Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

Fruits with pits name.
Fruits with seeds on the outside.
Fruits without seeds.
Fruits with one seeds.
Fruits with many seeds.
Apple: The apple is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. Apples can be used for making juice, cider, pies, and other desserts including jam and marmalade. Apples are also used as snacks or eaten raw as table fruits because they are crisp, juicy and digestible. They are also used in some products like applesauce, apple butter, apple jelly and apple pie filling.
Apricot: An apricot is a tree native to western Asia from the Early Bronze Age onwards., with its origin in China., where it was cultivated from Neolithic times until the 10th century BC., before spreading westwards to Central Asia.. In the early 21st century it was cultivated from Pakistan eastward to India.. In 2001 there were about 1 million hectares of apricots grown in northern China alone.. The fruit is a drupe that grows in clusters on an apricot tree.. Apricots are usually yellow-orange color but can be
Fruits with Seeds on the Outside
Mandarin orange
Mango, ripe*
Orange, navel or Valencia**
Fruits with pits name
kiwi fruit
orange, mandarin and tangerine
peach and nectarine (satsuma)
pear and quince (cydonia)
Fruits with pits name
Black sapote – Seeds
Calamondin – Seeds
Honeyberry – Seeds
Jackfruit – Seeds
Kiwano melon – Seeds
Persimmon – Seeds
Pineapple – Seeds
- Avocados
Avocados are the fruit of a tree that grows in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The tree has large leaves and greenish-yellow flowers. Avocados are native to Central America, but they’re now grown in many parts of the world, including South Florida.
- Grapefruit
The grapefruit is a subtropical citrus tree with small white flowers that produce grape-sized fruits. The most common variety is white, but there are also pink, red, yellow and green varieties. Sweetness varies depending on variety and maturity; some are very sweet while others have a bitter taste due to high concentrations of tannins. Grapefruits have been known to have antioxidant properties as well as anti-inflammatory effects when consumed regularly according to research studies done at Yale University’s School of Medicine.
- Mangoes
Mangoes belong to the genus Mangifera and are native to India and Southeast Asia (specifically Thailand). They’re best known for their sweet flavor but can be eaten raw or cooked in various dishes such as chutney or salsa. The fruit is also used medicinally for various ailments including diarrhea and dysentery according to
Fruits with seeds on the outside:
Avocados, bananas, mangos, coconuts and pineapples all have seeds on the outside of their flesh.
Fruits without seeds:
All fruits with no seeds include berries, citrus fruits (like kumquats), grapes, olives and pomegranates.
Fruits with one seed:
Nuts are great sources of healthy fats and protein. They also contain many vitamins and minerals. Some nuts, like pistachios and almonds, have just one seed. But walnuts and hazelnuts have two or more seeds. These nuts are among the most nutritious foods on earth!
Fruits with many seeds:
Apples and pears both have multiple seeds inside each fruit cell. Other fruits that fall into this category include apricots, cherries, peaches and plums.
- Fruits with seeds on the outside, such as olives, peaches and plums, can be eaten as is.
- Fruits without seeds, such as avocados, bananas and lemons, are easy to peel and cut into pieces for eating.
- Fruits with one seed, such as cherries and grapes, can be eaten whole or cut in half for easier eating.
- Fruits with many seeds, such as apples and pears, should be cut up before consumption in order to avoid choking hazards.
- Fruits with pits inside them must either be removed manually or consumed after they have been cooked thoroughly so they cannot cause harm if swallowed whole by accident (for example by children).
Fruits with pits name
Fruits with Seeds on the Outside
Pears, Peaches and Nectarines
Apricots, Persimmons and Pomegranates (with a stone or pit)
Fruits without Seeds
Berries, such as strawberries and raspberries (with seeds on the inside) – these are commonly called drupes.
Cucumbers, melons and watermelons (with a large fleshy fruit surrounding the seeds) – these are commonly called pepos.**ENDWRITE
Fruits with seeds on the outside:
Cactus Pear (Cactus fruit)
Carambola (Star Fruit)
Chili Pepper (Pepper)
Cherimoya (Soursop)
Cherry, Sour (Morello cherry, Sweet cherry)
Coconut, Water or Young (Coconut palm)
The following is a list of the most common fruits with pits:
- Cherimoya (Annona cherimola)
- Custard Apple (Annona reticulata)
- Jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora)
- Kaki (Prunus persica)
- Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
- Longan/Dragon Eye Fruit (Dimocarpus longan)
- Lychee/Litchi Nut/Litchi Fruit (Litchi chinensis)
- Mamey Sapote (Pouteria sapota)