Last Updated on November 7, 2022 by
Vitamins are essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly. They help you maintain good health, build strong bones and muscles, and promote optimal brain function.
Vitamins are usually found in food or dietary supplements. Your body requires certain vitamins to perform certain functions, but it’s not always clear which specific vitamins provide the greatest benefits when it comes to anxiety and stress relief.

Here’s a look at the best vitamins for anxiety and stress relief:
Vitamin C — Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, organisms that are released during stressful situations. It also strengthens the immune system and promotes healthy skin, bone development, wound healing and iron absorption. Research has shown that vitamin C may be effective for treating anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) by reducing symptoms such as irritability and tension headaches.
Vitamin D — Vitamin D is important for maintaining bone strength and preventing osteoporosis as well as other conditions associated with aging such as diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), impaired cognition, muscle weakness or fatigue, sleep problems
Anxiety and stress affect millions of people, but there are many ways to manage these conditions naturally.
Vitamins and minerals can help support your body’s ability to cope with stress, while also regulating moods and emotions.
Here are some of the best vitamins for anxiety and stress:
Vitamin C is a key nutrient that supports immune function, cardiovascular health and normal growth and development. It also helps maintain the healthy function of nerves, bones, cartilage and skin. Vitamin C may help reduce stress-related symptoms like fatigue, irritability and sleeplessness by improving adrenal gland function.
Magnesium is a mineral that plays an essential role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium is involved with brain function, including mood regulation; sleep quality; energy production; muscle relaxation; blood sugar regulation; hormone balance; heart health; bone strength; nerve function; immune function; memory; learning ability; among other things (1). Some studies suggest that magnesium may help reduce anxiety symptoms associated with PMS or menopause (2).
Zinc is an important mineral that helps support normal protein synthesis, cell division, wound healing and growth factors (3). Zinc has also been shown to improve mood
This is one of the most common vitamins that you can take to help with anxiety and stress. It is an essential vitamin that is required by the body for a number of things, including helping with brain health and function.
Vitamin B12 helps with depression, which is often a side effect of anxiety and stress. The reason for this is that Vitamin B12 improves your mood because it helps your body make new brain cells, which are called neurons. These neurons help you to think more clearly and feel less anxious or depressed.
It may also help to take fish oil supplements if you suffer from anxiety or stress. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have been linked to helping people with mental disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.
These fatty acids are also known as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They help prevent symptoms of these conditions such as high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body and low serotonin levels in the brain.
Best vitamins for anxiety and stress
As well as taking supplements, eating more fish can also help boost your omega-3 intake. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, canned tuna and trout are all good sources of EPA and DHA
Stress and anxiety are very common in today’s society. It is estimated that nearly half of all Americans suffer from some form of anxiety. As a result, many people are trying to find natural ways to improve their mood and reduce their stress.
There are many vitamins that have been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety and stress. Some of the most effective include:
Vitamin B6 – This vitamin is known for its role in a variety of brain functions including mood regulation. Studies have found that taking this vitamin can help reduce anxiety levels by up to 50%.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C has been shown to play an important role in reducing stress levels by lowering cortisol levels, which is a hormone released when we’re under stress. In one study, participants who took 500mg of vitamin C per day reported feeling more relaxed than those who did not take the supplement (1).
Vitamin D – This vitamin has been shown to help reduce anxiety symptoms by increasing serotonin levels within the brain (2). Low levels of serotonin can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety as well as other mental health issues like insomnia and panic attacks (3).
Magnesium – Magnesium is another nutrient that has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety symptoms by improving sleep quality and reducing
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in many aspects of health. It’s especially important for your nervous system and for protein metabolism. The body uses B6 to make hormones and neurotransmitters — chemicals in the brain that send signals between nerve cells.
B6 is found in many foods, including meat, fish, poultry, legumes and fortified grains. Good sources include bananas, carrots, spinach and potatoes. Most people get enough B6 from the foods they eat or from multivitamins with 20 or 25 percent of the Daily Value (DV).
People who have too little vitamin B6 have symptoms such as:
Numbness and tingling in the hands or feet; muscle weakness; fatigue; depression; irritability; poor memory; balance problems; seizures (fits); confusion; poor coordination
A quality supplement is created using the best possible ingredients, and should be tested to ensure it’s effectiveness. The best vitamins for anxiety and stress contain either herbs or minerals that have been proven to help with stress, anxiety and sleep disorders.
If you are feeling stressed and need help with relaxation, eating the right kinds of foods can greatly assist you in achieving a relaxed state. So when choosing vitamin supplements, it’s important to be aware of the nutrients that will help achieve that goal. The best vitamins and minerals for anxiety and stress are: calcium, magnesium, melatonin and 5-HTP. You can find them in most health food stores or online at very affordable prices.
If you are looking for a way to combat anxiety and stress without the use of prescription drugs, then look no further. There are vitamins out there that can be taken daily to lessen your anxiety, boost energy, and even relieve panic attacks. Below is an in-depth review of some of the top brands on the market, as well as my personal favorite. Take a few minutes and learn more about each one and their benefits. You just might find that taking a few vitamins every day is a much healthier way to go than taking drugs or alcohol.
The right vitamins for stress and anxiety can help you get through a worrisome situation with a cool head and a clear mind. The best way to find the right ones is to identify your possible deficiencies, and then choose supplements that address them specifically. This can be especially useful if you have an underlying deficiency that triggers anxiety attacks as a side effect.
You may have to try out multiple supplements to find what works best for you. Everyone’s body is different, so it may take some experimenting on your part if you’re hoping to treat anxiety and stress. But once you find what works, it could become a lifesaver.
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the United States, affecting nearly 18% of the population. As a sufferer of OCD, I am only too keenly aware of how debilitating and difficult they can be to treat. Here, I’ve compiled five supplements that should all be safe to take along with conventional pharmaceuticals to ease your anxiety symptoms naturally and inexpensively. Note that I am not recommending these supplements as any sort of replacement for a doctor’s care; I am simply suggesting them in addition to it. For more guidance on these types of issues, consult your physician or other medical professionals. And definitely speak to them before taking anything new.