumber: This vegetable is full of Vitamin C and antioxidants that help boost immunity and prevent diseases like cancer. It also contains folic acid that prevents neural tube defects in the baby’s brain development while it is still in the womb.

Salad greens: These include spinach, lettuce, cabbage and broccoli which are rich in folate (vitamin B9), iron and calcium that help keep you healthy throughout your pregnancy.

Spinach: Full of iron which helps prevent anaemia during pregnancy by increasing haemoglobin levels in the blood as well as Vitamin A & C which helps protect against infections such as flu

During pregnancy, it’s important to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. But there are some fruits that you should avoid during pregnancy.

Fruits to Avoid in Pregnancy

Avoid these fruits if you’re pregnant:

Pineapples, which may cause a miscarriage or premature labor. Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that can affect the way your body breaks down proteins. It may also stimulate contractions and lead to miscarriage or premature labor.

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits and tangerines. Citrus fruits contain citric acid that may interfere with normal blood clotting and cause excessive bleeding after an injury or surgery during delivery.

Mango is also not recommended for pregnant women due to high levels of potassium content which might result in low blood pressure level which may be harmful for both mother and child.

Grapes and raisins which can lead to kidney failure in babies whose mothers ate them during pregnancy. The reason behind this is that grapes and raisins contain cyanogenic glycosides which are toxic compounds that can cause cyanide poisoning when eaten too much (in large quantities). If a woman eats enough grapes or raisins during pregnancy then their babies

Best fruits for pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when you need to take care of yourself more than ever. The body goes through many changes and it requires extra nutrients and vitamins. Fruits are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide you with important nutrients like vitamin A, C and E, folic acid and iron. Here are some of the best fruits for pregnant women:

Avocado- Avocados are loaded with healthy fats that are good for brain development in the growing baby. They also contain fiber which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels in the mother’s body. Avoid eating unripe avocados as they can cause food poisoning if not handled properly.

Banana- Bananas are rich in potassium and help maintain normal blood pressure levels during pregnancy. They also provide instant energy so it is recommended to eat them before going out for work or exercise sessions. However, avoid eating too many bananas as they may cause constipation and bloating during pregnancy due to the high level of fiber content in them.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help to improve your health during pregnancy. But you need to be careful about the types of fruits you eat and even more so what you avoid.

Here are some of the best fruits for pregnant women:

Blueberries: They contain antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals that can damage cells. Blueberries are also packed with fiber which is good for digestion, keeping your blood sugar levels stable and preventing constipation.

Raspberries: Raspberries are another great source of fiber, as well as vitamin C, manganese and potassium. They also contain antioxidants that can help prevent heart disease and cancer.

Strawberries: Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, manganese and potassium, which helps boost immunity and reduces muscle cramps during pregnancy. They are also high in folic acid which helps prevent neural tube defects in newborns who are born prematurely or at a low birth weight.

Avocados: Avocados contain folate which helps prevent neural tube defects in newborns who are born prematurely or at a low birth weight. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help lower blood pressure during pregnancy as well as improve brain function in babies after birth.

There are several fruits that you should avoid during pregnancy. These include:






Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit

Pineapples, Mangoes, Papayas and Mango juice

The reason for avoiding these fruits is because they contain a high level of acid and can cause the stomach to become upset. The same applies to vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. You should also avoid spicy foods and those that have a high salt content. Fruit juices should be diluted with water in order to reduce the acid content in your system.

Fruits to avoid in pregnancy

Avoid the following fruits during pregnancy:

Raw or undercooked fish like tuna, swordfish and salmon. They may contain harmful bacteria that could lead to food poisoning. While it’s fine to eat cooked fish, avoid it if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy because of the risk of mercury contamination.

Unpasteurized milk and dairy products. These could contain Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, which can cause listeriosis — an infection that can be very serious for pregnant women and their babies. Fruits to eat during abortion may also cause other infections such as E coli infection.

Raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, such as homemade Caesar dressing or homemade mayonnaise (use pasteurized egg products instead). Raw eggs might contain salmonella bacteria that can affect your health and your baby’s health if you eat them during pregnancy. Avoid soft-boiled eggs during pregnancy as well because they may also harbor salmonella bacteria.

Fruits to avoid in pregnancy

Avoid these fruits during pregnancy:

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are great sources of vitamin C; however, they can cause heartburn. Avoid eating citrus fruits if you have morning sickness, as they may exacerbate nausea and vomiting.


Bananas are high in potassium and low in sodium, but they are also known to be one of the most allergenic foods. If your body is not used to bananas before you get pregnant, then it might create problems for you during pregnancy. In addition, bananas contain a lot of sugar which can cause high blood sugar levels in women with gestational diabetes.


Pineapples contain bromelain which is an enzyme that breaks down proteins in your body and may cause miscarriage or preterm labor if consumed during early pregnancy (less than 13 weeks). It’s best to avoid pineapple at this stage of pregnancy; however, it can be eaten after 13 weeks of gestation without any issues.

Pregnancy is a time when most women try to eat healthy foods. The baby you are carrying is the most important thing in your life, so it makes sense to give him or her only the best. But there are certain fruits that you should avoid during pregnancy.

Here are some fruits that you should avoid during pregnancy:

  1. Banana-Bananas are rich in potassium and should be avoided by pregnant women as they can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of preterm birth.
  2. Citrus fruits-They contain high levels of vitamin C which is good for your health but too much citrus fruit will cause diarrhea and heartburn in pregnant women.
  3. Strawberries-Strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C which could lead to diarrhea in pregnant women and also increase their risk of miscarriage due to its low glycemic index (GI).
  4. Watermelon-Watermelons contain lycopene which can cause uterine contractions, hence should be avoided by pregnant women during the first trimester of their pregnancy as it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth if consumed excessively before 20 weeks of gestation period

Pregnancy is a very exciting time for most women. However, it is also a time when you need to be extra careful with what you eat and drink. There are certain foods that are best avoided during pregnancy and other foods that should be included in your diet.

Some fruits may be good for you when you are pregnant, but there are others that might cause harm to your baby. In this article we will look at some of the best fruits for pregnancy as well as some which should be avoided.

Fruits to avoid during pregnancy

There are many fruits that are not safe to eat while pregnant as they contain chemicals which can cause birth defects in babies. One such example is the banana. Bananas contain high levels of potassium which could potentially damage your baby’s developing heart muscle if consumed in large amounts during pregnancy.

Other foods which should not be consumed during pregnancy include:

Raw egg white: Raw egg white contains an enzyme called avidin which binds biotin (vitamin B7) preventing its absorption by the body. This can lead to symptoms such as tingling fingers and toes, hair loss and brittle nails in adults and visual problems in children who consume large amounts of raw eggs on a daily basis

The right foods in the right amounts can help you feel your best during pregnancy. While it may seem like your cravings are out of control, they’re actually a sign that your body needs certain nutrients.

Here are some fruits and vegetables to eat during pregnancy:

Fruits: Apples, apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, dates, figs, grapefruit, honeydew melon, kiwi fruit, nectarines, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears (not green), pineapple and watermelon

Vegetables: Asparagus and broccoli.

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