Fruits that start A

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

A - Z Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits that start with A: apple, apricot, avocado

Vegetables that start with I: iceberg lettuce, jicama

Fruits that start with T: tangerine, tomato, tangelo

Fruits that start with O: orange, olive, oleander

Vegetables that start with Z: zucchini

Fruits that start with A: Apples, Apricots, Avocados

Vegetables that start with I: Iceberg lettuce, Iceberg lettuce, Iceberg lettuce, Iceberg lettuce

Fruits that start with T: Tart cherries, Tangerines, Tangerines

Fruits that start with O: Oranges and Olives

Vegetables that start with Z: Zucchini

The following fruits and vegetables start with the letters A, E, I, T and O.

A: Apples

E: Eggplants

I: Iceberg lettuce

T: Tomatoes

O: Onions

Here are some fruits that start with A:

Fruits that starts with A – They will surprise you | Food | Simple30





The following fruits start with the letter A:




Banana, Banana (fruit)

Blackberry, Blueberry, Boysenberry, Cranberry, Dewberry, Elderberry, Gooseberry (red), Loganberry, Mulberry (white), Raspberry (black), Strawberry

Vegetables that start with Z.

Zucchini: A type of summer squash, zucchini is best cooked with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Zucchini flowers: Little flower buds on a zucchini plant that are edible and tasty when sautéed in garlic and oil.

Zucchini relish: A sweet relish made from grated zucchini, sugar, vinegar and spices.


zbiki mushroom

Fruits that start with T:

List of fruit from A to Z | World Cancer Research Fund



Tangerine (different spelling)



Vegetables that start with Z:



Zucchini is a summer squash that’s typically green in color, though it can also be yellow or white. It’s low in calories and high in fiber, making it one of the best vegetables to have on your plate.

Zucchini, Zucchini Squash, Zucchini Blossom, Zucchini Flowers

Here are some vegetables that start with Z:


Zucchini is a green vegetable that is known for its light flavor. It’s great in pasta dishes and salads, and can also be fried or grilled. It pairs well with tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese.

Zucchini is also low in calories and high in vitamins A and C.

List of fruit from A to Z | World Cancer Research Fund

Zucchini (zoo-kee-nee)

Zucchini is a type of summer squash that comes in yellow, green, and even white. It’s very versatile and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes; it’s also low in calories.

Zucchini blossoms (zoo-kee-nee blahs)

These edible flowers are from zucchinis. They tend to be stuffed with cheese or meat, but they’re also great on their own dipped in batter and deep fried.

Zapallito (za-pa-heel-toe)

This is a Mexican squash that has an elongated shape similar to pattypan squash, but it’s rounder and has a higher skin density than its cousin. Zapallito has a sweet flavor when cooked properly—just be sure not to overcook it!

Zucchini is a vegetable that starts with z. It’s green and looks like a squash, but it’s more watery than other squashes. Zucchini are popular in Italian cooking, because they’re easy to cook in many different ways.

Zucchini can be served raw as part of an antipasto platter, or grilled and added to salads. You can also sauté them with garlic and olive oil for a simple side dish or add them to soups for extra flavor.

The following vegetables start with the letter “z”:


-zucchini squash

-zucchini squash blossoms

Zucchini is a summer squash that can be used in almost any dish. It pairs perfectly with pasta, and it can be grilled and made into a delicious salad that you won’t want to share.

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