Best vitamins for eyelash growth

Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by

The best vitamins for eyelash growth are those that help your body produce new and healthy hair. The most common cause of hair loss is a vitamin deficiency, so it’s important to make sure that you’re getting all the nutrients you need.

Vitamins A, B2, B3, B6 and B12 are all important for healthy hair growth. Vitamin C also plays a role in helping your body create collagen, which is essential for strong hair as well as healthy skin and nails.

The best vitamins for eyelash growth include:

Vitamin A – Helps prevent premature graying of hair. It promotes new cell growth and prevents dryness of the scalp by regulating oil production. It also helps prevent dandruff and strengthens hair roots.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – Needed by every cell in the body for energy production. Also aids in strengthening hair follicles and promoting growth of new cells.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) – Improves circulation to follicles which increases oxygen supply which improves cell reproduction rate; needed for formation of keratin protein which makes up 90% of the structure of fingernails and 70% of

The best vitamins to take for eyelash growth are Biotin and Zinc.

Biotin is a vitamin that is essential in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. It also plays an important role in energy production and the health of skin, hair, and nails.

Zinc is an essential mineral that helps your body grow and develop normally. It also helps you maintain good vision, sense of taste and smell, strong immune system, healthy skin, and wound healing.

There are a few vitamins that can help to promote eyelash growth. The most important and effective vitamins for growing eyelashes are vitamin C, biotin, vitamin E and iron. Vitamin C will help to strengthen the hair follicles in your eye lashes, biotin promotes cell regeneration which helps the eyelashes to grow longer, vitamin E helps to protect the skin from free radicals which can damage the hair follicles and iron is essential for healthy blood.

Vitamin C

The best way to get your daily dose of vitamin C is by eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables like strawberries, oranges and bell peppers. If you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables then you may want to consider taking a supplement such as Emergen-C or Emergen-Zzzz which contains 1000mg of vitamin C per packet. You should also make sure that you drink plenty of water everyday so that your body can flush out any toxins that might be contributing to poor lash growth.


Biotin is another important vitamin for healthy hair growth as it promotes cell regeneration within the body which helps keep your scalp healthy as well as promoting growth in other areas such as nails and eyebrows. Biotin can also improve the quality of your skin by promoting collagen production which makes it

Eyelashes are a great way to enhance your eyes and make you look more beautiful. If you have long and healthy eyelashes, then it will make your eyes look bigger and brighter. But if you want to get fuller and longer eyelashes, then you should take some vitamins. Here we will tell you about the best vitamins for eyelash growth.

Vitamins for Eyelash Growth

Here is a list of vitamins that help in eyelash growth:

  1. Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 also known as cobalamin is a water soluble vitamin which helps in cell division and red blood cell formation. It also works as anti-oxidant which protects your body from free radicals damage.2 This vitamin can be found in fish, meat, eggs, milk etc., but if someone has been suffering from pernicious anemia or any other type of gastrointestinal disorders then they may not get enough amount of vitamin B12 from these foods. So taking supplement form of this vitamin is highly recommended for them so that their body gets required amount of vitamin B12 for better functioning of nervous system and other parts of the body too.3


If you want longer, fuller lashes, there are vitamins that can help you achieve your goal.

Best vitamins for eyelash growth

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that helps regulate cell growth and development. It also promotes healthy skin and mucous membranes, which includes the eyes and eyelashes. The best sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and kale. You can also buy vitamin supplements containing retinyl palmitate or beta-carotene.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps your body produce collagen, which is an important building block for healthy skin and hair follicles. Collagen helps support healthy hair growth and keeps your hair strong and shiny. Vitamin C also reduces inflammation in the body, which makes it a great supplement for people who experience dry eyes or dry skin near the eye area. It’s important to note that too much vitamin C can cause indigestion or diarrhea when taken in large doses at once, so it’s best to take small amounts throughout the day instead of all at once.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps keep your skin hydrated by preventing water loss from the surface of your skin into the atmosphere around it. This helps keep your eyelids moist so they don’t get dry or irritated easily when exposed

Thank you for reading this blog post a bout the best vitamins for eyelash growth. The above article is an unbiased list of some o fthe top popular ones in the market right now, both brand new and the tried and true. You probably have heard that flaxseed oil, biotin and collagen are good supplements to aid your eyelashes with growth. They are excellent, however, that is not all you need to incorporate into your daily routine to help you get those long lashes that you desire so much. If you can’t get them from your diet due to the lack of food sources, then taking vitamins and minerals that contain these elements will help maximise their effectiveness for growth.

Before researching for the best vitamins for eyelash growth, most people were hesitant to purchase over-the-counter varieties. Many women assumed that if they weren’t getting professional treatments from dermatologists, then a range of vitamins wouldn’t help much. Thankfully, a number of interested parties proved them wrong. They discovered the following:

We hope that the information that we have provided will guide your choice of vitamins for eyelash growth. Though not all supplements are created equal, and some may perform better than others, don’t be afraid to try them out for yourself.

So before you run out and buy all the vitamin supplements in the store, consult with your doctor to make sure they’re right for you. But don’t lose heart. Your doctor might even suggest supplements that will work even better than these vitamins for eyelash growth, but to make that determination, it really helps to have more information than just this list of potential solutions.

When choosing between the many brands of eyelash growth products on the market, it is very important to consider both quality and price. I strongly suspect and believe that the market leaders Vianex, Napa, and RapidLash are the best available at this current time. However, some of us desire to save a little money while others don

Lash Boost is likely safe and may be of some benefit on a short term basis, but it is unlikely to cause any permanent or long lasting effects. However, we don’t recommend Lash Boost as a lash grower mainly because you can find much better products out there that are much easier to apply.

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