Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

A fruit that starts with AZ is an avocado.
What fruit starts with the letter A? Apple
What fruit or veg starts with Z? Zucchini
AZ is the first letter of a fruit that starts with Z.
The alphabetical fruit that start with A is an apple.
What fruits or vegetables begin with Z? There are many, including zucchini, zucchini squash and zucchini blossoms.
There are many foods that start with Y in the kitchen: yogurt, yams, yolk, yogurt and yoghurt.
Is there a fruit that starts with y?
Yes! We have found that the most common fruits that start with y are:
– Ylang-Ylang
– Yuzu
– Zucchini
There are a number of fruits that start with the letters A and Z. From apples to zucchini, here are some of our favorites:

Apple – An apple is a delicious fruit that is full of vitamins and nutrients. You can eat them raw or cooked. Apples are also great for making pie!
Avocado – Avacados are a healthy source of fat, which makes them an excellent addition to your diet. They’re also really tasty when sliced and eaten on toast or in salads!
Zucchini – Zucchinis are green vegetables that look like mini cucumbers. They’re really versatile: you can use them in soups, stews, stir-fries, or even make them into chips!
Yogurt – Yogurt is made from milk that has been fermented by bacteria or yeast cultures; it’s often sweetened with sugar before serving (though this type does exist). Yogurts come in many flavors such as strawberry, blueberry, peach mango etc…
There are a few fruits that start with the letter AZ, but the most common one is the avocado. Other options include:
-Apricot (Aprikose in German)
-Avocado (Bitterkoek in Afrikaans)
-Banana (Banan in Swedish and Norwegian)

-Blueberry (Blaubeere in German)
-Cherry (Kirsche in German)
The fruit that starts with AZ is the avocado!
A fruit or veg that starts with Z is zucchini.
There’s more than one fruit that starts with the letter Y.
You can find a list of all the fruits that start with A, B, C, and so on here: [link]
If you’d like to see a list of some common fruits that start with Z, check out this article: [link]
As for whether or not there is a fruit that starts with the letter Y, we don’t know! It’s possible there isn’t—but we can’t say for sure because we don’t have access to all of nature’s secrets.
There are many different types of fruits that start with Z. Some examples include zucchini and zucchini squash, but if you look at the list below you will see many more options to choose from!
Fruits that start with A: apple, apricot, avocado
Fruits that start with B: banana, berry (various), blackberry
Fruits that start with C: cherry, citrus (various), coconut
Fruits that start with D: date
Fruits that start with E: eggplant
There are several fruits that start with the letter Y.
One of them is yam. You can find yams in a variety of colors, including yellow, white, and brown. Yams are starchy vegetables that are popular in African and Caribbean cuisines.
Another fruit that starts with Y is yucca. This plant produces small edible tubers that are used to make flour or starch. Yucca roots also contain saponins, which can be used to make soap. The leaves of the yucca plant are used as a vegetable in some parts of Central America and South America.
There are many fruits that start with Y, including: